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Man Up

Page 183

"Make a fist…" She ordered as she tore opened a couple of alcohol packets and began swabbing his inner forearm sterilizing it. She then tied a rubber torque around his arm and prepared her needle. Jayden couldn't watch. Finishing up and careful to label everything she quickly dispose of the biohazard material and then put the vials of his drawn blood in a sealed envelope and pulled off a couple of labels with his identification information on it and pasted it onto the envelop.

"Answer yes or no to the following questions." She said as she picked up his chart and flipped through to a page of questions.

"Are you currently sexually active?"


"Do you have sex with men, women or both?"


"Are you currently in an intimate relationship?"


"Have you had multiple sexual partners in your lifetime?"


"Within the past year, how many partners have you had?"


"Within the past year, how many partners have you had?" She repeated the question.

"I'm thinking."



"Of… more…"


"Of…of… of…"

"More than twenty?"

"At least…" Jayden said unable to put a number on the amount of women that he had been with just this month.

"Thirty or more?"

"Probably…" He mumbled out reluctantly. He decided that if he was going to do it, he would at the very least be honest.

"Do you have vaginal sex?"


"Oral sex?"


"Do you give it, receive it, or both?"


"Do you have anal sex?"


"Do you give it, receive it, or both?"

"Give…give… give…" He asserted quickly having another flashback of his recent traumatic experience.

"Are you concerned about your partner becoming pregnant?"


"Do you use condoms or other protection when having sex?"

"Yes; always… always…" He couldn't emphasize that enough.

"Have you ever been treated for a sexually transmitted disease?"


"Has any of your partners ever been treated for a sexually transmitted disease?"

"Don't know…"

For the first time Jayden was beginning to realize how much he had been putting himself at risk. He knew nothing about the women that he had slept with. He didn't know a name, had no contact information and couldn't even remember what any of them looked like or where he had picked most of them up from.

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