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Keep Me Safe

Page 55

“He has another victim already, doesn’t he?”

Caleb secured his arm tightly around Ramie while his other hand was laced with hers as they waited for the revelation Dane would deliver. Ramie’s entire body shook and jittered. Color had fled her cheeks, leaving them pale and washed out, her eyes enormous against the delicate bone structure of her face.

How the hell was he supposed to just let her leave the safety of his home and not know what the hell was waiting for her at the crime scene? If there even was a crime scene.

Dane was speaking in a low voice, his features a mask of angry concentration. He swore vividly and Caleb tightened his hold even further around Ramie. If he wasn’t careful, he’d leave bruises on her skin. He forced himself to ease up a little but as soon as he did Ramie closed the small distance he’d opened between them and molded herself against his side.

He left her there, content to have her nestled in the crook of his arm.

Dane lowered the phone from his ear, resignation in his eyes.

“He’s getting bolder,” Dane said grimly. “He called it in again. This time he gave the police the woman’s name and address and asked them to send his regards to Ramie St. Claire and said that any time she wanted to arrange a trade he’d be willing to show mercy toward his most recent victim.”

Ramie went utterly still against Caleb. Only the soft puffs of her breathing registered any sort of life from her. Then slowly she tilted her chin up, seeking his gaze.

“We should go,” she whispered. “Now, while it’s early in the game. Before he has time to act out his plan.”

Caleb had never felt so uncertain in his life. It was evident that he was the only one who objected to Ramie trying to establish a connection between her and the killer instead of the reverse.

He swept his gaze between Dane and Eliza and directed his question to them.

“Who do you have on tap for this?”

Ramie looked confused, her brows knitting together above her shadowy eyes. Did she honestly think he’d send her into the unknown without enough firepower to invade a small country?

“I have a six-man team assembled. If you want more, I can get them. But in this case, less is more. We don’t want to draw too much attention and if we’re moving a dozen security specialists along with Eliza and me, plus you and Ramie, we’re going to get noticed,” Dane said.

Caleb remained silent a moment as he contemplated the situation they were in. He trusted Dane’s judgment and Eliza’s too for that matter. And up until now he would have said that he had absolute confidence in their abilities to protect.

But it had never been personal before. Only with Tori did he assign someone other than himself or Quinn or Beau and even then he’d only trusted Dane and Eliza. Tori didn’t go out much at all, so she was never in a position to need more than minimal protection. He frowned, realizing just how little Tori had left the house in the year since her abduction and rape.

The million-dollar question was whether he trusted his multimillion-dollar team of security experts, all versed in personal protection and services, or a bodyguard to keep Ramie safe at all costs.

He could drive himself crazy with second-guessing himself. He locked gazes with Eliza, who coolly returned his, completely unruffled by his apparent hesitation.

Fuck it. He’d made damn certain he and his brothers hired the best. Beau had overseen most of the hiring, although no decision was made until Caleb and Quinn both signed off on it.

“You’re taking lead on this, Dane and Eliza,” he said, including them both in his address. He’d never offer Eliza the disrespect of placing Dane above her. She was every bit as capable and cool under fire as Dane was. They made an excellent team and they were both natural leaders.

“I’m trusting you both to make sure nothing touches Ramie,” he said in a low voice. “Take on whatever you think you’ll need. This is why I pay my employees a salary instead of doing contract work. I don’t want guys who do a side job for extra money. I want unwavering loyalty and for them to be here whenever and however I call them out for a job.”

“She’ll be safe,” Dane said.

Though he directed his statement toward Caleb, he was looking at Ramie the entire time as if trying to offer her the same reassurance he was granting Caleb.

Ramie nodded her acknowledgment of his promise but she swallowed noticeably and she still trembled against him.

“How soon?” Caleb asked.

“Now,” Dane replied. “Detective Briggs wants us to meet him and Detective Ramirez there. It’ll buy us a little more time. Not much but it could be all we need. Nobody in the department is thrilled with having civilians on an unprocessed crime scene but at this point they’re willing to exhaust all available options.”

Left unsaid was the fact that they most likely had doubts about the validity of Ramie’s abilities even if the two detectives who’d visited Caleb’s home had witnessed Ramie’s accuracy in locating the body.

Detectives Briggs and Ramirez likely did believe Ramie’s capabilities but they were only two detectives in an entire department of skeptics. And the two detectives probably didn’t advertise the fact that they had anything to do with Ramie’s trek to an unsecured crime scene.

Caleb had to curb his mounting hope. How many times did the police ever have a completely sealed, by-the-books crime scene that hadn’t had relatives of the victim or concerned acquaintances stomping through the area before realizing what had happened and called 911?

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