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Hope Ignites

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Why the hell he’d agreed to that, he had no idea. He had more than enough to do, and losing a day would put him behind.

But at least Martha would be happy.

DES MADE IT back to the film site and ran straight into Theo, her director.

“Des. Where’d you run off to?”

“I took a run to get some exercise. Did you need me for something?”

“Yes. We need to do a reshoot of one of this morning’s scenes. I told you not to disappear.”

“Sorry. I’ll head over to makeup and hair.”

“Too late now. I’ve already dismissed the crew for the day, and the lighting isn’t right. We’ll pick it up later.” He walked with her as she headed to her trailer. “I wanted to go over tomorrow’s scenes with you, though. How about dinner tonight? My trailer?” He put his arm around her shoulder.

Her skin crawled and she immediately wanted to shrug him off. Theo was a notorious, disgusting, very married womanizer, who liked to hit on his leading ladies, especially on location. But he was also a brilliant director, so one had to take the bad with the good. “I need a shower after my run, Theo. And I’ve already made plans to run lines with Colt over dinner. You’re welcome to join us, though. We could knock out discussion about tomorrow’s scenes then.”

Theo paused, then shook his head. “No, that’s all right. We’ll do it in the morning during prep. I’ll see you then.”

“Okay. See you tomorrow, Theo.”

She stepped up her pace before Theo came up with any more pervy ideas.

“Cornered you, did he?”

She smiled at Colt Stevens, her costar. “He did. Why weren’t you loitering nearby to save me?”

“Sorry, babe. I was on the phone. I saw Theo hook on to you as soon as you got back on set. Did you have a good run?”

“I did. Did you have a good phone call?”

His eyes gleamed. “I did.”

Des looked around to make sure they were alone. “And how is Tony?”

“Pining away for me, as always. I wish he could be here.”

“I wish he could, too.” Des wrapped her arm around Colt’s waist. “Why don’t you just come out of the closet and be done with it already?”

They’d reached her trailer. Colt opened the door for her, and Des stepped in. Colt followed and shut the door. “Oh, right. Smokin’-hot movie star who gets all the sexy, romantic roles comes out as gay.”

Des shrugged. “So? It’s the twenty-first century, Colt. And you kiss better than any leading man I’ve ever worked with. I doubt any of your future leading ladies would be deterred.”

Colt sat on her sofa, stretching out his long legs. “Thanks, babe. Tony thinks so, too.”

She laughed. “Seriously, though. We have chemistry through the roof, and it shows on-screen. If you can pull that off, who cares who you love offscreen?”

“Well, I sure don’t. And you don’t. And probably most of America doesn’t give a shit, either. But my management team does care. And they say no to coming out.”

She plopped onto the sofa next to him. “I’m sorry. You should be able to live your life freely and not have to parade around with a bunch of women you don’t care about while Tony is stuck loving you behind the scenes.”

Colt let out a sigh. “I know, love. But it is what it is, and I guess it’s going to stay that way for a while. Maybe someday we’ll be able to change that.”

She pushed off and stood. “Hopefully sooner rather than later. I want you to be happy.”

“I want you to be happy, too.”

She gave him a smile. “I am happy. I’m living my dream here.”

“Sure you are.”

“Did you get dinner ordered?”

“Should be here in about fifteen.”

“Pop open a bottle of wine for us, then. I’m going to hop in the shower.”

Des stripped and got into the shower, washing away the body makeup from the day’s scenes and the sweat from her run. She thought about Colt. They’d known each other since before either of them had even gotten their first part in film, when they’d bunked together in a one-bedroom apartment in Hollywood. They’d become fast friends and had stayed that way. She’d found out right away that Colt was gay—hard to hide that kind of thing from your best friend and roommate. And when they’d started getting roles together, they’d bonded and supported each others’ careers. Fortunately, they’d also been lucky enough to score roles in films together. Which, of course, made love scenes sometimes awkward to film, because as close friends, it was hard to play lovers. But they were professionals and they were actors. And because they were so close, they had a natural chemistry that lent itself well to the camera, so they worked at using that chemistry. They were comfortable together and lit up the screen. They were often linked together in the gossip circles, which Colt found hysterical.

So did Des. She didn’t mind bearding for him, and often went to premieres and out to dinner with him to give him a cover when he didn’t feel like playing the role of a straight guy with some other woman.

Until she’d met James and had started a relationship with him.

Which had recently gone up in flames. But she wasn’t going to think about him anymore. He’d already wasted enough of her time. She was never going to have a relationship with another actor.

Now she was free to hook up with Colt again. At least on the surface.

She got out of the shower and put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. The smell of dinner made her stomach clench. She was hungry, so she hurriedly combed out her hair and went into the main room of the trailer, where Colt was laying out forks and plates.

“Chinese food?”


“All that salt. I love looking puffy in front of the camera.”

Colt grinned. “You couldn’t look puffy if you tried. Sit down and eat.”

They ate, sipped wine, and roughed out tomorrow’s scenes in between bites.

“I met Logan McCormack, the owner of the ranch, today,” she said as she grabbed a fortune cookie.

“Yeah? What’s he like?”

“Incredibly sexy, in a brooding, loner cowboy sort of way.”

“Really. Would I like him?”

She laughed. “I think you’d love him. And Tony would kill you.”

“Hey, I’m devoted and madly in love and you know that. Doesn’t mean I can’t ogle.”

“I invited him to the set. He said his house manager is a big fan, so he’s going to bring her tomorrow.”


She looked at Colt. “Hmmm what?”

“You’re interested. Now I really can’t wait to meet him.”

“I didn’t say I was interested in him, only that he was interesting.”

