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Leave Me Breathless

Page 22

“Do you always get this wet?” he whispered.

She shook her head. It was the truth. If anything, there’d been times her lack of arousal with someone new distressed her. With him…it was the exact opposite. Her willingness, her need, her body’s response to him, was a cause for major concern.

She didn’t like the way he made her admit it to him. She didn’t want to give him more power than he already had over her.

Suddenly, he removed his hand from between her legs and reached down to catch her knee, lifting her leg and fitting himself between her thighs. Her muscles went rock hard in anticipation.

“Seth…” She tilted her hips back to meet his broad head, so ready for him to fill her. She’d take him all even if it hurt.

Could it be as good as it was before? It couldn’t. Nothing could ever be that good again.

He rubbed the tip over her lips, down one side of the lace lining the slit in her panties, and up the other. She groaned and shifted, trying to capture him. There was no point in getting her any more wet; she was drenched. But he continued the elusive movements, teasing, making her beg. Making her open even wider in wantonness. Every time he passed it over her clit, his piercing wreaked havoc. Her body jerked, and she whimpered. He rubbed there, once, twice, harder…pressing…pushing up…

Desperate, nearly sobbing, she squirmed until he nestled into her entrance. Relief exploded through her, but then he didn’t push right away. What the hell was he waiting for? “Seth!”

The low chuckle in her ear told her exactly what he’d been waiting for. Pressure built behind his thick head, slowly parting her. She tossed her head back against his shoulder and her fingernails dug into the wood of the door. Her breath seized. Her body locked. But he was relentless, taking her in one slow but persistent thrust she was powerless to stop even if she’d wanted to.

Oh yes. It was as good as before. Better.

“Holy f**k yes,” he breathed against her neck. “Oh my God.”

She choked out his name again. She felt…everything. Every nuance. The thick ridge of his corona. The bead underneath, now in perfect position to stimulate her G-spot. He was everywhere, all through her. Her body struggled to adjust, overwhelmed tissues quivering. She turned her head so he could kiss her with those gorgeous lips, and it was…

“Perfection,” he murmured against her. “Have you thought about this as much as I have?”

As slowly as he’d entered, he began to withdraw. Sensitive flesh that had fought to accept him now fought to keep him in. Her only means of reply was a series of tiny whimpers.

“Have you?” he pressed, and she realized he wasn’t going to give it back to her until she answered.

“Yes! Please…”

“Good. That’s what I like.” He filled her hard and fast, again and again, slamming her hips into the door. “You could’ve had me anytime you wanted, Macy.”

If she made it through this alive…well, she wasn’t sure what she’d do to atone for her survival but it would need to be something pretty momentous. Especially when his free hand squeezed between her body and the door and his fingers drew tantalizing circles around her clit.

When she grew so weak her legs wouldn’t support her, he maneuvered them to her bed, laying her sideways across it. As hot as it had been having him behind her, she needed this. Face-to-face. His weight on her. So right.

She struggled to strip him of the shirt he was still wearing, but they didn’t have time to bother with the jeans clinging to his hips. She’d have him naked before the night was over. He slid into her body again and she arched off the bed, wrapping her legs around his waist.

“Finally got you in bed,” he murmured, capturing her trembling lips with his.

The kiss, deep, desperate, so heart-stoppingly real, ushered in her first orgasm without warning. He felt it, groaning into her mouth as she contracted around him. She loved how he stopped thrusting and grinded into her then, so in tune with her needs it was almost as if their minds melded as surely as their bodies.

Thoughts like that, she had to banish. But she couldn’t, not when her brain was mush and her body quickly followed suit. Seth gentled his movements as she held on to him, letting her recover.

She knew from experience he wasn’t anywhere near done. He was freaking Wonder Boy when it came to stamina. If by some miracle this became long-term, she was afraid there might be nights she just wouldn’t have the energy to match him.

He grinned down at her. “That was sweet,” he murmured, giving a twist to his hips that had her contemplating round two. “Took the edge off?”


He laced his fingers through hers and pinned her hands to the mattress, easing down to kiss and lick a path to her br**sts. As he did, his c**k slipped from her, and she gasped, her body clenching against the emptiness he left behind. Her ni**les tightened in anticipation of his mouth. As he’d promised, he didn’t tease her, this time taking one taut crest into his mouth and sucking deeply.

He released one of her hands, and a moment later, his finger slid into the lacy slit between her legs, and her thighs shuddered and closed against his sides. The sensations were just too acute, still sensitive from the ravages of her orgasm. “Mmm. Open up, babe.”

She had to do it by increments, or she would fly into pieces. He waited patiently as she slowly let her knees drop apart.

His finger worked gently, maddeningly between her lips, swirling through her wetness but avoiding her clit altogether. All at once, she couldn’t get enough of his touch. Her eyes flew wide as he slid down the length of her body, dropping kisses as he went down her tummy. His tongue flickered into her belly button, and then his lips teased the flesh at the border of her panties.

“These are so f**king sexy,” he murmured. His lips skated over the lace that covered her mound. Her body clamped so hard on to his finger as he withdrew it that he cursed again. And squeezed in another.

By now his mouth was nuzzling her just above where his fingers disappeared into her body, and it was driving her wild. She throbbed, ached, writhed. His breath bathed her, each one a cooling burst just as searing as the heat. “Please,” she whispered, not even knowing what she was asking for anymore. The slow thrust and drag of his fingers was only a miniscule reminder of what was to come.

“You want me?” he breathed. “You want my mouth on your pu**y, sucking it until you scream, or my c**k back inside it? Tell me how you need it, and I’ll give it to you.” His tongue darted once over her clit. She nearly had a seizure. Her hips wouldn’t remain still, undulating against his plunging fingers in a perfectly sensuous and torturous rhythm.

As good as it was, it wouldn’t compare to a blinding climax with him buried deep inside her, impossibly thick, impossibly hard. She needed it. “Your cock,” she whispered.


Oh no, was he really going to make her do this?

“I want you inside me,” she said. There could be no mistaking it that time. “Now.”

He didn’t seem to mind the order. Quickly, he stripped his jeans the rest of the way off. At last. When he stretched out over her again, she cradled him between her legs and wrapped her arms around his naked flesh, her breathing harsh and irregular. Her trembling had never really subsided—now it doubled. His lips sought hers. She sighed as their tongues swirled around each other, tasting the faintest hint of herself on him. When he glided back into her body, the cry that wrenched from her throat must have sounded deceptively painful.

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