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Man Up

Page 143

"Don't second guess yourself. You did the right thing. Jayden has some issues that needs to be dealt with; after that he'll be okay."

"Yea but still…" Mia muttered still unsure if she had made the right decision. Was she destined to die a virgin?

"Imagine what kind of life you would have with him five years down the road. Do you really want to be chasing after some manwhore who's always screwing around on you and can't commit to being in a relationship? Do you really want or need that kind of drama in your life? Are you really that desperate for a boyfriend?" Mia exhaled heavily and tears were clearly glistening in her eyes.

"So I have two alternatives… Spend eternity alone and dying a virgin or be in a relationship with a guy and ten of his closest female friends."

"Hmm, it's Jayden you better make it twenty… Besides he doesn't have any close female friends. Why do you think he called Avery?"

"What?" Mia's interest was rekindled with Nita's words.

"Jayden doesn't give or take women's phone numbers. Other than his mother you and I are probably the closest thing that Jayden has as 'female' friends."

"Really?" Mia exclaimed unable to hide her happiness at hearing that Jayden didn't have any close female friends.

"So if I had given him some pity pussy I would have been the closest thing to him as far as a girlfriend?"

"Okay it's a stretch, but whatever let's roll with it."

"Ha… Ha… but aren't you the least bit worried about Avery? I mean if he's out with Jayden picking up women."

"The night he doesn't come home, I'll start worrying. But for right now he hasn't given me any reason to worry and if it happens there's not much I can do about it. A man at some point has to figure out what he wants and decide what's important to him in life. If me and his son aren't important to him, then what can I do about it? Follow him around and beat down some ho' for coming onto my man?"

"Damn Nita you're kind of scary girl."

"No- fear is scary and you can't let it in. If you do, it'll destroy everything you cherish. Just look at Jayden."

* * * * * *

"What about her?" Avery asked as he impatiently looked at his watch again. It was almost ten thirty and he wanted to get back home by eleven.

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