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Man Up

Page 132

"Boy you've got two minutes to get your shit and follow me!" She ordered while glaring at him. "I know I told you good-dog-gone well that you couldn't come down here tonight in the middle of a school week let along past your curfew. Yo' ass is grass when we get back home." She announced as she turned around and began marching towards the exit.

That was it- the entire room seemed to breakout in pandemonium with laughter at the antics of the Marla Townsend Show. Jayden wanted to crawl under a rock and hide and when he looked around Avery had disappeared into dimly lit club among the faceless crowd.

"Look I'm grown now, I don't need your permission." He said before he knew the words had left his mouth. A strange hush came over the nightclub and even the playing music abruptly faded out as the lights faded up. They had the attention of the entire teen club and Jayden felt the heat rising up to the hairs on his neck. Suddenly a new rush of sweat burst out onto his forehead. Marla stopped cold in her tracks and then as if this was the Matrix movie, Jayden saw her whirling around in slow-motion frame-by-scary-frame. His heart leapt into his throat as he felt a trickle of pee leaving his former hard dick. Time momentarily freeze-framed her face contorting it into some kind of weird-twisted anger-rage-shock- look of disbelief. Jayden's short life flashed before his eyes as he began counting how many seconds he had left before death. He had never seen his mom so pissed off and after this he hoped never to see it again.

It looked as if she had grown three inches taller and had suddenly buffed up. She looked menacing as she coolly strode back in his direction. It was a frame-by-frame shot from his perspective as she inched closer and closer to him. With each step she took his heart pounded away. The air in his lungs slowed down to an eventual pause. His body trembled as he took a nervous swallows attempting to maintain a cool and level-headed image. He wanted not to blink but his eyes defied him so instead he broke eye contact looking away as he braced himself.

"Ahem…" He said clearing his throat attempting to look his mom square in the eyes. He notice that it seemed like all of the people that had been surrounding him before suddenly vanished at least three feet behind him allowing a wide breath of space for whatever was about to happen. They were having this conversation again. It was 3:27 a.m. in the morning and she couldn't believe that he would defy her and go to the House of Kics after she had definitely said no.

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