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How to Seduce a Vampire (Love at Stake 15)

Page 17

“Men cannot—”

He stopped her by planting his mouth on hers. She tensed at first, her hands splayed against his chest. But as he moved his lips gently and insistently, her fingers slowly dug into his jacket. He deepened the kiss, and with a moan, her mouth opened.

Yes. He explored her mouth, claiming it as his own. She would belong to him. This was no mistake. The arrow that had haunted him for almost eight hundred years had led him to her. She knew the answers he’d sought for so long. She’d touched his heart that had been cold for so long. Their fates were entwined, he could feel it in his bones. This was the woman he’d waited centuries for.

He scattered kisses across her face and down her neck. Her breaths grew quick and agitated. Her hands slipped up around his neck.

His groin hardened, and he debated how far he should go tonight. As much as he wanted to bed her, it didn’t seem fair to take her when she believed the act would result in pregnancy.

But he could pleasure her. Give her one of those climaxes she wanted. He slipped his hand to the front of her tunic and palmed a breast. The silk was so thin that he could feel her nipple hardening.

“Neona,” he whispered in her ear. “Let’s go back to the cabin.”

She leaned back, giving him a nervous look. “You’re in the mood now?”

“Yes.” He grasped her hips and pulled her tight against his erection.

She gasped. “You . . . you’re vibrating.”

“I am?” He glanced down, then realized the sat phone was buzzing in his pants pocket. Dammit. If he didn’t answer, would Howard send Mikhail looking for him?

“Just a minute.” He stepped back and retrieved the phone from the pocket. “Why the hell are you calling, Howard?”

“Good evening to you, too,” Howard grumbled. “Russell showed up here out of the blue and insists you talk to him. I tried to get him to tell me what the problem is, but he said it had to be you. Something about an arrow.”

Zoltan winced. He would have to go. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He hung up.

Neona eyed the phone curiously. “You were able to talk to someone far away?”

Had she never seen a phone? “Yes.” He dropped the phone into his pocket. “I’m afraid I have to go.”

She nodded and stepped back. “It’s for the best. I shouldn’t see—”

“Don’t say that.” He touched her shoulder. “I will return tomorrow night. Meet me at the cabin at midnight.”

She regarded him sadly. “Good-bye, Zoltan.” She turned and walked along the stream.

So long, loser. The cat trotted after her.

I will win her, cat. You can count on it. Zoltan watched her for a minute, then stepped behind some trees to teleport home.

Neona returned to the rock wall where the stream from Beyul-La jetted out in a waterfall. The rope ladder was there, but she realized she couldn’t go home, not when she was still dressed in her finest clothes. With a sigh, she started back to Frederic’s cabin, where she’d left her hunting clothes.

As she walked, she scanned the forest. Where had Zoltan gone to? The village? It was about fifteen miles away, with nothing but a footpath to show the way. Did he have a horse tethered in the next valley?

She shook her head. There was no point in thinking about him so much. Even if she did enjoy being in his arms. When he kissed her, she forgot all reason. Her heart swelled with such yearning that she could not hold him long enough. With an ache in her heart, she realized it had happened. She was falling for him. She wanted him.

But how could she ever have him?

She entered the cabin and let her gaze wander about the room. There was the embroidered banner he’d admired, the books he’d looked over, the gold box of chocolates he’d brought.

The tea had steeped too long, but she needed a strong drink. She drank as she tidied up the cabin, putting out the fire and hiding the gold box under some blankets in the wooden chest. She rinsed out the teapot and cup in the stream outside, then back in the cabin, she changed into her brown and green linen tunic and pants. She stashed her good clothes in her bag and swung it onto her back along with her quiver of arrows.

She grabbed her bow and headed back to the rock wall. Zhan joined her on the way.

She patted his head. “Zoltan had to leave. It’s for the best, I suppose. I should be grateful it didn’t go any further.” She could have loved him and lost him. She could have lost a son. Breaking off the relationship now was the only way to save herself from heartache. Then why did she feel so miserably sad and lonely?

While Zhan scampered up the rock wall, jumping from one ledge to another, she climbed the rope ladder. At the top of the wall, she pulled the ladder up. And the tears began. With each tug, she was sentencing herself to a long life of loneliness. There was no place for a man in her life. Zoltan might come tomorrow night, but she would not be there. Better to live lonely than risk shattering her heart.

She dropped the end of the ladder on the ground. It was done.

“How was the hunting?” a voice asked behind her.

The queen. Neona quickly wiped her face. “No luck tonight. I’ll try again at dawn.” She took a deep breath and faced her mother. “You’re welcome to join us if you like.”

“I’ll be busy in the cave tomorrow.” Queen Nima tilted her head, studying Neona. “Did you see anyone in our territory?”

Her stomach clenched. “No.”

Nima gazed out into the neighboring valley. “The owl landed on my windowsill and told me there was an intruder.”

Neona swallowed hard. Had her mother seen her walking about in her finest clothes?

“We must be extra vigilant,” Nima continued, “especially now that we’re in the beginning of a new cycle.”

“I understand,” Neona murmured.

“I fear Lord Liao will continue to search for our valley. He may have sent spies.” Nima turned to look at her daughter. “If any man discovers our valley or our secrets, he must be executed.”

Neona nodded. “Yes.”

Her mother arched a brow. “The correct response is ‘yes, your majesty.’ Did you think I wouldn’t notice that you have neglected to use my title for the past two weeks?”

Neona tamped down on a sudden surge of anger. “I have had other things on my mind.”

“The death of your sister.” Nima nodded. “I understand that you’re hurting. That is why I have not reprimanded you for the lack of respect.”

Neona scoffed. “And you are not hurting? Minerva was stabbed to death right in front of us!”

“We all risk death when we engage in battle. You know that. Now let us return to our homes.” Nima started down the path to the base of the valley.

Neona’s hands fisted. How dare her mother dismiss Minerva’s death that easily. “We shouldn’t have given away her baby!”

Nima halted and looked back, her eyes narrowing into slits. “That was seven years ago. What is done is done.”

“It was never done for Minerva.” Neona walked toward her mother. “She never recovered. If we had kept her baby, she would have fought harder. She would still be alive!”

Nima’s eyes flashed with anger. “Do not make such ridiculous claims. Besides, there was no way her son could remain. Men are not allowed here.”

“He was a baby! What harm could he have done?”

“He would still grow to be a man.”

Neona motioned toward the neighboring valley. “You let Frederic live close by.”

“And he was never allowed into this valley.” Nima made a sound of disgust. “He had two daughters with Calliope and still abandoned her. I should have killed him when I had the chance.”

“That would have gone over well with his wife and daughters.”

“Drop the sarcasm,” Nima hissed. “We all know the rules and why we have them. Your insolence is appalling, but I will tolerate it this one time since you are in mourning.”

How good of you, Neona bit back the words. Her anger grew as she watched her mother turn her back and walk away. “What happened to my father?”

Nima halted, her spine stiffening. “You go too far. I told you never to speak of him.”

Neona approached her. “Did you kill him?”

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