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Page 58

I relaxed, smiling. “I’m happy for you. I always knew you and Caleb would end up together.”

She stopped abruptly and looked over at me with disbelief. Slowly a broad grin covered her lips. “Liar!”

I laughed. “Yeah, I honestly never thought you’d talk to him.”

Entering Haven just past ten that night I felt like I was on fire. Every nerve ending in my body was alit and buzzing around neurotically.

I knew Logan would be there. We’d been texting daily since Christmas, more so than ever before. Little jokes we’d heard or something interesting we saw that just needed to be shared between us. Every time my phone sang the tune of a little chirping bird, I’d smile and rush over to check it. That would be an issue once school resumed after winter break.

Logan sent a text earlier that day, letting me know he’d be at Haven after nine and looked forward to seeing me. He also explained Oliver was spending the night with his grandmother. It was the perfect time to come clean about how I felt.

“Hey, baby. Where you been?” Caleb appeared and pulled Hilary into his arms. After a long and inappropriate public kiss—where I tried to look anywhere but at them—Caleb looked over at me, smiling. “Wow, look at you all sexed up. Did Hilary pick that dress out?”

I flushed. “Surprisingly, no. All me. I was feeling particularly brave.” The black dress was snug against my body with a deep V-cut down the breast adorned in crystals. It revealed more cleavage than I’d ever shown in my life. The skirt blossomed out and fell mid-thigh. It screamed, fun, flirty and above all sexy.

Caleb nodded, squeezing Hilary in tighter and placing a quick peck on her forehead. They were adorable. “Good for you, Cassie. Logan’s at the bar by the way.”

“Oh, I’ll catch up with him later.” I shrugged, playing it cool.

Hilary and Caleb both chuckled, giving each other a knowing look.

“Have fun tonight, but don’t even think about stepping outside without Logan or me with you. Got it?” Caleb said, seriously. I saluted, amused at his tone. “That means you, too.” He glanced at Hilary.

I smiled, enjoying his big brother protectiveness.

“I’m only allowed in the dark with Logan, got it.” She smirked.

He growled, pulling her to his chest. She giggled, looking up at him. “You’re a little smart ass tonight.” He kissed her, abruptly ending her laughter. “I’m not as worried about you and Logan in the dark anymore. Seems he’s got his eyes on this one, and this one only.” He winked at me.

With a fading “have fun!” from Hilary, Caleb pulled her through the swarm of party goers, leaving me standing there over analyzing my next move.

Go straight to the bar and find Logan or play it cool a little longer? Honestly, all I wanted was him, holding me on the dance floor as soon as possible.

The thought alone got me moving, weaving through the crowd and toward the bar. After scanning the entire length of it and coming short of Logan, I frowned. Chewing on my bottom lip, I debated sending him a text when a shiver shot up my spine, goose bumps flaring across my skin.

I closed my eyes, savoring the warmth of his breath along my neck.

“Happy New Year, sweetheart.”

I turned, smiling and wrapped my arms around his neck for a quick hug. Something I had never done before, but it was the most natural reaction tonight. His arms pulled me in closer for a brief second and I could have sworn I heard him inhaling a deep breath when his face hit my waves of hair.

I pulled back, hands still on his shoulders, happy and all smiles. “Happy New Year.”

His gaze looked me up and down appreciatively. “Oh, sweetheart. Are you trying to kill me tonight?”

I giggled softly, and leaned in. “You like?”

His tongue darted out, licking his lips. “I adore.”

I flushed. His gaze held mine, and the intensity of his stare sent flutters straight through me. He made me feel brave and beautiful. I reached out and took his hand.

“Dance with me,” I murmured.

Logan tightened his hand around mine and led us to the dance floor. Dozens of other moving and grinding bodies were there as Beyonce sang out “All the Single Ladies” playing from the DJ booth.

I laughed, dipping my head back and letting the fast tempo lead my feet. My arms snaked around Logan’s neck. I moved my hips slowly back and forth, his hands gripping them tightly, holding me close.

We danced song after song, all loud dance beats that caused a sheen of sweat across my body from the hot colorful lights flickering above us. Twirling in his outstretched hand, he grinned and pulled me into him, my back smacking against his chest.

Logan’s breath was intoxicating, ticking my ear as I ground my hips against his. I closed my eyes, losing myself in the moment, my hands up above my head, reaching back around his neck. His arms snaked up from my hips, fingers caressing my navel and making their way up between my breasts to my jaw. He turned me around, staring me in the eyes.

I knew what he was asking and there was no need, I wanted it just as badly if not more than he did. My hands ran down to his forearms, all muscles through his thin white button-up, and pulled him into me, crashing my mouth to his.

With a heavy sigh, he pulled me flush against him, his fingers digging into my hair. My tongue ran across his bottom lip and a growl escaped his throat, his lips opening. I took full advantage and thrust my tongue inside. My hands roaming over every inch of his body I could touch. I’d been starving for him and I was now ready to quench my appetite.

After not nearly enough time acquainting my lips with his, he pulled back. His long fingers caressed my cheek. I closed my eyes and leaned into it.

“Ahh, Cassandra. Tell me you want me as much as I want you.”

Opening my eyes, I smiled, answering him with a wider grin. He returned an eager smile, gripping me tightly against him and closing the distance between us once again. This time his desire for me was stronger. His hand slid down my back, blazing a trial in its wake, and gripped my ass. I shuddered, kissing him harder. His lips kissed down to my jaw and up to my ear. “Let’s—” he began.

“Ten, nine…

We both pulled back, panting, instantly reminded we were not alone. He leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose, smiling and joined in with the rest of the room.

“Four, three,” he mouthed, staring at me with an energized grin. His eyes bright and youthful, hair tousled from my passion for him. “…two, one!”

The room roared with a collective Happy New Year and excited yelling, but it fell silent in the background as Logan brought me back into his arms and placed a soft, tender kiss upon my lips. It was unlike any kiss I’d ever experienced before, and the complete opposite of the ones we’d just shared.

He gently pushed me back, grinning, and twirled me in his arms. We danced through a couple more songs. Kissing and touching, enjoying the new freedom to explore each other. It was past one in the morning when I kissed up his scruffy, five-o’clock-shadowed cheek and tugged with my teeth on his ear lobe earning me a pleased growl and tighter squeeze on my backside.

“Take me home,” I whispered seductively low.

Instantly, I was being pulled through the crowd toward the door, giggling.

“Wait, I should tell Hilary I’m leaving.” I insisted.

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