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Irresistible In Love

Page 36

“I don’t know if balance is even possible. She runs away because of all the crap my father did. Then she ends up with a sleazebag who’s pulling the same kind of stuff.” The set of his jaw said how much that pissed him off.

“People sometimes fall into a pattern. They don’t always realize it until it’s too late. But she did tell us she wanted to try.”

He set his spoon down, put his elbows on the table, and looked at her over his laced fingers. “I don’t trust her not to find another sleazebag even worse than this one. And I’m also not sure I trust her to slam the door in Greg’s face if he comes back begging for another chance.”

“I’ve seen it happen with a few of my patients.”

“So you get my point.”

“Yes.” But this was about more than just his mother. It was about Whitney too, the damage she’d done. His mother and his wife had both betrayed him, committing horrendous acts against him. So he was no longer willing to trust. Not even Paige. Maybe because he saw her as just another woman wanting something from him. Whitney wanted his money, his contacts. Theresa wanted his forgiveness.

And Paige wanted the biggest thing anyone could ask for.

His love.

Chapter Eighteen

“Thank you for dinner,” Paige said as they strolled back to her place. It was full dark now, and despite the fact that it had been a relatively warm day for January, the night had a definite chill. “It was even better than I imagined.”

“It was my pleasure.”

And it was true. Paige had asked tough questions and made him think about stuff he’d rather forget, but he liked that she wasn’t afraid to challenge him. He liked that she cared enough to take the risk of pushing him past his comfort zone. He liked how comfortable it felt to walk beside her, even when they didn’t say much at all. He liked her smile, her fragrance, the color of her eyes.

He couldn’t think of a single thing he didn’t like about her. Apart from her relation to his soon-to-be ex-wife, that was.

Noticing when she tucked her hands into the sleeves of her sweater, he asked, “Are you cold?”

“A little.”

He reached out to touch her fingertips. “You’re freezing.” Stopping, he slid both her hands between his palms and rubbed them for warmth.

Her chocolate eyes seemed to grow darker. “That feels nice.” Her voice was low and husky. “Really nice.”

Despite the danger that touching her posed to his self-control, he didn’t let go of her hand as they started walking again.

He couldn’t help but relish the feel of her so close to him, the sound of her voice as they small-talked about nothing earth-shattering or deep, the kinds of things they wouldn’t even remember the next day. But he knew he would recall the peacefulness of it, even in the midst of the sparks that kept shooting off between them.

All too soon, they were back at her condo. He wasn’t done yet. He wanted more. Being with Paige was so good. So right, despite everything.

She turned at her door and let go of his hand to take out her key and put it in the lock. She smiled at him. “Thank you again for dinner.”

He wanted to beg her to let him in. Wanted to beg her to let him love her. Tonight. Tomorrow.


Working to shake off the crazy thoughts, he said, “Good night,” then forced himself to back up.

“Good night,” she said, fluttering her fingers at him. The fingers he’d held in his. He couldn’t take his eyes off her mouth, the lips he’d kissed.

What the hell would Susan think if she knew he was lusting after his sister-in-law when he’d split from Whitney only a month ago?

He turned, thinking it would be easier to leave if he couldn’t see her anymore.

But nothing was easy about leaving her behind.


He reached for her, dragging her into his arms. Her lips opened under his, and he sank into her.

She was spicy and hot. Sexy and warm.


Their tongues met, toyed. He lost himself in her taste, her scent, the sensual feel of her in his arms. The kiss consumed him until he was completely lost in sensation. She’d been cold before, but now her hands were hot on him, sliding along the collar of his jacket, into his hair, holding his face close so that the kiss went deeper still.

There was no doubt. He wanted Paige.


Craziness didn’t matter.

Right and wrong flew off into the night.

There was just her mouth beneath his, her body pressed so tightly against him that they were almost one.

“Come inside,” she whispered when she backed off to drag in air.

There was nothing he wanted more. Go inside. Strip off her clothes. And love her until neither of them could remember why they shouldn’t be naked and tangled together.

But her question, the sudden loss of contact, brought him back to who they were. To the night. To reality.

If he went inside with her, he would have her, probably right there on the floor of her living room.

And there would be no going back for either of them.

He couldn’t do that to her. Couldn’t take her without giving her anything but his body. It would destroy them.

Because whatever she wanted from him, he simply didn’t have it in him to give. He was coming down off a bad marriage. And Whitney—her sister would punish Paige mercilessly.

Yet it still killed him to say, “I shouldn’t.” But Lord, how he wanted to.

“Why? You keep saying it’s wrong, but it’s not. We need to talk about this, Evan. What happened in the library. And the way you kissed me just now.”

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