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Lover's Instinct

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From what he’d assessed, only a few of the vampires were of the vamp warrior class. He could tell because of the power they put off. Like energy pulsing through the air, it could be felt by all supernaturals. Right now he only sensed three with high levels of power. It made him feel a little better, but not much. He didn’t like Esperanze being so near all these other creatures, and he knew why.

His inner wolf wanted to protect her, keep her safe, and until they mated—hell, if they mated—the need inside him wouldn’t go away. The most primal part of him needed to mark her, to let the world know she was his. Until that happened, he knew the edginess pumping through him wouldn’t ease.

Esperanze lightly clutched his forearm as they stood. Some of her annoyance had faded during the speeches, and for that he was thankful. He knew because of the touch. She did it all the time, and he guessed she wasn’t even aware of it. But she often made skin-to-skin contact with him, and it soothed his wolf more than he’d ever imagined possible. While it might calm him, just the feel of her long, elegant fingers resting on his arm made him think about what it would be like to have those fingers curled around another part of his body.

“There are a few people I want to talk to before we leave. Do you want to wait for me or would you mind meeting them?” Her question was so damn polite, it rankled him. What did she think, that he’d actually leave her?

He placed his hand over hers. “I’m not leaving your side.”

Her cheeks flushed that delicate shade of pink that made him want to groan. Unable to stop himself he reached out and tucked a dark strand of hair behind her ear. When his knuckles grazed her cheekbone, she sucked in a breath. That exotic, coconut scent of hers intensified, and he almost jerked back.

Was she turned on?

Before he could contemplate what the scent meant, it registered that a vaguely familiar female voice had said his name.


He turned at the sound, surprised to see Maya Morgan striding toward him. Tall, blond, built like an athlete, she practically launched herself at him, pulling him into a tight embrace. He hadn’t seen her in almost forty years. After hugging her, he stepped back and tried to put a little distance between them but she splayed her fingers across his chest. “What are you doing here?”

He nodded at Esperanze, who was giving him the oddest look. “This is my packmate, Esperanze. She was invited to this conference. I’m her guard for the weekend.”

Esperanze’s eyes narrowed at him with pure anger for a fraction of a second. It was gone so quick he could almost pretend he’d imagined it, but he knew what he’d seen. Just as quickly she smiled politely at the other lupine shifter. “Nice to meet you.”

Maya nodded once then slightly sniffed the air as she looked between them. The action was slight but he knew what she was trying to ascertain. Her question solidified it. “Are you two mated?”

Before he could answer, Esperanze shook her head. “No. If you two will excuse me, I see someone I’d like to speak to.”

Nikan wanted to go after her, but Maya grabbed onto his arm and jumped into a diatribe of questions. She wanted to know what he’d been doing the last forty years, how long he’d been part of Connor Armstrong’s pack and why he wasn’t mated yet. The pretty shifter made it clear she’d be interested in some fun while he was in town, but all his focus was on one woman.

At the moment, that woman was hugging another male. A shifter this time. From deep inside a growl started, but he shoved it back. The mere sight was making Nikan’s predatory nature claw at the surface. He wanted some alone time with Esperanze, and fast. His body was edgy and restless as hell. This was one of the reasons he hated cities. Nowhere to shift and run free when he needed it. Right now his beast was demanding to be unleashed, to let off steam, but he knew even that wouldn’t help his real problem.

Nothing could do that but finally marking Esperanze as his.

Chapter 3

Esperanze slid onto the barstool of one of the small side bars in the three-story place called The Blue Moon as Nikan ordered their drinks. Electric blue lights illuminated the three bars on the first floor and other bright colors splashed the dance floor from the overhead lighting.

A steady beat of music pumped through the speakers but it wasn’t too loud. Most supernatural beings had extrasensory abilities, so overamplified music would have killed their ears. Her old professor had been right. This place definitely catered to paranormal beings. If the softer music wasn’t her first clue, it would be the blood donors walking around, offering themselves up to hungry vampires. It was obvious they were there of their own free will and Esperanze had a feeling they were paid incredibly well. And some of them probably got off on it.

She glanced up at Nikan, a smile playing on her face. “This place is interesting.”

“Not my style,” he murmured, his dark gaze catching hers.

