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Hostile Takeover (Knights of the Board Room #5)

Page 66

But Peter removed both her barbells with amazingly competent fingers, given how large his hands were. “You’ll feel a little discomfort here, nothing much.”

She held her breath, that little quiver in her stomach a frantic butterfly in a jar. Someone’s hands cupped her breasts beneath, squeezing them to push the nipples up even higher. She thought it might be Lucas, because she caught the pleasing scent of the cologne he wore.

A tiny whispering sigh caught in her throat as something was threaded through one nipple piercing, then the other. It was the same type of bar as her barbells, just a little thicker, and the slender steel bar went all the way across between them. Peter was adding fasteners to the sides to hold it in place, and then he pinched the bar between thumb and forefinger, tugging on both nipples at once. She let out a soft cry against the breathing tube.

“These teardrop weights can be added to the bar.” She heard the click of metal objects, perhaps being rolled in Peter’s palm. “It will make her feel the pinch and burn a bit more. You can also attach a cable to the bar, connect it to a hook and raise or lower it to stretch out the nipples as much as she can stand.”

“Nice.” Ben’s hands replaced Lucas’ on her breasts, squeezing, flicking that bar. “They’ve already gotten stiffer, bigger. She likes it. She’d take first prize in a wet T-shirt contest. Lucas, your turn. I want her dripping, close to coming, but not there.”

A precise touch, some pressure between her legs, and the seam was released, probably by Jon. Myriad small noises vibrated in her throat as he stretched the latex around the outside of her labia, and that second vacuum tube engaged, giving her an increased sense of constriction around already swollen tissues. She imagined it looked like a peach cut open in truth, the juices squeezing forth from it, tempting the tongue…

She cried out through the open gag as Ben caressed her pussy, pushed a finger inside to test her wetness. She wondered about what Jon had said, if she could service Ben’s cock through that breathing hole. She could suck on him while…

“She’s more than ready. She’s all yours.”

She couldn’t help it, she was so stimulated that she shrieked when Lucas’ mouth touched her pussy. He flicked his tongue over her clit, traced the labia with lazy thoroughness, learning her. “Different scent from her sister, but similar. They’re both screamers though. You’ve had bad, bad dreams about being in our bedroom, sucking my cock while I was going down on her, haven’t you?”

“That’s a direct question, Marcie.”

A few moments ago she’d begged for someone to be talking to her. Now she wanted to be silent and just feel, but she managed to speak, garbled as it was. “Yes sir.”

Not Master. She had only one of those in the room, but she’d give all of these men sir, because not to do so seemed unwise.

“A polite slave. I like that.” That tongue slid up her clit, around, teased under the hood, hot breath bathing her labia. She squirmed the tiny amount possible, and the nipple bar tingled. Especially when Peter came back and tapped something against it, something that…

“Argh.” She arched up as much as possible, which wasn’t much. It made the sensation all the more excruciatingly intense. Some type of electrical wand, sparking shock along that bar.

“Good response,” Peter murmured. “Very nice. Give me the other one, Jon.” Then he did it again, a different sensation.

Lucas tugged her clit ring in his teeth. She was going to come, she was going to… “Master…I need to come…going to come.” She sounded like she had a mouth full of marbles, or in this case, tubing, but Ben understood.

“Not yet.” His tone was sharp, stern. “You don’t have my permission to do that. You’re here to serve the Masters’ pleasure, not your own.”

She bit back a groan, but bore down, trying her best to hold out against the diabolical workings of that tongue. When she was younger, Marcie had wondered about the jagged rips in her sister’s pillowcases, and why she’d had to replace them so often. Her sister had likely gnawed holes in them so the rest of the house wouldn’t hear her screaming.

“You belong to me, Marcie.” Ben’s voice. “When it suits me, you belong to them. But to no one else. No other Master touches you, ever again.”

She jolted from another mild shock through the nipple bar, the sensation arrowing down to where Lucas’ mouth was working her. Then Peter’s mouth got into the act, covering one of the nipples, licking above and under that bar.

Another shriek reverberated in her ears. She couldn’t not come. She had to come. Had to…


It swept over her so hard, there was no stopping it. She wailed, cried out, pleaded for all sorts of unlikely things. Lucas kept working her with his mouth, Peter and Jon a mixture of mouth, fingers and tiny touches of electric stimulus. Ben hadn’t touched her nearly enough.

