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Immortal Grave

Page 9

“But, all the blood…” Ree looked down at the floor and frowned. There was red splattering a good bit of the mats.

“That’s not a big deal. We bleed a lot when we’re training.” Weylin walked over to a closet that had brooms and mops.

“Oh. I see.” Ree’s eyebrows drew together and she bit her lip.

“No one’s going to make you bleed, Ree.” Paden stood next to the practice dummy, his arm propped on the smashed head.

“Don’t promise her that, godling. She needs to learn just like you all did.” Roland looked at Paden with steady eyes. There was something passing between the two, but Ree couldn’t be sure what. It really wasn’t her place to try and understand it either.

“There’s no reason for her to get hurt.” Paden stood up straight and frowned at Roland.

“Paden, don’t make this difficult. I’m sure Weylin wasn’t trying to hurt Bryce just to hurt him. They were practicing. It’s the same kind of thing Ree needs. She’ll be stronger for it.” Melanie threw a towel over her shoulder and broke the seal on a bottle of water.

“I was too trying to hurt Bryce!” Weylin groaned. “I just didn’t do as well as I would have liked.”

“She’s right, Pay. I need to train, and I need to do it fast.” Ree pulled off her jacket and threw it on a bench. “So, what first?”

“Katas and learning your new strength.” Roland pulled off his shirt, revealing a white tank top. He threw it near her jacket and pointed at the mirrors. “Take a stance, and let’s move through the katas you already know.”

Chapter Eleven

“When do I get to use weapons?” Hours after they had started, Ree bounced on her toes and smiled at Roland in the mirrors. She had picked up all of the katas easily, remembering each step as if she already knew them.

“You guys are always so eager for the weapons. The real power comes from knowing your strengths and weaknesses.” Roland threw Ree some water and shook his head. “No. We start with hand-to-hand sparring. Then we move to weapons.”

“How did you guys get good so fast?” Ree looked over at Paden and Weylin. They were sitting on the floor and sharpening some of the weapons.

“I was born this way, baby.” Weylin winked at Ree.

“Sadly, he’s right.” Paden rolled his eyes and smiled at Ree. She was thankful to see him so relaxed, even though she was spending so much time with Roland. Hopefully this new calm would last while she sparred as well. She smiled at Paden, but it didn’t last. A brick wall slammed into her and sent her spinning across the ground.

She shook her head but jumped to her feet quickly. Her eyes jerked around the room, while she tried to shake the shock. Roland stood back on the other side of the training mat, his hands at his side and small smile twisting his lips. Ree dropped into an open stance, and lifted her hands into defensive positions.

Roland’s muscles barely tensed before he was flying across the open space between them. He reached for her left arm and she scarcely had time to think. She dodged to the right and swung her arm at the back of his head. She almost stopped moving when she made contact, but managed to use her momentum to spin behind him instead. Deftly she slammed the side of her foot into the back of his knee and sent him sprawling. She jumped on his back and slammed her elbow into the back of his neck. He grunted, but didn’t move.

She looked down at him suspiciously, not convinced she had actually beaten him at his own game. She looked up when someone snorted and saw Paden and Weylin both trying to not laugh. She looked back down at Roland and frowned. When he made a grunt of frustration, she hopped off him and took a few steps backward.

Paden squatted down next to Roland and smiled. “I think she won.”

“She broke my bloody neck.” Roland lifted himself up onto his forearms and moved his head slowly in a circle.

“Your eyes are huge! Like, wombat huge.” Weylin looked at Ree and laughed. She stood there shocked, her eyes going back and forth from Roland and Paden to Weylin.

“Weylin, wombats don’t have big eyes.” Roland rolled over onto his back and moved his head to pop his neck.

“They don’t?” Weylin looked at Roland and frowned. “Are you sure?”

“I’m not a zoologist, Wey. I’m a Dark One. But even I know a wombat has little eyes.” Roland looked over at Ree and smiled. “But he’s right. Your eyes are huge.”

“Are you okay? I don’t know what I was thinking.” Ree rubbed her palms on her pants.

“Don’t worry, Ree.” Paden held his hand out to Roland to help him stand. Roland took it and nodded his head in thanks. “That wasn’t going to kill him. He just needed a few minutes to heal.” Paden laughed when Roland jerked his neck to the side. “You certainly surprised all of us though.”

