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Ishmael, or In The Depths

Page 114

And here, in fact, the professor, having secured a patient hearer,

launched into an oration that, were I to report it word for word, would

take up more room than we can spare him. He brought his discourse round

in a circle, and ended where he had begun.

"And so, Miss Hannah, say no more to me 'bout de money, 'less you want

to woun' my feelin's."

"Well, I will not, Morris; but I feel so grateful to you that I would

like to repay you in something better than mere words," said Hannah.

"And so you shall, honey, so you shall, soon as eber I has de need and

you has de power! But now don't you go and fall into de pop'lar error of

misparagin' o' words. Words! why words is de most powerfullist engine of

good or evil in dis worl'! Words is to idees what bodies is to souls!

Wid words you may save a human from dispair, or you may drive him to

perdition! Wid words you may confer happiness or misery! Wid words a

great captain may rally his discomforted troops, an' lead 'em on to

wictory! wid words a great congressman may change the laws of de land!

Wid words a great lawyer may 'suade a jury to hang an innocent man, or

to let a murderer go free. It's bery fashionable to misparage words,

callin' of 'em 'mere words.' Mere words! mere fire! mere life! mere

death! mere heaben! mere hell! as soon as mere words! What are all the

grand books in de worl' filled with? words! What is the one great Book

called? What is the Bible called? De Word!" said the professor,

spreading out his arms in triumph at this peroration.

Hannah gazed in very sincere admiration upon this orator, and when he

had finished, said: "Oh, Morris, what a pity you had not been a white man, and been brought

up at a learned profession!"

"Now aint it, though, Miss Hannah?" said Morris.

"You would have made such a splendid lawyer or parson!" continued the

simple woman, in all sincerity.

"Now wouldn't I, though?" complained the professor. "Now aint it a shame

I'm nyther one nor t'other? I have so many bright idees all of my own! I

might have lighted de 'ciety an' made my fortin at de same time! Well!"

he continued, with a sigh of resignation, "if I can't make my own fortin

I can still lighten de 'ciety if only dey'd let me; an' I'm willin' to

du it for nothin'! But people won't 'sent to be lighted by me; soon as

ever I begins to preach or to lecture in season, an' out'n season, de

white folks, dey shut up my mouf, short! It's trufe I'm a-tellin' of

you, Miss Hannah! Dey aint no ways, like you. Dey can't 'preciate

ge'nus. Now I mus' say as you can, in black or white! An' when I's so

happy as to meet long of a lady like you who can 'preciate me, I'm

willin' to do anything in the wide worl' for her! I'd make coffins an'

dig graves for her an' her friends from one year's end to de t'other

free, an' glad of de chance to do it!" concluded the professor, with

enthusiastic good-will.

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