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Lethal Rider

Page 19

“Yeah?” she murmured. “Want to wager on that, Horseman? You’ll be dying to get rid of me long before eight and a half months comes around.”

He brushed the tip of his finger along her jaw, a teasing, sensual touch that didn’t match up with what he said next. “I already am.”

There was no reason, none whatsoever, for the sting of rejection Than’s words brought. But there it was. Dropping back down on her heels, she released him.

“Then let me go. I get why I can’t leave right now, but when The Aegis has a new, secure headquarters, let me go.”

“Do you know how often I pleaded with Ares and Limos to do the same to me over these last months? Not aloud, since I couldn’t speak, but in my head.”

What did one say to that? Regan could only think of one, lame thing. “I’m sorry—”

“You’re sorry? Really?” His voice became a low, silky whisper. “Then prove it.”

His hand snapped to up to grab hers, and as her heart pounded out of control against her rib cage, he slapped her palm against his chest. Slowly, so slowly, he dragged her hand down. She tried to stop him, but she was no match for his strength. Her palm slid over hard, rolling abs and, guided by Thanatos, slipped lower, to the thick length behind the fly of his pants.

God, he was so gloriously hard, his c*ck pressing so firmly against the fabric that she could feel the curves that defined the smooth blunt head and the rigid shaft.

Clearing her throat, she managed a raspy, “You’re insane.”

“Yeah?” He stared down at her, his guttural words rumbling through her in a wave of heat. “I was a virgin before you. You woke a sleeping demon, Regan. I tried to sate it myself, but failed. Now you’re going to deal with the consequences.”

With that, he broke away from her and strode out of the room, leaving her confused, pissed off, and … really, really achy.

Things were getting hairy.

In the last nine months, the human realm had become a battleground, and Reaver had spent much of it in training, working to hone his battle and healing skills in preparation for Armageddon. But for the last month he’d immersed himself in the heavenly Hall of Records, desperate to find any scrap of knowledge that might reveal something about Harvester’s history.

He’d been gunning for her for nine months, ever since she’d taken him captive in Sheoul, cut off his wings, and tried to get him addicted to marrow wine. He couldn’t kill her, not while she was assigned as the Horsemen’s evil Watcher, but he suspected she’d been involved in the deception that had led to Regan’s pregnancy, and if so, she’d be fired—likely with actual fire—and destroyed.

Smiling at that thought, he popped into Than’s place, and instantly the smile disappeared. If the grim expressions on everyone’s faces hadn’t been a clue that something was wrong, the fact that Kynan was torn up was proof.

“What happened?”

Limos attacked him with a huge hug, as usual, and as soon as she stepped back, Kynan stood with a wince. “You don’t know?”

Reaver crossed to him and gently palmed his shoulder. Divine energy flowed through Reaver and into Kynan, and in an instant, he was partially healed. As a battle angel, Reaver’s healing abilities were limited, but his recent training had given him some small talent for repairing damage caused by fallen angels.

“If I knew what happened, I wouldn’t be asking,” Reaver said wryly.

“Where have you been?” Limos interrupted.

“In the Hall of Records.”

“For a month?”

“It was only hours for me. Time runs differently in Heaven.” He focused on Ky. “Now, what happened? And why is everyone here? Where’s Thanatos?”

“I’m right here.” Than emerged from the dark shadows of the hallway, a hot flush coloring his skin.

“The baby has been born?”

Than snorted. “Great. You were in on it, too? You knew they were planning to give my kid away?”

“Someone had better tell me what is going on,” Reaver said slowly. “Right freaking now.”

“Regan is here,” Limos said brightly. “Than kidnapped her.”

Thanatos folded his arms across his chest as if waiting for Reaver to dig into him. Reaver wasn’t going to waste the time. “And the baby?”

“Still percolating,” Than said. “They’re both safe in my bedroom. The baby seems to be offering her some protection.”

A blast of rare anger vibrated the very air around Kynan. “She wouldn’t need that protection if you’d left them at headquarters instead of kidnapping them like a caveman. Pestilence would never have found HQ if not for you.”

Reaver whipped his head around to Than. “You were at Aegis HQ?”

“Yeah,” Ky gritted out. “And now, thanks to him, Pestilence was, too.”

“The damage?”

“We’re f**ked.” Ky ran his hand through his dark hair, leaving behind spiky grooves. “Dozens dead. Prisoners loosed. Possible compromise of our regional cells.”

