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Long Way Home

Page 121

Tyler hopped on his bike and Alexis followed suit. She worried for a moment about falling over, but as soon as she began to pedal, her childhood skills kicked in. It was, indeed, like riding a bike.

Tyler kept a steady pace, allowing Alexis time to gain confidence. By the time they reached the coastal bike path, she was beside him.

Surveying the scenery as she rode, Alexis hurtled back to her youth. She had ridden this path more times than she could remember, usually alone after a fight with

Betsy or to find a quiet place on the beach to write poetry.

"I forgot how incredible this area is," Alexis breathed.

At that moment, a seagull swooped down in front of her bike and Alexis swerved to miss it, knocking into Tyler's wheel. They both managed to save themselves from falling with a solid foot on the ground.

"Your biggest threat on the island." Tyler laughed and started to pedal again.

A few minutes later they coasted into the harbor area and Alexis watched the boats bobbing up and down in the marina.

"There's my dad's boat," Tyler said, pointing to a small speedboat.

Alexis read the name painted on the side. "The Gingerbread Man?" she queried.

Tyler chuckled. "Catch him if you can."


Tyler bounced off his seat with finesse. Alexis couldn't help but admire his skills.

There didn't seem to be a clumsy bone in his body.

She hit the brakes and skidded slightly before coming to a complete stop. She carefully dismounted, avoiding Tyler's amused gaze. They crossed to the shop together.

"Mornin' Tyler," a man called from under the awning. He wore a white apron and a blue Little Tuna baseball cap.

"How's it going, Larry?" Tyler returned the greeting.

"Coming for fresh catch?" asked Larry.

"Sure am. What's new?"

Tyler leaned his bike against the wall and then did the same with Alexis's bike.

"Got some catfish," Larry said, moving behind his shop counter. "Nice trout.

Bay scallops. What'd you have in mind?"

Tyler leaned against the counter thoughtfully. "I'm trying to impress a certain lady friend," he said, pretending Alexis wasn't beside him.

"Is she fussy?" Larry asked, playing along.

"No, but she's led a sheltered culinary life."

Larry sighed deeply. "That's a damn shame." He glanced around at his offerings.

"How about a shellfish ceviche? I've got the perfect sized shrimp."

Tyler rubbed his hands together. "I can already picture it. Great idea as always,

Larry. I'll take the crab and bay scallops too."

Alexis wasn't familiar with the dish, but she sure liked the sound of it. "It doesn't have a cream sauce, does it?" she asked. Her stomach didn't respond well to cream sauce and she didn't want to embarrass herself at Tyler's house.

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