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Letting Go

Page 36

“I know. I never went to sleep last night.”

Her head jerked back and she pressed her hands flat on my chest to push me back. “What? Why?”

“I had an idea for a drawing right before I got in bed, and the next thing I knew it was after nine this morning and I was just getting in the shower.”

“Jagger, why didn’t you tell me? I’ve been saying something all morning and you’ve just been blowing it off.”

“Because you would’ve left if I’d told you.”

“Of course I would have! You need to—”

I cut off her words by pressing my mouth gently to hers, and smiled against the kiss when she tried to push me away. “I didn’t want you to leave, I wanted to spend the morning with you and force you to make lunch.”

Her anger quickly vanished and she kissed me again, this time deeper. “So that’s what I’m good for? Making you lunch?”

“Yeah,” I responded automatically, and exhaled roughly when she punched my stomach.

“You need to sleep.”

“I know.” Moving so only one of my arms was around her, I bent down and swiped her legs out from under her with my other arm at the same second as I started walking.

“Jagger!” she screamed, and quickly wrapped her arms around my neck. “Warning next time!”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

She kicked her legs in the air as I approached the staircase. “No. Put me down! You’re tired, and you are not carrying me up the stairs. And you need to go to sleep!”

“Why do you think we’re going up there?”

“Jagger,” she whined, but stopped wiggling around.

“Grey . . .” I mocked her tone, and smiled when she glared at me. “When in the last thirteen years have you ever left because I was about to take a nap, and vice versa.”

“I’m sure there was at least once. Now put me down and go to sleep.”

I stopped walking halfway up the stairs and let my arms shake. “You’re right, this looks like a good spot.” Bending down, I made my arms shake harder and let my eyes close. “ ’Night, Grey.”

Her legs kicked at the air again, and a hard laugh left her chest when I laid her down on the stairs, and lowered myself onto her so I was pinning her down. “Okay! Okay! Not here!”

“Too late.”

“This is so uncomfortable, Jag,” she complained.

I cracked one eye open and looked into her gold eyes. “You told me—”

“I take it back. Go to sleep in your bed.” She grunted as she tried to push me off. “You’re so heavy!”

“I don’t know if I should be offended by that or not.” Dropping my head to kiss her quickly, I jumped off her and left her there as I continued to climb the stairs.

“Good night,” she called after me from her spot on the stairs.

“Get your ass in the bed, Grey. You’re not leaving.”

I didn’t turn around to see if she would follow me. I already knew she would. I knew there were parts of our friendship that meant more now that things had changed between us, but I didn’t want that to change the way things had always been. I didn’t want her to feel awkward around me, and I didn’t want us to go through a phase of trying to figure out what we should or shouldn’t do now that we were together.

I had only been on the bed for a few seconds when she dropped down next to me. A smile tugged at my lips, but I didn’t say anything. This was right. This was us.

WHEN I WOKE up, Grey was in my arms with her head curled under my chin. One of her hands was pressed to my chest while her other arm was wrapped around my back, keeping us locked together. The arm underneath her was asleep, and I was afraid to stretch out since one of her knees was locked between both of mine. It had to be the most uncomfortable position I’d ever been in; but it was perfect, and I would’ve stayed like that for hours if she hadn’t woken up and started moving.

I waited to see if she would start to freak out over our position, but long seconds passed before she moved her head from under mine so she could look at me—her eyes widening when she found me awake.

“How long have you been up?”

“A couple minutes,” I mumbled, and tightened an arm around her. “When did this happen?”

Grey’s cheeks filled with heat, and I couldn’t help but smile from the sight of it. “Uh . . . well, it was cold, and you were on top of the comforter.”

She and I both knew she could’ve gotten under the covers on the side where she’d been lying when I’d fallen asleep, but if she was going to use that as an excuse to reproach me, then I’d swear that she’d had no way of getting under. Anything if it meant she ended up in my arms voluntarily.

“Are you mad?” she asked hesitantly.

“Are you kidding?” Brushing my lips against hers, I left them there when I said, “ ‘Mad’ is the complete opposite of what I am right now.”

She smiled against my mouth before kissing me again, and soon the teasing kisses changed into something more. The hand that had been resting against my back started clinging, and the hand on my chest curled against the material of my shirt like she was trying to pull me closer when there was already nothing between us. When her hands released me only to start searching along the bottom of my shirt, I rolled us over so Grey was on her back and pulled my shirt over my head before tossing it away from the bed.

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