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Page 179

"Sorry to tell you, but once that door closes all trades are final. You can pay me or pay the toll to get out of that door…" She said with an easiness that stilled his heart. He wondered what she meant by 'paying the toll'. Abruptly that big burly bouncer that was welcoming him from downstairs suddenly appeared from a side door out of the wall.

"She can suck your dick or you can suck mines… The choice is yours…" That's when Jayden realized that he had been setup the moment he walked inside and that bouncer had spoken to him. He had been singled out for the scam.

* * * * * * *

Jayden felt violated. He didn't know whether or not he should report the scam or chalk it up for one of life's experiences learned. Besides, how embarrassed would he be if anyone found out that he had patronized the services of a prostitute and then been taken for three hundred dollars? Had he really become this desperate for a piece of ass; and it hadn't even been fresh. He shuddered involuntarily just remembering every time that toothless bitch would suck up his dick almost swallowing it. It was the first time that he hadn't enjoyed a good blow job.

He needed to get home and bathe; fuck showering. He needed to sit down in a tub of hot soapy water with some Epsom salt and scrub. He wanted to scrub until he saw some of his own blackness scrubbed away. That was the only way he could feel clean again. He could only dream of throwing a cup of bleach in it to sanitize himself too. His asshole was still aching from her jamming her toes and fingers up his rectum. However he had to admit that the whore had skills.

Even though he was mentally too tense to enjoy her work, she had managed to crack his toes and he was pretty sure that wasn't Kool-Aid she had his ass squirting and he was pretty sure that those weren't farts either. Yup she had his ass singing Rockin' Robin alright. Maybe the services that he had received had been worth the three hundred dollars he had reluctantly paid. All he could think was, thank God for ATM machines; otherwise tonight could have really gotten ugly.

* * * * * * * *

Jayden sat in the comfort of his warm Jacuzzi tub in his condo. The hot bubbling water felt good circling about him easing his bruised ego and relaxing his spirit.

"Has my life really digressed to this?" He asked himself leaning his head back and resting it on the edge of the tub.

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