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Long Way Home

Page 59

"I just wanted to apologize for last night." She searched for the right words. "For running off like some kind of drama queen. It's so unlike me."

"No need to apologize," he said gently. "You're obviously working through some issues. I respect that."

Issues. Yes, she certainly had those. When she dared to meet his gaze, she realized that he was grinning from ear to ear.

"Why do you look so happy about my issues?"

He reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Because last night you told me you have feelings for me."

Embarrassed by her inadvertent admission, she dug the tip of her shoe into the sand. "I didn't define those feelings. Maybe I meant friendly feelings. Or nostalgic feelings."

He continued grinning at her. "Don't think it can be nostalgia considering your memory problems."

She couldn't help but smile back. "I am truly sorry I don't remember you from high school."

"Because you realize you missed out?" he asked, only half-joking.

"Maybe I missed out on a lot of things," she said truthfully. She didn't know whether it was Tyler's influence, the years away, or maybe a bit of both, but the island was starting to seem more appealing than it had to her younger self.

"Do you kayak or have you missed out on that, too?" he asked.

She shook her head. "Not really my thing."

"Would you like to try?"

She glanced at the kayak. "But it's only for one person, isn't it?"

His eyes narrowed seductively. "You can sit on my lap. Then you can feel all my moves."

Alexis groaned. "If you want me to erase you from my memory again, you're doing a good job."

"Do me a favor," Tyler said, unable to stop smiling.

"Not if it involves sitting on your lap."

"Get in the kayak," he commanded.

"Excuse me?"

"Not with me. Just you. I'll tell you what to do, but I'd like you to get out there and paddle around. Just see how it feels. I love to kayak when I need a release."

"Is that why you're kayaking today?" she asked. "You needed a release?"

He eyed her with a hunger she hadn't seen before. "Definitely."

"Alright then," she agreed. "I'll give it a try."

He held the kayak steady while she eased herself down into the seat. After a quick demonstration on how to use the paddle, he pushed her out to sea. Alexis moved the paddle from left to right, using strong strokes, and quickly picked up speed. As the kayak undulated through the ripple of waves, she was amazed how free she felt. The salt water sprayed her face and she found herself smiling at the expanse of sky in front of her. In fact, the clear sky ahead was all she could see. How could she have labeled kayaking as mundane? She cursed her arrogant teen self. Kayaking in the open sea was thrilling, almost as thrilling as the thought of Tyler's lips on her bare skin. Alexis shivered and chastised herself for letting such salacious thoughts sneak into her head. She had no right to fantasize about him. She took a deep breath and focused on paddling, following Tyler's instructions on how to turn the kayak so she could change direction. It took a bit of maneuvering, especially with the breeze, but she managed.

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