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Magic Study

Page 99

Picking up Perl’s device, I sprinted down the hall, searching for Gelsi. Only the last door on the left had been closed. Locked. I yanked my picks out and unlocked the door. My fastest time yet. Janco would be proud.

The door swung inward and I stumbled into the room. Ferde had his hands around Gelsi’s throat. I watched in horror as all animation left her face. Her eyes turned sightless and flat.

Ferde shouted and thrust his fists toward the ceiling in celebration.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Too late. With my heart sinking, I watched Ferde rejoice. But then I saw a strange shadow rise from Gelsi’s body. Before logic could overrule, I dove. Knocking Ferde aside, I inhaled this shadow, gathering Gelsi’s soul inside me. It felt as if the world paused for a moment so I could tuck her into a safe corner of my mind. Then, snap. Movement resumed and I fell on top of Ferde. Perl’s device flew from my hand. It landed next to the wall.

After a brief struggle, Ferde pinned me to the floor, sitting on my stomach. “That’s my soul,” he said. “Give it back.”

“It doesn’t belong to you.”

Yelena? I felt Gelsi’s confusion in my mind.

Hold on, I told her.

Ferde reached toward my neck. I grabbed his hands, and using his forward momentum I pushed him further off balance with my left knee. I planted my left foot on the floor and twisted my hips, rolling him off me. I jumped up and assumed a fighting stance.

Ferde smiled and regained his feet with a panther-quick grace. “We are well matched. But I think I have the advantage.”

I braced for an attack, but he didn’t move. His red tattoos began to glow until they burned my eyes. He caught my gaze with his own, staring at me with his dark brown eyes.

Ferde’s face transformed into Reyad’s. My world spun and I found myself back in Reyad’s bedroom in Ixia, tied to the bed and watching Reyad dig through his chest of torture devices. After an initial moment of panic and fear that I would be forced to relive Reyad’s torture, the scene jumped ahead to Reyad’s stunned expression as hot blood gushed from his throat, soaking me.

You are a killer, too, Ferde said in my mind. Images of the other men I had killed flashed by. You havethe power to collect souls without the need for symbols and blood. Why do you think Reyad still haunts you? You have taken his soul, your first of many more. I see the future and yours doesn’t improve.

The images spun dizzyingly and Irys’s cold eyes stared at me as I watched Valek swing from a noose. Leif’s hatred pounded in my mind along with Cahil’s desire to have me executed. The Commander smiling in satisfaction at my trial for committing espionage, because he had gotten what he wanted from me and now I would no longer be a problem for Ixia.

Look at what the Master Magicians did to that Soulfinder long ago, Ferde said.

A man who had been chained to a post was set on fire. His screams of pain vibrated in my mind. Ferde held that image until the man’s skin had burned away. I struggled to regain control over my mind, but Ferde’s magic equaled a Master and I couldn’t push him away.

The Soulfinder only wanted to help, bringing the dead back to life for their family and friends. Itwasn’t his fault they were different when they awoke, Ferde said in my mind. Panic and fear of theunknown condemned him just like the Council will condemn you, too. All that I have shown you will be your fate. I see it in your story threads. Moon Man isn’t your true Story Weaver, I am .

His logic was persuasive. He understood my desire to find my place. It was next to him. Soulfinder and Soulstealer.

Yes. I’ll change your story and the Council won’t burn you alive. Just give me Gelsi’s soul.

A small corner of my mind resisted, yelling for action. Stealing souls is wrong, I said. I shouldn’t.

Then why have you been gifted with the ability if you’re not supposed to use it? Ferde asked.

I should use it to help people.

That’s what the other Soulfinder wanted to do. See what happened to him.

Focusing my thoughts became difficult. Ferde’s control began to spread and soon he would take Gelsi from me.

Give me the girl. If I pull her from you, you will die. You’ll be the first victim of my newadministration. Your parents will be the next two.

Images of Perl being mutilated and Esau being hacked into pieces filled my mind. Blood splashed as I watched in helpless horror.

Save them and you can have complete freedom for the first time in your life.

His strong spell enticed me. I found myself agreeing with him. Freedom. Ferde sent a wave of pleasure through my body. I moaned as an intoxicating mix of joy and gratification flushed through me. I wanted to give Gelsi to him. But he went too far when my soul filled with contentment. Because I already owned that feeling whenever Valek held me in his arms.

I swayed on my feet and sweated with the effort to keep Ferde from taking Gelsi. He had realized his mistake and launched a mental attack to get her soul. Wrapping my arms tight around my chest, I collapsed to the ground. Fire burned inside me. Tears and sweat stung my eyes, but I spotted Perl’s device nearby before pain twisted my body. All I needed was a second.

Trouble, love? Valek asked.

I need your immunity to magic.


A resistance to magic, unlike any barrier I could form, grew in my mind, blocking Ferde’s control. I opened my eyes.

“You almost had me,” I said to Ferde. I picked up Perl’s device and stood on unsteady legs.

Ferde’s surprise didn’t last long. “No matter. The effort to repel me has weakened you.”

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