It was indescribable, coming under that level of restriction and restraint, so hard, deep, dirty, so intense it was almost uncomfortable, because she had no ability to move herself against Lucas’ mouth or Peter’s touch. When they finally withdrew, she was making tiny jerks as if Peter was hitting her with far harder voltage.

She needed to see Ben. Needed Ben period, and then she heard his voice again.

“Put her on the web.”

When the vacuum noise stopped, the touch of the latex began to ease. She still had that blindfold though. The hollow gag was pulled from her mouth. Her breasts and cunt tingled from the return of blood flow to those areas.

When she was freed from the cocoon, her legs had no ability to hold her, but she needn’t have worried. She was swung up in Ben’s arms. He was wearing his suit, his tailored shirt and silk tie pressing against her skin, his slacks and belt against her bare hip. Were they all dressed for the office, and her here, naked, stripped down to nothing but sticky arousal, mussed hair? It perversely turned her on even more.

He put her on her knees. “Jon’s making a change to the web, so you have a minute. Get busy. And don’t you let that dildo come out of your pretty ass. Keep those muscles tight, like it’s my cock.” She heard the sound of his slacks being opened and made a noise of eager hunger. She would have surged forward on her knees, but he clamped his hand down on her hair to hold her steady as he fed her his cock, thick and enormous, pre-cum oozing from the slit, telling her how her helplessness had affected him. He thrust in hard, ruthless, working her mouth the way he’d pound into her pussy when he wanted to sate his lust.

She loved it, sucked on him as hard as she could, working him in her mouth, taking him deep, loving how he stretched her lips, the tears of stress that came to her eyes as she tried her best to take all of him. Rough and hard was the way she wanted it. When she gripped him, he didn’t stop her, so she made the most of the opportunity, working that thin layer of heated skin up and down his shaft, giving him that friction, tightening her fingers around his ridged head, using the lubrication from the slit to give him further pleasure.

Too soon, though, he pulled back. Peter’s hands on her again, removing the nipple bar, then Ben lifted her beneath the arms effortlessly. She was placed face forward against a suspended rope net, like the rigging of a pirate ship. Her arms were threaded through two separate openings, wrists bound to the line above it. Her knees were guided into another pair of openings, so her weight wasn’t pulling against her shoulders. More rope passed around her waist, then knotted at her sternum before the two ends were guided between her breasts and to her shoulders to form a Y-shape. Two sets of hands were working on her. Because of those three weeks of casual caresses, she realized she could tell who was who. Apparently both Peter and Jon knew the art of Japanese bondage. She was being trussed to that web, as well as having her upper body harnessed inside a complicated weaving of knots. Helpless, total restraint.

She made a quiet noise as her breasts were lifted in capable hands and worked through two openings in the web, reinforced by further weavings by Peter and Jon. In the end, her breasts were squeezed, constricted, the nipples becoming even more sensitive to the open air. They’d be jutting out, displayed and framed by the ropes, and with her bound this way, the men could do anything they liked to them. Peter replaced the nipple bar, which essentially locked her on the web with steel as well as rope. The lines that were taken over her shoulders had been reattached to the waist rope, leaving her pussy and ass unencumbered except for the wraps of rope that held her thighs firmly to the web. Since one of the horizontal lines was pressed against her clit, she squirmed against it, unable to help herself.

“None of that.” She jumped as a switch touched her buttock, a sharp sting. Then Ben’s hand was there, working that dildo in her ass. “Clench down, as if it was my cock. Like you were imagining, that night in your bed. Say what you were thinking, out loud for all of us to hear.”

Her arousal shot up even higher, even as she blushed. “Fuck me…with your cock. Master…harder…please. Ohh…” She remembered how her climax had taken her over, without his permission to release. It made her pussy ripple with an aftershock even now.

She clenched over the dildo, groaning with the sensation. “Keep doing it,” he ordered, and she obeyed as the others finished what they were doing. Even her head was secured to the web, a line that ran around her forehead. With her legs spread, knees tied down, her body completely restrained, she was able to be fucked, sucked, whatever they desired. The web gave them the flexibility to angle her as they desired.

“Beautifully done.” He touched her flank with that switch again, a quick sting. “Thank the Masters properly, Marcie.”

“T-thank you…Master Peter. Master Jon…Master Lucas. Thank you for using me for my Master’s pleasure and your own.”

“Gorgeous.” That came from Jon. He caressed her shoulder as he tested the bindings once more. “Welcome to the family, love.”

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