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I Only Have Eyes for You (The Sullivans #4)

Page 13

Marcus’s strong voice broke slightly on the last word and he looked up toward the sky and paused like that for a few long moments. Sophie could hear sniffles from all throughout the reception area. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her mother beginning to cry, but Sophie knew if she actually looked at Mary, she’d dissolve into a wet puddle, too. Smith gripped her hand hard and she squeezed back with all her strength, the two of them holding on to each other as Marcus continued.

“One other thing I’m absolutely sure of—” He paused again to smile at Chase and Chloe, and turned to briefly look at each of his brothers and sisters, before focusing on his mother. “—is that he’s here with all of us today.”

Marcus was holding his hand over his heart by now and Sophie knew why. That was exactly where she held her father to her. He’d passed away when she was only two, but she’d heard so many stories about him over the years, and had each of his pictures memorized, that she felt she could remember him just as well as any of her older siblings.

“We can’t wait to meet the first of the next generation of Sullivans.”

The applause came, then, as everyone got to their feet to toast not only Chase and Chloe, but the baby growing inside of the beautiful bride. Chase’s hand rested possessively over her gently rounded stomach as he kissed Chloe, and Sophie leaned into Smith’s shoulder as she whispered, “They’re so beautiful together, aren’t they?”

Smith kissed her forehead, then took the mic from Marcus. As he stood up, everyone let out a collective gasp. It wasn’t just that he was a movie star. Smith had always had a huge presence, had always been mesmerizing, especially when he was decked out in a black tux with tails. Sophie was sure every woman at the wedding—taken or not—was dreaming about what it would be like to have Smith Sullivan give her a second glance.

“My brothers and sisters like to tell me I live in a world of make-believe,” he said in the voice that a billion people around the globe could have recognized with their eyes closed. “I don’t know what they’re talking about. My life is perfectly normal.”

Laughter rolled through the crowd as Ryan and Gabe shook their heads as theatrically as possible.

“One thing we can all agree on,” he continued when the laughter subsided, “is that there’s nothing imaginary about the love between Chase and Chloe.”

Oh my. Sophie knew her big brothers could be big softies. But had any of them ever let anyone but the family see it before? Especially Smith, who had to guard himself from the pressures of fame and strangers who thought they knew the real man when they definitely didn’t.

And yet, in this moment, for the brother he loved, Smith was pure emotion. If he was willing to risk baring his soul for a few moments like this, Sophie knew she didn’t have a prayer of being anything but a big old splashy puddle by the time the microphone landed in her hand.

“To your forever.”

Everyone raised their glasses as Smith toasted the bride and groom, Chase nodding at his brother with a big grin in acknowledgement of the beautiful wish he’d just made for them.

Ryan was next as he took the microphone from Smith and stood up. Any of the women who hadn’t just lost their hearts to Smith would have been hard pressed not to give it up to the pro baseball player. Sophie couldn’t think of the last time she’d seen Ryan or Zach in a tux. Both of them had complained when she’d informed them that’s what they were going to wear as groomsmen. Knowing her brothers and the way they charmed absolutely any woman they came into contact with, Sophie made sure to let the tux rental company know she’d be extremely upset if they caved and gave her brothers alternatives to the tuxes.

And she’d been right to hold firm. All of her brothers looked absolutely fantastic, a picture perfect postcard of male perfection. Sophie shot a glance at Lori, silently acknowledging that the two of them didn’t look half bad, either. Their mother, Mary, was pure elegance in her floor-length lace and silk dress in a soft coral that perfectly set off her coloring.

“Guys like me tend to look at life as a game.” Sophie could see how much the crowd loved Ryan’s easy manner. He’d always been the most relaxed and easygoing of them all. On the baseball field he took no prisoners, but even then, he made it all look so easy. So effortless. It was the same now, as he surveyed the guests with a lazy appreciation. “Helps if early on you realize that some games are gonna go better than others.” He shrugged. “A year ago, if you’d asked me for my thoughts on the game of love, I would have told you to ask some other sap.”

Surprised laughter burst from the crowd and Sophie had to shake her head and roll her eyes at Ryan, before catching her mother’s gaze and grinning. They’d predicted just this, hadn’t they? It was nice to know there were some things you could count on, she thought with a grin that she didn’t bother repressing.

“But I’ve watched my brother and his bride pretty closely since they first found each other, and even for a guy like me, there’s no denying that if life is a game, I’m betting on their chances at taking home the pennant.” He lifted his glass to Chase and Chloe. “To both of you.”

Sophie couldn’t believe Ryan had actually made her tear up. He was supposed to be the comic relief. Fortunately, she actually found herself thinking, Zach was up next.

Zach grinned as he took center stage, knowing darn well that none of the women in the reception could even remember Smith or Ryan’s names anymore. How many times had one of Sophie’s girlfriends told her they’d never seen anyone as gorgeous as Zach? She was certain plenty of flat tires had been faked on his behalf, if only for the chance to get close to him for a few minutes.

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