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Losing Control

Page 65

The beeping in the room got faster, louder as he struggled to get out from under his mom’s hold...his mom who was crying. He thrashed but struggled to move.

“He’s gone, Ben!” She cried.

Gone? Ben struggled to focus.

His mom wailed as she continued, “He’s dead. Your father is dead.”

Dead. All he heard was dead.

“He’s been murdered. What are we going to do? Your dad is gone.”

More tears.

The nurses rushed in the room then.

Dead. He was dead. Ben tried to laugh. Thrashed more...but then he felt a warmth in his hand, where the IV was. It was seconds later that his world went black.


The next time Ben opened his eyes, there was someone else in the room with him. The man stood at the window, dark hair and dark skin. For just a brief second, he thought it was Dante but then the man turned around.

“You’re up,” Mateo said. He didn’t move from his spot by the window. “Jay and Tristan are gettin’ something to eat. They would’a been better to be here when you got up but looks like you’re stuck with me.”

Stuck wasn’t the way Ben felt at all, not at having Mateo here. He appreciated it. It’s not something he ever would have thought he’d feel towards the man.

“I—” Ben tried to speak but his voice was rough. His throat hurt.

Mateo walked over, poured a cup of water from a standard grade hospital pitcher and put it to Ben’s lips. He managed two drinks before closing his mouth. Mateo got the message and set the cup down.

“You were in a coma or somethin’ like that. I think the docs did it because of swelling. Tristan knows all the details. I’ll call him up.”

Mateo grabbed his cell but Ben forced out a, “No.”

The ex-gangster pushed his phone back into his pocket, and waited.

Ben’s words were slow, pained but he managed to get them out. “Thank you.”

“Don’t know what you’re thankin’ me for,” Mateo replied.

But Mateo did. Ben knew he did.

He looked different than the last time Ben had seen him. Stronger. More confident. Settled. Ben wanted that. Wanted it so fucking much.

“I’,” Ben managed to get out. And he was. The man in this room, the man who Ben knew had committed murder, deserved the man Ben used to love.

Mateo’s eyes widened slightly at that, before he gave Ben a short nod. It reminded him of how Tristan would reply.

“He loves you, ya know? He’s missed you. He cares about you... We do too, Jay and me. Not just ‘cause he cares about you but because you were there for us. I wouldn’t have them if it wasn’t for you.”

Maybe, maybe not. Not physically but, ”You...would...have...always...had...them...” Because they wouldn’t have stopped loving Mateo for anything. It was beautiful. It was the way Ben wanted to love. The way he maybe did.

“I’m gonna go get him for you.” Mateo pointed to the door. Ben got it. Having a heart to heart probably wasn’t something Mateo was real comfortable with. Ben either.

When Mateo got to the door, Ben said, “I’m sorry.” And he was. Mateo would know what he was sorry for as well. The man hadn’t wanted to kill again. Ben knew that. He wanted that past behind him, yet he’d done it for Ben.

“We’re even now,” was all Mateo said before he slipped out of the room.


It was the next day when Ben finally saw Tristan. He’d fallen asleep again before Tristan had gotten to his room.

He had no idea how much time had passed since the night he almost died. Since the night he set Bonnie free, but it felt like no time at all. As though it happened yesterday, everything fresh.

“I love you,” Ben told him. It was a little easier for him to talk now.

Tristan smiled from where he sat in the chair beside the bed. He was such a contrast to Mateo who’d worn old jeans, while he wore a tailored suit. “I know. But you’re not in love with me anymore, are you?”

“No.” Ben thought it would hurt to say. Hurt to feel, but it didn’t.

“He’s been here, you know? He was in the room a few times before you woke up but since then, he’s stayed out. He wasn’t sure you would want him here. He’s always around though. Sexy.” Tristan grinned again. It wasn’t something he’d done often before Josiah and Mateo put him together again.

“You should see him with his clothes off. He has tattoos covering his back. It’s sexy as hell.”

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