“I… I… I just reacted.” Ree looked at her friends and felt a laugh bubble up and out of her throat. “I totally kicked your ass.” She pointed at Roland and continued to laugh.

He rubbed a hand across the back of his neck and gave her a crooked grin. “Well, I wasn’t expecting you to be so damned proficient.”

“She looked a lot like Sophie. I wonder what else you got from our talented leader.” Paden grabbed a sword off the wall and tossed it at Ree. She caught the handle deftly and looked at the blade in question.

“That was kind of hot, you know.” Weylin winked at Ree. “I like a woman who knows how to use a sword.” Ree laughed at him and winked back. It was the only way to handle the guy.

“Weylin.” Paden and Roland both said his name in exasperation before looking at each other thoughtfully.

“C’mon, you guys were thinking the same thing.” Weylin gestured at Ree. “Well, go ahead. Do one of the Katas with the sword.”

Ree looked down at the sword in her hand and enjoyed the gleam along the blade. It was long, but not as long as the broadswords hanging along the wall. Giving a few practice flicks of her wrist, she gauged the weight and noticed it felt longer than it should.

“This was made for Sophie?” She shifted her feet into the first position and held the blade in a pointed angle toward the ground. She slid her right foot forward and shifted the blade angle as if deflecting a lower slash.

“Yes.” Roland’s voice was quiet and thoughtful.

Ree slid into another stance, sweeping the sword through a more complicated maneuver. She closed her eyes and let the movements come naturally.

“It’s a little longer when I hold it.” Ree tried to keep her mind clear and focus on the muscle memory she was experiencing. It made her sad to think Sophie had died to give her this, but it also strengthened her resolve to use it. Increasing her speed, she slid through the maneuvers quickly, relishing the sharper movements. When she finished the kata, it was with her sword held high and her breathing calm and centered. She opened her eyes to find all three of the guys watching her.

Paden cleared his throat and looked sheepishly at Ree. “Well, Sophie was taller.”

Ree lowered her arms and brought the sword down to her side. She looked away from the guys and back at the wall. Walking over, she grabbed one of the other swords and walked back to the mat.

“Who wants to try me?” Ree held the sword out to her side and smiled at the guys.

Weylin raised his hands and took a step back. “No thanks. I’ve had my ass kicked enough for the day.” Ree swung her gaze to Roland and Paden. Paden’s face was frustrated as he tried to war with his need to protect her and his fear of hurting her.

Roland stepped forward and held his hand out for the sword. “I’ll do it.” Paden’s face relaxed with relief, and he nodded his thanks to Roland.

Ree stepped back and fell into a stance she shouldn’t have known. Lifting her sword into a ready position, she waited for Roland to make his move. He shifted into position and lifted the blade above his head. He didn’t move, his blue eyes trained on hers.

Something in Ree’s mind pulled at her instincts, making her want to be the one on attack. Instead, she took a deep breath and decided to wait for Roland to make the move. When he did, she was almost shocked by the amount of grace he exhibited. Her eyes had never fully comprehended the exact movements he made. They had seemed fast and smooth, but now she could see just how his muscles bunched and how each step was deliberate.

Snapping back to reality, she raised her sword and deflected his first thrust. Spinning, he brought the sword around and toward her neck. She leaned backward and managed to miss the sweeping edge of his blade. Sliding around him, she brought her elbow toward his back, causing him to stumble once. He dropped to the ground and swept his leg through her feet. She fell onto her back and grunted. He stood up and raised his sword to bring it down for a killing blow. She rolled to the side and jumped to her feet. As she gained her footing, she brought her sword in down low and clipped his leg before he got out of the way.

He dove out of the way, ducking and rolling, his sword carefully held out to the side. He dropped into a ready stance, his sword held low. Ree stepped back so one foot was in front of the other and held her sword with two hands at waist height.

“First blood to you.” Roland’s expression was amused. He snapped a quick salute to her and lowered his blade to his side.

Ree grinned and lowered her own sword. Weylin let out a loud whoop and Paden smiled at her proudly.

Ree gave a quick bow and went to the wall to return the sword. “I guess Sophie passed on a lot more than we thought.”

