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In Bed with a Rogue

Page 70

“She would never agree to stay away, Miss Kendrick. She has been searching for you for weeks.”

“I know you are right. There are many things I remember about my sister, and her stubbornness is among them.” Her smile was affectionate as she stood and moved to a small desk in the corner. “If you brought her here after dark, it would be safer than the gardens. St. Ambrose comes tonight, but I will tell him he must postpone his visit.”

Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “And he will heed your wishes?”

Miss Kendrick stopped writing and glanced over her shoulder. “The marquess cares for me, Lord Thorne. Don’t you heed the wishes of the woman you love?”

He smiled sheepishly. “I wouldn’t be here ifI didn’t.”


Helena heard Sebastian’s carriage drive up to her town house and her heart beat a little faster. She had been pleased to receive word that he would be joining her and Eve this evening. The empty ache inside her eased for the moment, but it would return soon enough, and she feared it might swallow her whole.

She didn’t want to contemplate never seeing him or Eve again, and yet that was exactly what she was going to recommend to him tonight. He needed to protect his sister by putting distance between her and Helena.

Perhaps he could recommend a reliable investigator to assist her in finding her family. She couldn’t be selfish any longer by accepting his help.

A knock on the door was followed by Fergus’s gruff reception. Sebastian’s murmured reply didn’t quite reach the drawing room.

“Crivvens!” Fergus’s exclamation startled Helena.


When a hushed conversation ensued, Helena’s curiosity drew her toward the foyer. “What is all the whispering about?”

Fergus’s grin stretched ear to ear. “Just last week you accused me of not knowing the meaning of a whisper, lass. You said my voice could wake the dead.”

She pursed her lips in mock disapproval. “I was referring to Lord Thorne.”

“I will tell you in the carriage,” Sebastian said as he came forward to collect her. After assisting her with her wrap, he placed a protective hand on the small of her back. “It’s a surprise, and you are trying to ruin my moment.”

She couldn’t help basking in his attention, turning her face toward him. He smiled and pulled her closer. “I will bring her home safely, Fergus.”

“If you value your life, you will.” Even though Fergus grumbled, his smile didn’t leave his face.

Sebastian chuckled as he escorted her to the carriage. His footman assisted her inside and she froze in the doorway. “Where is Eve?”

“Have a seat, Helena.” Sebastian came up the steps and she scrambled to move out of his path.

She plopped on the bench with a soft grunt. He closed the door, then instead of taking the opposite seat, he sat beside her and pulled her into his arms.


His lips found hers before she could finish her protest.

She moaned into his mouth. He was going to make this difficult. How was she to end their association when he created such a lovely buzz in her head and delicious tingles all the way to her toes? His fingers glided along the back of her neck and goose bumps traveled in a wave down her back, arms, and legs. She clutched his jacket and pulled him to her, deepening the kiss. His tongue flirted with hers until her breath left her in rapid gasps. He paused, his lips still so close if she shifted, she could have him.

He smiled. “I think you missed me.”

She blew out a breath and flopped against the seatback. “Yes.” Denying it would be pointless. Her body had spoken the truth already.

The carriage wheel hit a rut and tossed her against his side. She hadn’t realized they had left her town house, but Sebastian had a way of distracting her. He put his arm around her shoulders.

“I missed you too, sweetheart.” Before she could gather her wits, he was kissing her again. His hand cupped her breast, his touch so light, she hungered for more and pressed against him. He pulled back with a smile, then placed a kiss on the swell of her breast peeking above her neckline, his breath tickling her flesh. “Tonight these little beauties will receive the attention they deserve.”

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