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Man Up

Page 181

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"How did last night go?" Avery asked Jayden after hearing from Nita that Mia and him had gotten into it last night.

"Eh so-so…" Jayden was being vague and that was the tip that Avery needed to know something was up.

"Hmm, so you got laid but it wasn't all that huh?"

"Who are you supposed to be, the fuck-patrol?" Jayden snapped defensively while busying himself with restocking the shelves in his store. Avery smile; he was not afraid or discouraged by his friend's sudden angry outburst.

"That bad huh?" He asked following him around.

"Man do you ever work? Why are you always hanging around my shop? Where's A.J.? Go spend some quality time with your son and leave me the hell alone." Jayden all but bit his head off and Avery couldn't contain the laughter at his display of emotions.

"I dropped A.J. off at school at 9 o'clock sharp and I go in at noon today. I've got time to kill." He teased his friend.

"Wish some people would mind their own damn business." He barked.

"That must have been some argument with Mia or the worse piece of ass in your freeking history." Avery asserted as he propped himself upon the stool behind Jayden's counter while he watched Jayden working.

"Man you have no idea. Made me make an appointment to see a doctor."

"For real? Damn that must have been rotten meat. Where did you pick her up?" Avery probed.

"You know me… doesn't matter… the gas station, walking down the street, the bus stop, train station… A score is a score."

"Yea well you can't just be picking up any and everybody these days."

"Tell me about it." Avery didn't miss the slight shuddering of his body as Jayden stood motionless as if he was having a bad flashback. Something was up, because usually Jayden always wanted to share his conquest.

"Ah man…" Avery suddenly exploded as he jumped off of his perch. Jayden's heart jump too when he saw his friend jumping down. His heart began to pound as it registered that… "You picked up a 'ho last night?" Avery asked incredulous to the idea that his friend's love life had degenerated to this. "Ah man it's true… it's true…" Before Jayden could say anything, the chimes on his door began ringing alerting him that someone was entering the premise.

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