“Same thing, isn’t it?”

“Not at all.” She cracked open her fortune cookie and popped a piece into her mouth as she unfolded the fortune and read it.

Your life is about to change in new and exciting ways.

She’d believe that when it happened.

Chapter 2


Logan looked over at Martha as they rode toward the set. “What?”

She smoothed down her hair and checked herself in the mirror. “My hair, Logan. It’s humid out here. What if I get to take a picture with Desiree or Colt? How does it look?”

“It looks fine.”

Martha shot him a glare. “That is not a helpful statement.”

“Your hair looks nice, Martha. Definitely picture-worthy.”

“Too late. Just drive.”

Logan shrugged, not understanding why this whole thing was such a big damn deal. But he loved Martha, so he’d endure it for her.

There was a designated parking area, and he gave his name to security, who checked him off the list and gave Martha and him a day pass, which irritated the crap out of him.

“Why the hell do I have to have a pass to walk on my own goddamned property?” he grumbled as they were led through a gate.

“Oh, quit complaining,” Martha said, her eyes wide as she soaked it all in.

“This isn’t freakin’ Disneyland, you know. It’s McCormack property. You’ve been here before.”

“Oh, no, Logan. To me, it’s Disneyland. By way of Hollywood. Look at the set, all the people running around. They’ve turned the land into something magical.”

When he’d told her yesterday that he’d run into Des, she’d squealed, dinner forgotten as she asked him the celebrity version of twenty questions. What was Desiree like? Was she nice? What had they talked about? Was she as pretty in person as she was on the screen? Had Colt been there with her?

Damn, but the woman had been incessant. And when he’d told her Des had invited them on set, her eyes had grown wide as saucers, and he thought he might have had to hold her up. She’d gripped the counter and told him he was lying. When he’d assured her he wasn’t, she’d abandoned dinner and gone home, claiming she had to figure out what she was going to wear. Good thing dinner had been ready so all he and Martha’s husband, Ben, had to do was serve it up.

“This is amazing,” Martha said as they wound their way onto the set.

Didn’t look amazing at all to him. It looked like someone had taken piles of rocks and blown them up. There were plenty of trees and hills, but a lot of it was scrub. He supposed it was stark and desolate enough for their movie, though he had no idea why they didn’t film it in the desert in California.

He’d asked them that question and they’d told him there were no clouds out there, not the right kind of scenery for the location they required. Here, there were plenty of clouds to give them the gloomy feel for the shoot. Plus, it could potentially rain, and they needed that. They’d given him a lot of explanatory bullshit about this being the ideal location, Also, it was private property, which meant they could keep the movie secret from the media.


He had to admit they’d done a lot in the short time they’d been here. There were buildings and caves, all painted and kind of impressive. On the north end there were giant, steel-like structures painted gray and forbidding, which resembled some kind of futuristic metropolis.

Maybe it was supposed to look like that. Though only half of it looked like the set. The rest of it was cameras and what appeared like a train track and equipment and a hell of a lot of people.

“You must be Logan.” A young dark-haired woman came over, wearing capris and a tank top. She also had on a headset and carried a phone, a clipboard, and a digital notebook. “I’m Jessica, Desiree’s assistant.”

Logan shook her hand. “Nice to meet you. This is Martha.”

Jessica shook her hand. “Des told me you were coming today. We have chairs already set up for you to watch the filming. Follow me.”

Jessica led them to two chairs with a clear view of the set. “Right here. Is there anything I can bring you? Would you like a drink?”

“I’m fine,” Logan said.

“Me, too. Thank you, Jessica,” Martha said, smiling so wide Logan was afraid her face was going to break.

“Des will be out shortly to greet you, but then she’ll have to get right on set.”

“Fine with me. Thanks,” Logan said, hoping they could just watch a scene, Martha would be placated and then they could get out of there. He had work to do. Cows didn’t exactly manage themselves. And while his crew would work fine alone, he didn’t take days off. It wasn’t in his nature.

“This is so exciting,” Martha said, nearly wriggling in her chair. She really had gone all out, getting dressed up in her fancy slacks and Sunday blouse. She’d even put on makeup, something Martha did only for church and special events.

He supposed, for Martha, this was a special event.

Logan had worn what he always wore. Jeans and a T-shirt. And his boots. It was just as hot and dusty out here as it was on the rest of the ranch. Besides, he saw no reason to get dressed up for these movie people. They were just regular people like him, right?

“You two look comfortable. You ready for the day?”

Martha clutched his arm as Des appeared from behind them.

She sure looked different from yesterday. Instead of her scrubbed, clean look, she was dressed in tight cargo pants and a black tank top. They had her hair mussed, her face streaked with dirt, and what looked like a bloody gash on her arm. She wore a strapped thigh holster and some kind of mean-looking futuristic weapon tucked onto her hip, another longer, rifle-type one slung across her back. And some very kickass boots with laces and buckles that even Logan had to admit looked sexy as hell on her.

Martha slid out of her chair and held out her hand. “Good morning, Miss Jenkins. I’m Martha Fleming. Thank you so much for letting us come to your set today.”

“Hi, Martha. I’m so pleased to meet you, and I’m glad you could make it today.” Des gave Logan a wide smile. “Nice to see you again, Logan.”

Logan nodded. “Des.”

“Are you ready for an action scene today?” Des asked them.

“They sure have you made up, don’t they?” Martha asked, looking at Des. “How long does that take?”

“Not too bad for today. About an hour and a half in hair and makeup. I’m going to get a little more roughed up, but Colt will take the worst of it, so unfortunately for him, he’ll have to sit longer in the chair than I will after this scene.”

“How exciting.” Martha was practically vibrating.

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