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Hope Ignites

Page 5

“Where would you like to go?” he asked.

“How about we just start with a walk? I’m stuffed after all that food, and I need to walk off a few hundred calories. You can show me what you do around here.”

“All right.”

While she hadn’t always lived in a big city, it had been a long time since she’d seen so much land. The smell of dirt and cattle, while not exactly pleasant, wasn’t a turnoff for her. It smelled of hard living and muscle, the kind of work that had nothing to do with makeup and looking pretty for a camera. There was no acting involved in that kind of work.

They’d moved past several barns and stopped at one of the penned-in pastures where a herd of cattle roamed. The cattle moved lazily about, some eating, some standing around, and some huddled in the shade of several tall trees.

Des climbed up on the fence and straddled it. She looked down at Logan.

“What is your typical day like?” she asked.

“There really isn’t a typical day. It depends on the season. There are always calves to work, moving cattle from one part of the land to another, separating grown calves from their mamas and putting heifers in with the bulls to make sure they’re impregnated. There are cattle to take for sale, getting them weighed in and sold off. In the winter months we have to supplement the feed and make sure the ponds aren’t frozen so the cattle have access to water. We do inoculations, castrations, and assist with births if they’re needed, though most of the cattle do just fine on their own, birthing-wise. Weather and cattle health may come into play.”

She stared at him. “I think that’s the most you’ve ever said to me at one time. You really love what you do.”

And then he clammed up and stared out over the pasture.

She hopped off the fence and they started walking again.

“So is it me you don’t like, or women in general?”

He kept his gaze straight ahead. “I like women just fine.”

“Then it’s me.” She quickened her steps to stay up with him. “And why is that?”

He stopped, turned to face her. “Shouldn’t you be out riding with your boyfriend?”

She studied him. “You think Colt and I are in a relationship?”

“Sure seems that way.”

“Based on what, exactly? That we’re starring in a movie together?”

“I’ve just seen the way you interact.”

She laughed. “First, I’m an actress. If our chemistry comes across when we act together, I guess that means we’re doing a damn good job. Second, Colt and I have been friends since we were eighteen years old.”

“Which was what? Two years ago?”

Des rolled her eyes. “You’re kind of a dick, Logan. I’m twenty-five.”

“Oh, all worldly and mature, aren’t you?”

“And you’re still being a dick. Anyway, for the record, Colt and I are not now nor have we ever been involved with each other romantically.”

“So you’re just sleeping with him.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, my God. Do you work for the tabloids or something?”


“Well, you sure have a way of twisting my words around. No, we are not having sex. We’ve never had sex. We’re friends. We’ve been friends since we first started out in the business. I rely on him and he does the same with me. And in this business, it’s hard to find people you can trust.”

“And you trust Colt.”

“With my life.”

His lips curved.

He was so irritating. “What?”

“You movie people are so dramatic.”

She turned and walked away from him. He caught up to her easily.

“And here I thought you were tough.”

“I’m plenty tough. But you’re an asshole.”

He didn’t seem offended. “Not the first time I’ve heard that.”

She stopped and turned to face him. “Then tell me, Logan. Exactly what does it take to warm you up? Because I’ve been nice. I’ve been friendly. I’ve invited you to the set of the movie. And yet I’m getting all this hostility from you and I don’t understand why.”

“Was I being hostile? I thought we were just bantering.”

“You call that bantering?”

“I would. Obviously, you wouldn’t. I guess I’m used to my brothers and the ranch crew. We regularly hurl insults at each other. If I offended you, I’m sorry.”

She wasn’t buying it. “So you insult Martha?”

“Martha’s like a mother to me. I would never insult her. Besides, she might seem sweet on the outside, but she takes no guff. She might beat me over the head with a cast-iron skillet.”

Des could see that about Martha. “So you treat women differently, then.”

“Of course.”

“But not me. Or did you just not notice I was a woman.”

“Oh, I noticed, all right.”

“At least you’re not blind. I was beginning to wonder about you, Logan.”

He’d walked off the gravel road, and they’d ended up under a shady group of trees near a lake. She headed toward the copse of trees. Her feet were tired so she grabbed a spot under one of them and sat down.

He looked down at her. “Now what are you doing?”

“Sitting.” She patted the spot beside her. “You should try it.”

“I don’t think so.”

“I don’t bite. Honest.” He might enjoy baiting her, but she really enjoyed his discomfort around her.

“I’m fine standing.”

“Suit yourself.” She pivoted around to look out over the lake. “Are there fish in there?”


“Do you go fishing?”


“I know how to fish.”


She tilted her head up to find him looking at her. “Yes. Seriously.”

“When have you gone fishing?”

“Lots of times, though not in a long time. When I was a kid, my dad would take me fishing whenever we were stationed somewhere near a lake.”

“And you liked spending time with your dad, even if that meant learning to fish.”

“Exactly. And hey, I was an adventurous sort of kid. Fishing never bothered me.”

He crouched down and pulled up a piece of grass. God forbid he should actually sit. That might make him comfortable.

“Anything else you can do in that lake?” she asked.

He frowned at her. “Like what?”

“I don’t know. It’s hot here. Maybe skinny-dipping?”


She laughed. “Why not? Are there alligators or eels in there?”


“Then you’re missing out on another opportunity to get a woman na**d.”

“I don’t miss out on opportunities to get women na**d. I just don’t skinny-dip.”

