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Heat of Passion

Page 13

“Since now.”

The other man nodded wisely. “Ah, so you realized it’s time to grow up.”

“Something like that.”

“And you like this girl?”

“From what I know so far, yeah,” he admitted.

Will gave a careless shrug. “Then have sex with her.”

“Did you not just hear a word I said?” Carson said in frustration.

“Sure I did. But the way I see it, it’s your in. Call her up, tell her you’re up for a fling, and then slowly work on her to try the dating thing.”

“She was pretty determined to do the fling thing, man.”

“Then change her mind. You’re a SEAL, she’s a cute little waif. How hard could it be?”

Carson paused. Will did have a point. He wanted Holly, and he wasn’t going to get her standing around playing mini-golf. Maybe he should call her. Agree to sleep together for a while, and then turn up the seductive charm and convince her to give him a serious shot...

“Definitely an idea worth considering,” he finally admitted as he pulled up in front of Will’s small, non-descript bungalow. He put the car in park, turned to the other man and, very sarcastically, said, “Well, I’d like to say thanks for a good game of golf, but I can’t. Why? Because you hurled your putter at a clown and threw a hissy fit.”

“I didn’t throw a hissy fit. I was only displaying my dislike for that sad excuse of a course. Next time you want to play mini-golf, call a third-grader. I only play adult golf.”

“Adult golf? So you play naked while someone films you? Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

Will gave him the finger and got out of the car.

Holly didn’t get home from the Grier wedding until past midnight, after spending the entire night serving drinks and fighting off the advances of the very drunk uncle of the bride. Her temples were throbbing as she got out of her bright yellow VW Beetle and headed up the flower-lined path leading to her building.

Shoving her hand in her black leather purse, she fiddled around for her keys, found them and stepped toward the lobby door.

“You’re home late,” a male voice drawled.

She jumped, startled, searching the darkness. She finally spotted him leaning against one of the pillars near the entrance.

“What on earth are you doing here?” she asked, gaping.

Carson shot her a charming grin. “You’re not in the least bit happy to see me?”

Happy? Try overjoyed. Just the sight of him, in faded blue jeans that hugged his muscular legs and a blue sweatshirt the same color as his eyes, made her pulse race. She’d been thinking about him ever since the wedding, hoping he’d call. She couldn’t even count how many times she’d stared at the phone last night, willing for it to ring, but it hadn’t, and she’d forced herself to accept that Carson had meant what he said. He wasn’t interested in having sex with her again.

But obviously he’d changed his mind.

“How did you know where I live?”

He shrugged. “Called the catering company and told the woman who answered that I’d found your cell phone and wanted to return it.”

“And she gave you my address? What if you were a serial killer?”

There was a twinkle in those ocean blue eyes. “Do you really want to stand out here and talk about your company’s irresponsible receptionist, or are you going to invite me up?”

Her pulse took off in a gallop. “You want to come up? I thought you didn’t do this kind of thing anymore.”

“I had a change of heart.” He slanted his head. “Unless the offer’s off the table, of course…”

Holly grinned. “Oh, the offer is definitely still on the table.”

“Good.” He grinned back. “So why are we still out here?”

With a laugh, she unlocked the door to the lobby and led Carson to the elevator. Her apartment was on the second floor, but the elevator ride seemed to take hours. Carson edged close to her in the car, sliding his hand down to fondle her ass while he bent his head and lightly nibbled her earlobe. She bit back a moan, enjoying the way he squeezed her cheeks and then dragged his finger up and down her crease. God, she couldn’t wait to get naked with this man.

Finally the elevator doors opened. Impatiently, she pushed forward and practically sprinted to her door, unlocking it with shaky fingers.

Carson stood behind her as she fumbled with the handle, chuckling as she struggled, then giving her ass a quick spank when she finally got the door open. The apartment was dark when they walked in, and Holly made no move to turn on the lights. Instead, she grabbed his hand and started to lead him toward the hallway. “Bedroom,” she choked out.

“Someone’s a little eager,” he teased.

“A little? Try a lot. I’ve been fantasizing about being with you again for an entire month.”

“Fantasizing, huh?” His lips were suddenly on her neck, kissing the sensitive skin, sucking it gently. “Did you lie in bed at night and touch yourself while thinking about me?”


He groaned against her skin. “That’s hot.”

“I’m glad you approve.” She shuddered when his teeth nipped at her jaw. “Can we go the bedroom now?”

“It’s too far away,” he said huskily, then pulled her toward him and captured her mouth with his.

She didn’t know how long they stood there kissing. And she definitely had no idea how they ended up in the kitchen, the closest room to the front hall. But suddenly they were there, and Carson had dragged her toward the small island in the center of the room.

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