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Holding Strong

Page 26

He rubbed a hand over his face, then got himself together.

She was with him, thank God, not alone. When he considered his own stubbornness, how he’d almost let her go back to her room alone, it made him want to kick his own ass. Right now she needed someone.

He wanted that someone to be him.

Luckily he had time to spare, and though he hated to see her feeling so poorly and would have spared her if he could, he’d enjoy caring for her.

First thing was cancelling their checkout.

He slipped from the bed without disturbing her, then just stood there looking down at her.

During the night when her fever had broken, she’d turned to her back, one hand up above her head, the other resting over her middle.

The sheet and blanket were now down to her knees.


She had the sweetest, curviest little body he’d ever seen.

And those panties... They were mostly a strip of lace over the front, a thong in the back, and they made him hazy with churning lust.

Making himself turn away, Denver picked up his clothes and slipped into the bathroom to dress and shave. Shaving was a concession for her delicate skin. He rarely bothered anymore, except when meeting with clients through his work as an accountant. But since making the SBC, he’d cut way back on that—and on shaving. Now he only had a few longtime clients he continued to work with.

After brushing his teeth, he finger-combed his long hair and stepped out again.

Cherry hadn’t stirred. Her badly mussed blond curls spilled out over the pillow. Sunlight cut across her face and even sick and without makeup, she looked beautiful, her skin creamy, her lips full and soft.

If he didn’t have a fight rolling up, he wouldn’t mind spending an entire week at the hotel with her.

Just the two of them.

Most of their time spent in bed. Or the shower. Hell, he’d enjoy bending her over the desk so he could appreciate that spectacular ass even more.

But he would never shirk his training, so a week was out.

They’d have most of today, but she wouldn’t be up for any of the things he burned to do to her.

Looking away from temptation, he put his wallet in his pocket and picked up the room key card, then slipped out without making a sound.

At the front desk, he checked out of his own room and extended her stay, explaining that she was sick. There was a good chance that once awake, she’d feel up to the ride home later. But he didn’t want her rushed.

With that done, he visited the hotel restaurant and grabbed an assortment of food for himself, drinks for her. Carrying his haul, he headed for the elevator...until he felt eyes on him. Pausing with a frown, he glanced over his shoulder.

From across the lobby two men tracked his every move. Being unshaven, rough and in sloppy clothes didn’t conceal their bulky shoulders and probable strength.

Or their aura of danger.

Suspicion sharpened, while priorities left Denver divided.

He needed to get back to Cherry. But what if these two were part of the trio Armie had mentioned? They could be a threat to her.

Decision made, Denver turned and, never once breaking eye contact with the biggest guy, headed toward them.

Clearly that surprised them because the big guy lost the challenge in his gaze, straightening with new awareness. The smaller man—which didn’t make him small by any stretch—said something to the other and... Damn it.

Denver watched them go through the rotating doors and disappear. His jaw ticked. Should he go after them? In his experience, men only ran if they had a reason.

So hell yes, he needed to go after them.

He saw a couple of female fight fans eyeing him and, ready to take advantage, gave them a smile. “Could I ask a favor?”

A slim brunette returned his smile. “Sure.”

“Watch my food for a minute?”


In a rush, he set everything on the top of her rolling suitcase. “Swear I’ll only be a couple of minutes.” He hoped.

A more petite blonde next to her bobbed her head. “Okay. Sure.”

“Thanks.” Jogging, he went out the same doors, looked left, turned right—and saw the two men duck around the side of the building.

He stalked forward and rounded the corner cautiously. Three hulking men now stood together, all openly belligerent. Idiots. Did they think being together somehow gave them an advantage?

And why would they need an advantage anyway? What were they up to?

If they were in any way related to Cherry, it didn’t show. Though two of them wore hats, Denver could see they were dark-haired, muscular but with signs of dissipation, eyes reddened from drugs or alcohol, maybe both.

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