“Damn,” Reaver breathed.

Kynan flexed his fingers as if testing them. At least one had been broken before Reaver arrived. “Do you know why Pestilence would be looking for a dagger called Wormwood?”

“No, why?” Reaver replied.

“Pestilence had a bug up his ass about it,” Kynan said. “It’s not all bad news, though. We’ve got some new leads on a way to stop Pestilence.” Kynan filled in Reaver about the discoveries they’d made in the Torran.

“But there’s no way to know if the writings are just ramblings,” Reaver said. “Just because someone wrote it doesn’t make it true.”

Kynan scrubbed his hand over his face. “We have to proceed as if it’s true. We don’t have a choice.”

The timing of the baby’s cry had been confirmed to both Reaver and Harvester by their bosses soon after Than’s baby was conceived. Pestilence could, indeed, be stopped at that moment, but Reaver had no idea what was up with the Doom Star part of the prophecy. Not that he could discuss it with the Horsemen even if he knew.

“Do you know how to incapacitate Pestilence so you’ll have him for the birth?” he asked.

“The Aegis might be the answer to that,” Than said. “They have qeres.”

Of course. Pestilence, being half angel, might be susceptible to the substance.

“Do you know if it’ll work?” Ky asked.

Reaver shook his head. “I don’t know, but even if I did—”

“Yeah, yeah,” Limos muttered. “You couldn’t tell us. Stupid Watcher rules.”

“Speaking of rules,” Reaver said, “be careful what you say in front of Harvester.”

“Why? What’s going on with you two?” Arik asked.

“Nothing you need to worry about.” Reaver glanced over at Than. “What’s going on with the baby? You mentioned it’s protecting her?”

“Looks like,” Than said. “Demons and humans can’t seem to touch her without getting tossed, and a frost demon’s breath attack should have caused a lot more damage.”

Reaver frowned. “Did this all start recently? Within the last week or two?”

“Yeah,” Than said. “How’d you know?”

Smiling, Reaver clapped Than on the shoulder. “Because the baby is part angel. And angels, at around the eighth month in the womb, start showing signs of the powers they’ll have. Cool. Sounds like kiddo is going to have some battle angel in him.”

Thanatos beamed, and Reaver nearly choked on the good kind of surprise he never got from that Horseman. It was nice to see him glowing with such pride in his offspring.

“Is there any way around it?” Than asked. “I mean, it’s cool, like you said, but he could interfere with people trying to help Regan. Like doctors.”

Yes, there was, but neutralizing an angel infant meant using evil magic and blood sacrifice, which also carried a risk to the infant and could do massive damage to the mother. Even if Reaver could share the information, he wouldn’t.

“I can’t say, but I can tell you that you’re better off using your time to capture Pestilence.” Reaver nodded toward the hallway. “Speaking of the baby, I’m going to see Regan.”

That fast, Thanatos lost the happy-happy and moved to bar Reaver’s path.

“Don’t take her from me, Reaver.” Than’s stance was rigid, aggressive, but his voice revealed something Reaver had never heard from the Horseman: vulnerability.

“I won’t,” Reaver assured him. “I swear.” With The Aegis compromised, she was probably safest with Thanatos anyway.

But in a way, that was like saying she was safer with a python than a cobra.


Regan spent a few minutes pacing, breathing, and counting through the OCD attack that was screaming for her to take control of her immediate situation. Even if all that meant was that she rearranged the bedroom to suit her, the desire to do something was stretching her like a rubber band on the verge of snapping.

A tap at the door broke her out of her thoughts. She opened the door…and gaped.

Standing in the doorway was an angel. A perfect specimen of a male, his shimmering golden hair falling in immaculate waves around his broad shoulders, his piercing sapphire eyes sharp with intelligence. He was stunning.

She’d been hearing stories of the infamous Reaver for years, had even seen him and another angel named Gethel a couple of years ago in Egypt. Back then, he’d been a fallen angel, but he’d been redeemed before her very eyes after a near-apocalyptic battle in which another fallen angel had very nearly opened the gates of Heaven to the evil forces of Hell.

He smiled, and she swore he sort of… glowed.

“Hi, Regan.” Reaver stepped inside the room, and she wondered if Thanatos was going to have a cow about this male being in a bedroom with her. “How are you feeling?” ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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