Instantly her belly tightened and she didn’t know what to do about it. She’d been trying to deny her feelings for Nikan for weeks. She’d seen the impact being married to an alpha had had on her now deceased beta mother. But her parents had never been friends, not like the way she and Nikan were. That reminder increased her guilt about what she’d said to him before the lectures. “I’m sorry I said we wouldn’t be friends anymore.”

To her surprise, an easy grin lit his face as he fully turned to face her. Tugging her stool closer, he stopped only when their knees touched. “I don’t blame you. I was kind of a jackass.”

Returning his smile, she shrugged. “I won’t argue with you there.”

“Hey, now.” He tweaked her nose and she felt herself flush.

“So were you completely bored?”

He shook his head, his face serious. “Your former professor was interesting. The other two lecturers . . .” A shrug.

She loved that he wouldn’t say anything bad about the other speakers. “You’re too nice. The other two were awful. The context was interesting, but their voices were so monotone I thought I was going to fall asleep.”

“So why aren’t you speaking?”

“Other than having a deathly fear of speaking in public, this convention is focused on the sciences. I just came because I thought it would be interesting. And, yes, I know that makes me a total geek.” She didn’t feel embarrassed though.

“I like geeks.” There was a note in his voice that made her pause.

The bartender placed their drinks in front of them. The tension in her chest loosened as she turned to take her chocolate martini. And no surprise, Nikan had settled on a beer. For the past few weeks he’d been stopping by her house almost every night that he wasn’t on patrol, and she’d quickly learned his favorite brand of beer. She hadn’t even been conscious of it at first, but she’d eventually realized she’d changed her shopping patterns to buy stuff she knew he’d like.

And to give him credit, he’d never stopped by the house she lived in with her sisters at the ranch empty-handed. Whether it was flowers, wine or other little gifts, he always brought something for her and her sisters. Never specifically for her, but for everyone.

“What are you thinking of?” Nikan nudged her with his knee, pulling her out of her thoughts.

Esperanze paused, thinking of how to phrase her question. When she’d seen that woman from the conference touching him all proprietarily it had brought out her claws. Literally. She’d escaped so Nikan wouldn’t see her physical reaction. Finally she decided to go with what was on her mind. “I appreciate how you bring gifts to our house every time you come by, but . . .” She felt herself start to stumble over her words and struggled to rephrase, “Are you . . . Do you only bring them just for us or do you stop by, uh, any of my cousins’ homes?” She meant her female alpha cousins, any of whom would be a much better fit for this giant warrior.

Nikan leaned closer, that sandalwood scent teasing her nose as he enclosed her legs with his. “Everything I bring is for you. I like your sisters, but the gifts for them are only because it makes you happy.”

His words wrapped around her like the sweetest caress. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest. When his gaze zeroed in on her lips, she instinctively moistened them, then cursed herself for the action, knowing it looked like an invitation.

Nikan growled, the sound low and throaty, and she felt it all the way to her toes. For a brief moment she wondered what it would feel like to have his lips teasing hers, to have his body pressed to hers, to wrap her legs around him and feel his erection pushing against the wet heat of her core.

Surprised by the sudden sway of her thoughts she jerked back, her gaze flying to his. Dark eyes looked at her, as if he was waiting for something. She pressed a light hand to his chest, her fingers curling slightly against the broad expanse of his muscle. The man was certainly built, something she knew, but actually feeling all that power under her fingertips made the most animalistic part of her flare to life. She squashed it back down. “Nikan, we’re friends. I don’t want to lose our friendship.” He might not have been in her life that long but she couldn’t imagine it without him now. If they did something stupid, like kiss, it would definitely lead to more and that would ruin everything. Dropping her hand, she leaned back, putting more distance between them.

“I don’t want to lose our friendship either,” he rasped out, his voice unsteady. “Why can’t we be friends and . . . more?”

“Because it wouldn’t last and then things would get awkward once it ended.” She had no doubt things would inevitably end and she didn’t want to be in an unequal relationship, not when she’d seen what could happen. Of course, Nikan had never treated her like she was inferior, but she knew how things worked.

He reached out, gently cupped her cheek and slowly rubbed his thumb over her skin. “Essie—”

“I need to use the restroom. Please excuse me.” She knew she sounded overly formal but she desperately needed to escape. Her skin was on fire where he’d stroked her and if she stayed her resolve might crumble. Sliding off the chair, she ducked underneath his arm.

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