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If You Were Mine (The Sullivans #5)

Page 64

On Wednesday night, he took her and the dogs to an outdoor concert on the green. The band members were friends of his and he’d scored amazing tickets. Together they’d laughed at the way the dogs’ tails wagged in time to the music. And when the sun set, he pulled her between his legs and kept her warmer than any blanket could have.

Thursday found them out on Smith’s sailboat, the dogs in their own fitted life vests, Cuddles under one of Zach’s arms, his free hand holding hers tightly as Atlas lay at their feet. She’d never realized before just how beautiful the Golden Gate Bridge looked in the setting sun...or how nice it was to be able to share that beauty with someone she loved.

By Friday, when she thought she was ready for whatever he had planned, he completely blew her mind by suggesting they hunker down at home on the couch and watch movies together. He made her watch Hoosiers and even though she could have sworn nothing would ever get her interested in basketball, she had to admit to being hooked by the end of the movie. As payback, she cued up The Sound of Music, and even though Zach wouldn’t admit how much he liked it, she caught him humming “My Favorite Things” as he was brushing his teeth.

Heather had to give credit where credit was due. Zach was amazingly good at everything he did, from loving her senseless, to getting her to talk a little more every day about her feelings about her parents. Safe in his arms, she’d started to realize that even though blood tied her to her father and mother, she’d succeeded at building up a real family for herself via her close bonds with friends, co-workers, and the animals she’d taken in over the years.

A part of her still couldn’t get over the fact that Zach Sullivan was the one who had helped her see things more clearly. He was so far from the self-absorbed, vain man she’d once assumed he was.

Was he charming?

God, yes, he was charming. With charisma to spare, enough that her eyeballs sometimes hurt from all the eye-rolling he—and the reactions of women who constantly drooled over him—inspired.

But was he a liar and a cheat?

No, he wasn’t.

On the contrary, he was one of the most honest people she’d ever met. Everything was right there on the surface with Zach. He didn’t make you guess, he just told it to you like it was.

Still, she was nervous come Saturday morning. Not only because he was going to be racing again, this time at the raceway in the wine country near Marcus’s winery, but also because this was the first time she was going to be spending an entire day with his family.

She’d started off insisting to Lori and Sophie that she wasn’t going to date Zach, had clearly blown that by doing the friends-with-benefits thing, and then had capped it all off by flipping out at Chase and Chloe’s house and yelling at Zach on the sidewalk that he couldn’t possibly love her because they had an agreement.


“Looks like you need a little help relaxing.” They were walking onto the racetrack, hand-in-hand, and he was giving her the grin that told her he had wicked plans.

Very wicked plans.

“I’m fine,” she told him in the same firm, no-nonsense voice that she used with particularly rambunctious dogs when they needed to know she was not in the mood to play.

Of course, the truth was that she was always in the mood to play with Zach.

And, unfortunately, he knew it.

For all his teasing, she thought he seemed a little tense. As if he didn’t really want to do this race.

Maybe, she actually found herself thinking, it wouldn’t be so bad to find a private spot behind the stands where they could relax each other. Thankfully, before she could give into the insanity that Zach’s hands and mouth always inspired, Lori called out to them from the stands.

“Saved by a brat,” he muttered as she made a beeline toward his firefighter brother who had given him Cuddles. “Gabe, Megan, Summer, this is Heather.”

She smiled at the couple and the pretty girl between them, but before she could even say hello or ask them how their trip to Europe had been, Zach said, “You can’t have Cuddles back.”

Heather’s gaze shot to the little girl, worried about how she’d take the news. But instead of getting upset, Summer gave Zach a smile so smug, it might have actually out-smugged him at his worst.

“I knew you’d love her!” Summer said as she threw her arms around Zach’s waist. “When we saw her with all the other puppies, I knew right away that she was just what you needed so you’d smile more and be happier.”

Zach frowned as he looked from the top of Summer’s blonde head to his brother’s smirk. “I was set up.”

“It was like taking candy from a baby.”

This was the kind of family Heather had often wished she belonged to. One where even the tricks they played on each other came from the heart.

Then again, Heather’s version of the perfect family hadn’t included a movie star. Her friend Brenda would die right now. Because Smith looked just like he had last week on the big screen. Only better.

Zach slid his arm around Heather’s waist and pulled her tightly against him. So tightly that it almost felt like she was wearing a corset.

“Smith, this is Heather.”

Smith Sullivan gave her the smile that she was sure had melted a million panties. Interestingly, hers were fine. Well, they would be fine, if only Zach would stop rubbing his fingertips against the underside of her breast.

She tried to shift out of Zach’s arms but he only held her tighter. He was always possessive, but for some reason, today he was taking it to a whole new level.

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