“Today might be your lucky day, Logan.”

She stood, and so did he. When she began to unbutton her shirt, he grabbed her hands.


“Why? Afraid to see me na**d?”

“No. But unless you’re an exhibitionist, you’re going to be baring yourself to a half dozen of my hands.”

She turned and looked in the direction of his gaze. Sure enough, several ranch hands were working the fence line north of them. She hadn’t even noticed.

“Well, shit.” She hurriedly buttoned up her shirt.

Logan cracked a smile. “I’m sorry to have missed that show.”

“You might have mentioned those guys to me.”

He shrugged. “We had some fence come down and several of the guys are replacing it today.”

“Asshole.” She turned and walked away, Logan’s laugh ringing in her ears.

She didn’t say a word to him on the walk back to the house. Instead, she went inside and found Martha in the kitchen pouring a glass of iced tea.

“How was your tour?”

“Interesting,” Des said, gratefully accepting a glass from Martha. “Thank you.”

Ignoring Logan, she visited with Martha for a while, asking her questions about her duties on the ranch. Martha was a great conversationalist, and talked pretty much nonstop about ranch life and her daily routine.

She was obviously a hardworking woman, just like everyone who worked the ranch.

Colt and Ben eventually showed up. “How was the ride?” she asked.

Colt grinned. “It felt great to be on a horse again.”

“The kid’s good,” Ben said to Logan. “We can put him to work anytime.”

Colt laughed. “Thanks. It’s nice to know I could potentially have a backup career in case this whole acting thing doesn’t work out.”

Martha let out a snort. “Considering your box-office draw, young man, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

Colt leaned over and kissed Martha on the cheek. “Thanks for that.”

“We should get going,” Des said, having had enough of Logan’s attitude for the day. “We’ve taken up enough of everyone’s day.”

“You did no such thing,” Martha said. “I loved having you here. I don’t get a lot of female company. You’re welcome anytime.”

She hugged Martha and so did Colt.

They walked outside and toward the vehicle they’d arrived in.

“Do you want me to come to the set to pick you up tomorrow?” Logan asked.

Des nodded. “That would be great, thanks. I appreciate you taking me with you.”

“No problem. I’ll see you in the morning.”

She climbed into the car, wishing they hadn’t been interrupted at the lake. She wondered what would have happened if there hadn’t been a crew there when she’d unbuttoned her shirt.

Would Logan have stopped her from undressing? Or would he have joined her?

Now there was some fodder for her fantasies.

They drove away from the house and back toward the set.

“How was your alone time with the hot rancher?” Colt asked.

“Fine. How was the ride?”

“It was good. Makes me want to do a lot more riding. I hadn’t realized how much I missed it.”

She shifted in her seat. “I’m sure they’d let you come over and ride. They’d probably put you to work.”

“And I’d probably enjoy it. So would Tony.”

“Are you going to try and sneak him out here for the Fourth of July?”

“If I can. His movie finishes the end of June, so he’d be clear.”

“That’s dangerous talk for someone whose management team is all over him about staying in the closet.”

“You could invite him.”

“I could, couldn’t I? I could invite several of our friends so it would look more like a group thing. I know Martha would enjoy that.”

“She probably would. I’m not sure Logan would, though.”

“I’m not sure I care what Logan likes or doesn’t like.”

Colt grinned. “I think you’re smitten in a big way.”

“And I think you’re full of shit.”

Colt’s laugh rang out in the car.

“You’re very irritating.”

“And you’re very transparent, Des. Just jump him and get it over with. You know you want to.”

That was the problem. She was very attracted to Logan, but she wasn’t sure it was because she wanted him, or because he kept trying so damn hard to push her away, while at the same time giving her the kind of looks a man gave a woman when he wanted to get her in bed.

He was confusing. And irritating. And sexy as hell.

Which meant she was determined to get to know him better.

And unravel the mystery that was Logan McCormack.

Chapter 4

LOGAN GRABBED HIS phone and checked the time, tapping his boots on the dirt as he waited for Des.

He should have known better than to agree to take her into town with him. Even though she’d promised she only had one scene this morning, she’d been in the middle of it when he’d arrived on the set, which meant she was still in full costume and makeup. Which was fine. He didn’t mind waiting for her to finish up.

Jessica had seen him and invited him to watch. It was an indoor scene today, taking place inside some dark, dusty, prison-like set they’d built. Colt and Des were chained together, the two of them in ragged, torn clothes.

Des’s character implored Colt’s not to give himself up for her sake. It was very emotional, the two of them sharing a kiss at the end of the scene. A really long, passionate kiss that looked damn real to Logan.

But then the director had claimed the scene wasn’t quite right, and needed to be reshot, so they’d had to start over.

More emotion. More kissing. By the time the director decided they’d gotten the scene just as he’d wanted it, Logan’s irritation had reached the boiling point.

After the kiss, Des and Colt broke apart. Colt smiled when he saw him.

“Hey, Logan. How’s it going?”

“Fine,” he said, trying to disengage his clenched jaw.

“I’d love to stay and talk, but I’ve got to jump right into the next scene. Catch you later?”


Des came over, too. “I know, I’m so sorry I’m late. Come on with me to the trailer. It’ll only take me a few minutes to get ready.”

And just like that, the passion he’d seen between Des and Colt had seemed to fizzle.

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