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Heat of the Moment

Page 13

Her eyes twinkled. “And what would that be?”


He brushed his lips over hers, and this time when she deepened the kiss he didn’t pull back. No more talking. Right now all he wanted to do was lose himself in Shelby’s warm body and sweet lips. He licked his way from her mouth to her neck, sucking gently on her skin and inhaling the intoxicating scent of her. She smelled like flowers and lavender and, ironically enough, vanilla. But Carson had been dead wrong earlier, because there was nothing vanilla about Shelby. No other woman had ever managed to turn him on this fiercely.

He moved his mouth from her neck down to her br**sts, drawing one nipple between his lips. He flicked his tongue over the pebbled nub, enjoying the way she moaned and tangled her fingers in his hair to bring him deeper. He suckled on her other nipple and got another moan for his effort, and then Shelby’s fingers had left his hair and were stroking his c**k until he could barely see straight.

“You’ll make me come if you keep doing that,” he growled.

“I thought man-hoes had excellent restraint.”

“I meant what I said about those days being over. I haven’t been with anyone for more than a year, Shel.”

Her hand dropped from his dick, her expression both startled and wary. “Seriously?”

“Seriously,” he confirmed.

The look in her eyes told him she wasn’t sure whether to believe him, and again he decided to put an end to all the talking. They could discuss it all later—right now he just wanted to enjoy being naked with Shelby.

The heat in the bedroom was palpable, both from the heat wave outside and the sparks sizzling between them. Inhaling some much-needed oxygen, Garrett slid his hand between her legs and touched her clit, then lower, groaning when he found her pu**y soaking wet.

“Damn it,” he squeezed out.

“What’s the matter?” He could hear the smile in her voice.

“I’d planned on going slow.”

“And you’re speaking in the past tense because…?”

“Because the plan was shot to hell the second I felt this. ” He palmed her then pushed two fingers inside all that wetness. “God, I need to be inside you.”

He grabbed the condom lying next to them and rolled it onto his dick, and a second later he was on top of her, driving into her sweet heat to the hilt.

“Johnny,” she gasped, so much pleasure loaded into her voice he didn’t bother reminding her how much he hated being called that. Truth was, the name sounded sexy coming from Shelby’s lips.

He slid his hands underneath her and cupped her firm ass, pushing himself in deeper, buried so far inside her pu**y he thought he might be hurting her. But her soft groans and the way she tilted her hips spoke otherwise, and soon he was pumping into her without an ounce of finesse. He felt like a horny teenager again, needing to drive his c**k into her over and over again, needing to explode in a climax that was one year in the making.

Shelby didn’t seem to mind. If anything, she was moving more erratically than he was, meeting him thrust for thrust, begging him to go faster, and, when fast didn’t seem to be enough for her, harder.

“John…I’m going to…oh God…” She dug her fingers into his back, which was now soaked with sweat, and proceeded to fall apart beneath him.

The look of ecstasy in her eyes as she came was enough to send him flying over that same cliff. White-hot pleasure shot down his spine and grabbed hold of his balls, and then he was coming too, his heart damn near bursting, his eyes blinded by the light exploding in front of them.

“Jesus.” He gasped out a breath, trying to put what he’d just experienced into more eloquent words. “That was…Jesus.”

Apparently Shelby wasn’t capable of talking any more than he was, because she simply gave a contented sigh and wrapped her arms tighter around him.

He knew he must be crushing her, so he gently tried rolling off, but she held him in place and murmured, “Stay.”

Smiling, he slowly withdrew his still-hard c**k from her tightness, never moving off her while he took off the condom. Then he planted a soft kiss on her lips and said, “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on going anywhere.”

Chapter Five

Shelby woke up the next morning to the sound of rain pounding against the bedroom window. She and Garrett hadn’t bothered shutting the curtains last night, and she turned her head and watched as fat raindrops streaked down the glass. Looked like the heat wave had finally broken.

The heat level between the sheets, however, was still at record-breaking levels.

“Don’t you ever stop to rest?” she asked as Garrett slid one warm hand underneath her panties and teased her clit with his fingers.

“Nope.” He snuggled closer to her, looking ridiculously adorable with his dark hair tousled from sleep and his brown eyes twinkling with mischief.

She still couldn’t believe he’d stayed the entire night. Somehow she’d been expecting him to freak out or something, decide he’d made a mistake by sleeping with her and jump out of bed in horror. She thought she’d wake up to find his side of the bed empty, the imprint of his body the only sign that he’d actually been there.

But here he was. Playful and awake and not in the least bit remorseful about what they’d done. It was obvious the only remorse he felt was over the fact that she was still wearing panties, but he quickly took care of that.

“We should really get up,” she said reluctantly as his fingers continued their exploration.

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