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Her Nocturnal Lover

Page 44

The knocking had stopped when he got energy to push himself out of the room. He would go out and eat something. Then he would maybe sit outside and look at the fallen sun after all, he was fallen as well. Broken since the day Linda had left him. The thought of her pained him. He'd thought Dibba had hurt so much, but Linda's had even been worse. He craved touching her.

He walked and opened the front door absent mindedly. Tears still flowing from his face, only to see a figure sitting on the veranda. He froze.

"Bill." The figure mumbled, jumping off the veranda and running to him. Then it planted a firm kiss on his lips.

"Bill, Bill love it's me." Linda cried. Hugging his weak body tightly.

"I sorry." Linda cried, tears flowing down her face rapidly. She was at his house, hugging him, and he still stood with no reaction like he'd not seen her.

"What happened to you darling? You're starving yourself. I am so sorry." Linda said, crying even more desperately. She placed her lips on his again. Panic engulfing her.

"Linda. Bae." Bill mumbled weakly. He could not bring himself to believe that she was the one. Standing at his door. Hugging him. Kissing him and asking him all these questions. Like she cared

"Bill, what's wrong?"

"Linda, you're here? I was running mad. Baby is it you?" He cried weakly. His tears like a slap on Linda's two cheeks.

"Bill, get fine… It's me sweetheart. It's me here. Get well please, come back to me. I'm yours remember? Like you're mine… I am here darling. Don't faint off. Don't leave me. She cried hoping that he gets well. That he responds like Bill, like he knew her, like she meant something to him. She placed her lips on his, kissing gently, hoping that he would recover. Hoping that he gets well, that he responds. And he did. Only this time when she kissed him, he responded with a more demanding kiss, his Hands sliding down her butt.

"I love you… So much darling. Don't leave me again or I'll die. Please." He begged. His lips still pressing down on hers. Linda loved it that he was back and in control.

"I won't leave you again Bill. Not again ever." She said. Kissing him

"I thought I had lost you. I swear I was gonna die"

"I too honey. I thought I had lost you."

"I lost you once honey"

"You did not lose me Bill. I am here and you'll never lose me. Okay?" Linda said. Holding both his hands.

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