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How to Seduce a Vampire (Love at Stake 15)

Page 67

Her heart twinged with worry for Zhan. When they’d teleported away from Beyul-La, she’d called and called for him. He hadn’t come. Was he all right? Was he finding food to eat?

And where the hell was Zoltan? She could hear her mother’s voice announcing with glee that she’d known all along he couldn’t be trusted. He had abandoned her.

No! She shook that thought away and left the guesthouse.

As she approached the large courtyard, she spotted Norjee with two dozen other boys, learning martial arts from Rinzen and Tenzen. Norjee waved at her, grinning. She smiled back, then chuckled when Tenzen tapped the boy’s head for not paying attention.

She wandered over to the top of the stairs that led downhill. Before her lay the Mekong River and the village of were-tiger houses built on stilts along the river’s edge. The sky lit up with shades of pink and orange as the sun dipped below the horizon.

Her eyes filled with tears and she blinked them away, irritated by how emotional she’d been lately. She was homesick, that was all. She missed her sister, her valley, her pet leopard, her house, her way of life. How soon would she start aging now? Would she have to become a vampire like Zoltan in order to live with him forever? Would she have to lose the ability to be alive during the day? Would she lose the sun, too?

As if to twist the thorn in her side, the last of the sunlight disappeared, and she was left in darkness. A tear rolled down her cheek. How much would she have to lose? Hadn’t she lost enough?

Were-tigers bustled around her, lighting torches. And she stood still, wondering if Zoltan had awakened somewhere. Where was he? Was she losing him, too?

“There you are!” Leah called to her.

Neona quickly wiped her face and turned toward the doctor.

Leah smiled as she approached. “I went to the guesthouse to look for you, but you were gone.”

“Is something wrong?”

Leah shook her head. “We’ve been so busy lately with the clinic overflowing that it took me several days to get your blood work done.” She took a deep breath. “I have news for you. You’re pregnant.”

Neona blinked. “What?”

“No mistake.”

Neona inhaled sharply and pressed a hand to her stomach. “I’m with child?”

“Yes.” Leah lowered her voice. “I wanted to tell you in private. I assume Zoltan isn’t the father.”

“But he is.”

Leah’s mouth dropped open. “How? His sperm is dead.”

“He was drinking the Living Water.” Neona grinned. “Oh, my God! It worked!”

Leah stepped closer. “Where is this Living Water? Can I get a sample of it?”

“It is gone. Buried beneath a mountain of rubble.” Neona’s breath caught. Was that what Zoltan was trying to fix? He could get himself killed! “Excuse me.”

She ran to Emma’s room. Pregnant! No wonder she was falling asleep so much and getting emotional all the time. She was going to have a baby! She needed to find Zoltan fast.

She burst into Emma’s room. “I need—”

“Guess what?” Freya pulled her into the room. “When Emma woke up, she invited Freddie and me to live with her and Angus at their townhouse in London!”

“And their castle in Scotland!” Freddie added.

Emma finished a bottle of synthetic blood. “I’m desperate. I need help. Angus does what he can, but we’re both awake only at night.”

Freya laughed. “You should have seen it, Neona. Last night, Angus was lifting the little boy in the air, and he threw up all over Angus’s head. The look on his face was so funny!”

“Who?” Freddie asked, grinning. “Angus or the baby?”

“Both!” Freya turned back to Neona. “And while we’re in England, we can see our brother, Frankie!”

“And our family there,” Freddie nodded.

“That’s wonderful,” Neona said. “Emma, I—”

“Oh, dear.” Emma turned toward the crib. “Aiden is crying again.” She picked the male baby up. His mouth was open, but only a small wheezing sound came out.

“They named the babies Aiden and Amy,” Freya told Neona.

“We’ll pay you an excellent salary.” Emma settled in a chair and stuck a baby bottle in Aiden’s mouth. “And Angus will help you get identification papers.”

“Emma,” Neona tried again.

“And guess what?” Freya said. “Tashi called on her sat phone and invited us all to her wedding!”

“Zoltan is missing!” Neona shouted, and everyone hushed.

Emma frowned. “I thought he went to his castle.”

“That was two nights ago! I haven’t heard from him since.”

“Here.” Emma passed the baby and bottle to Freddie, then picked up her phone. “I’ll call Howard. He’s working security there.” She punched some numbers and waited. “Howard, is Zoltan there?” She paused to listen, and Neona grabbed the phone.

“Howard, I haven’t heard from Zoltan for two nights. Where is he?”

“I thought he was with you,” Howard said. “He was here two nights ago. He picked up his wedding ring at the jewelry store and said something about getting the job done for you. I thought he was talking about marrying you.”

“He never came back!” Neona cried.

“I’ll check into it and get back to you.” Howard hung up.

Neona’s hand shook as she lowered the phone. “I-I’m afraid he’s—”

“I’m calling Angus. It should still be dark in Japan.” Emma took the phone and punched in a number. “Angus, we need you here right away. No, it’s not about a stinky nappy. It’s Zoltan. He’s missing.”

Angus appeared and pocketed his phone. “Where is Zoltan?”

“We don’t know.” Emma gave him an exasperated look.

“I’m afraid he may have gone back to the mountain,” Neona said. “He left me a note that he would fix things. I think he’s trying to get to the Living Water.”

Angus winced. “That would be crazy.”

Emma’s phone rang and she answered it. “Yes, Howard? He’s not in Budapest or the castle,” she repeated, then listened with a growing look of dismay. “I understand. As soon as the sun sets there, we’ll pick you up.”

She hung up. “Before Zoltan left, he visited the head gardener and borrowed some shovels and a pickax.”

Neona’s heart sank.

Freya’s phone rang. “Tashi! What? All right, thank you.” She hung up. “Tashi and her fiancé went to Beyul-La to get the donkey and the goats. They found your pet leopard.”

Neona gasped. “How is he?”

“He’s been digging at the mountain.” Freya grimaced. “He told Tashi he heard Zoltan inside it last night. He’s trapped!”

Angus ran from the room, shouting for the other Vamps.

Neona sank to the floor.

“We’ll get a rescue party together fast,” Emma assured her.

“I don’t understand,” Freddie said. “He’s a vampire. Why doesn’t he just teleport out?”

Neona’s eyes burned with tears. “It must not be working for him. I’m afraid he’s in trouble.” She stood on shaky legs. “I have to go.”

“I’ll go with you.” Freya followed her to the courtyard, where Angus had gathered a group of Vamps. Rinzen, Tenzen, and Rajiv joined them, their arms filled with shovels and axes.

Angus paced about.

“What are we waiting for?” Freya asked.

“Still daylight there,” Rajiv told her.

Norjee ran up to Neona. “What’s happening? Where are you going?”

“We have to find Zoltan.” Neona knelt in front of him. “Stay here and have supper with your friends. Maybe you can spend the night with one of them.”

“I want to come!”

She tousled his hair and blinked away tears. “I need you to stay here. I’ll be back with Zoltan as quick as I can.”

Norjee’s chin trembled. “You’ll come back?”

“Yes!” She hugged him. “I love you.”

“It’s time,” Angus announced.

Neona waved at Norjee as a Vamp teleported her away.

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