“Seems that way. I wonder if she had gotten things from Tria.” Roland frowned and his face tightened with a pained expression.

“She did know how to use the power, so it’s likely she had gotten that knowledge from Tria.” Paden’s voice was thoughtful. “Didn’t she say it didn’t work quite the same way for her that it did for you? Because the power wasn’t intended for her to use?”

“I know she couldn’t sense everything I could. I could pick out a lot more information than she was able to.” Ree sat down on the mat and leaned over one of her legs to stretch the muscles.

“What if the Death Gift acts the same way for you?” Paden looked at Ree, and she could feel him fighting to control his worry.

“Well, we already know I didn’t get the fangs.” Ree took a deep breath and leaned back on the mat.

“Your body wasn’t genetically set up to have fangs. The Guardians were bred so their bodies would be ready for the change. They always had the prospect open to them the same way the Alastriana line was bred to be able to use the power.” Roland sat down across from Ree and looked at her thoughtfully.

“So you think this might have affected Ree negatively?” Paden sat down next to Ree, his knee brushing hers.

“I’m not sure. Have you gotten anything else from the gift? Other than speed and strength?” Roland leaned forward, resting his arms on his crossed legs.

“I heal.” Ree glanced at Paden, curious about what he was thinking.

“It seems to be slower than we heal, though.” Paden frowned in her direction, obviously still unhappy about testing her theory.

“Well, that is probably a side effect of not having the same genealogical make up again. I would think if you heal at all, that is a good sign. I’m willing to bet you may have stopped aging as well.”

“Stopped aging or just slowed down?” Paden’s voice was quiet, obviously worried.

“If she is healing at any rate at all, I believe that would mean her cells are constantly repairing themselves the way yours do.” Roland looked from Ree to Paden. “That’s why you guys are always so hungry. Your body is constantly working.”

“So, I’ve stopped aging then.” Ree felt relieved to hear someone else second her hypothesis.

Roland nodded his head and smiled. “Looks like we’re going to have to learn to put up with you after all.”

Ree laughed and looked at Paden, relieved. She could feel Roland’s stab of jealousy, but she pushed it away and tried to focus on the good news. Something in her clicked in that moment. With all of the bad things that had happened in the last few weeks, all of the scary moments and death that had plagued her and her friends, she needed to enjoy the good things. And to know she had one more weapon in her arsenal and a chance at a long life with Paden meant she had something to be happy about.

Chapter Twelve

“So, do you think that being immortal is breaking the rules?” Melanie sat next to Ree in the kitchen, her empty plate in front of her.

“I was born to human parents with no immortal lineage. That was the rule, and it hasn’t been broken.” Ree took a bite out of her sandwich and chewed thoughtfully. “I mean, that’s what should count.”

“You’re right. I just can’t help but think the dark gods will cause trouble when you win.” Melanie cocked her head to the side.

“If I win.” Ree sat her lunch down and frowned at her friend. “Even with this, there is no guarantee. “

“No. When you win. You can’t think any other way.” Melanie closed her eyes and touched her middle finger to her thumb as if meditating. “You must visualize the outcome you want.”

Ree rolled her eyes at Melanie. “Okay. I will visualize everyone kicking Dark One butt.”

“Good.” Melanie’s face fell for a moment. “I really feel the need to kick some Dark One butt.”

“Hm.” Ree picked up her sandwich and feigned interest in the crust. “Does this need have anything to do with Roland?”

Melanie’s cheeks turned bright pink. “What makes you think that?”

“Just some things I’ve noticed.” Ree took a bite out of her sandwich and tried to pick her words carefully. “You know, I wouldn’t be upset.”

“Upset about what?” Melanie stared at the crumbs on her plate studiously.

“If you have feelings for Roland. I get it. He’s an awesome guy and deserves a great girl like you. Just barely though. You’re pretty incredible and it would take a lot for someone to be worthy of you.” Ree set her food back down and turned to look at Melanie’s shocked face. “Close your mouth. I’m serious.”

“But… I thought… I know how difficult this has been on you…”

“It’s been difficult on everyone. Melanie, Tria was never Roland’s soul mate. That job belongs to someone else.” Ree raised an eyebrow and looked at her friend pointedly. ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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