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His Hour

Page 3

The Sphinx was smiling its eternal smile. It was two o'clock in the

morning. The tourists had returned to Cairo, and only an Arab or two

lingered near the boy who held Tamara's camel, and then gradually slunk

away; thus, but for Hafis, she was alone--alone with her thoughts and

the Sphinx.

The strange, mystical face looked straight at her from the elevation

where she sat. Its sensual mocking calm penetrated her brain. The

creature seemed to be laughing at all humanity--and saying--"There is

no beyond--live and enjoy the things of the present--Eat, drink, and be

merry, for to-morrow you die, and I--I who sit here and know, tell you

there is no beyond. The things you can touch and hold to your bodies

are the only ones worth grasping."

"No, no!" said Tamara, half aloud, "I will not--I will not believe it."

"Fool," said the Sphinx. "What is your soul? And if you have one, what

have you done with it hitherto? Are you any light in the world?--No,

you have lived upon the orders of others, you have let your

individuality be crushed these twenty-four years--since the day you

could speak. Just an echo it is--that fine thing, your soul! Show it

then, if you have one! Do you possess an opinion? Not a bit of it. You

simply announce platitudes that you have been taught were the right

answers to all questions! Believe me, you have no soul. So take what

you can--a body! You certainly have that, one can see it--well, snatch

what it can bring you, since you have not enough will to try for higher

things. Grasp what you may, poor weakling. That is the wisdom sitting

here for eternity has taught me."

Tamara stirred her hands in protest--but she knew the indictment was

true. Yes, her life had been one long commonplace vista of following

leads--like a sheep.

But was it too late to change? Had she the courage? Dared she think for

herself? If not, the mystic message of the Sphinx's smile were better

followed: "Eat, drink, and be merry, for to-morrow you die."

The blue of the sky seemed to soothe her, and speak of hope. Could any

other country produce a sky of so deep a sapphire as the night sky of

Egypt? All around was intense sensuous warmth and stillness almost as

light as day.

How wise she had been to break through the conventionality which

surrounded her--and it had required some nerve--so as to be able to

come here alone, on this one of her last nights in Egypt.

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