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Heat It Up

Page 21

Although the magazine had paid for her hotel room until Sunday, she had already decided this would be her last night in San Diego. She was done with her article. She was done with Becker. Which meant there was really no reason for her to stick around. Might as well go home, focus on her job, and force herself to forget about the sexy Navy SEAL who’d rocked her world this week.

Ryan wasn’t inside the bar when she walked in. She searched the crowded room, finally spotting him at one of the outdoor tables on a deck that overlooked the ocean. She weaved her way toward him, ignoring the lewd whistle of a guy with spiky platinum hair and the blatant ogling of a middle-aged man nursing a bottle of beer. When she stepped outside, Ryan shot her an endearing grin and got to his feet. He was even sexier than she remembered, and completely opposite from Becker, who was strong and stoic, who oozed raw masculinity. Not that Ryan wasn’t masculine. He had to be, with that lean, rippled body and the sexual energy it radiated, but he was laidback, cool in a very easygoing kind of way.

A little shiver danced up her spine as she thought about Becker’s c**k buried in her ass, while she used her fingers to mimic Ryan inside her pu**y. Arousal drummed through her blood, but quickly faded as she remembered Becker’s goodbye. If she’d met Ryan first, maybe she would have hooked up with him. Now…well, she didn’t want anyone but Thomas Becker.

Too bad he didn’t want her.

“Did you have any problems getting here?” Ryan asked as he pulled out a chair for her.

The table he’d chosen seated two and was shaded by a huge red umbrella that fluttered in the evening breeze. On the horizon, Jane noticed the sun dipping into the water, filling the sky with brilliant shades of orange and pink. She set her purse on the wooden deck and sat down. “None,” she said in response to his question. “I like it here. It’s got a good atmosphere.”

Ryan sat down again. “That’s why we come here. Oh, this is for you.” He pushed the margarita glass across the table, the liquid coming perilously close to spilling over the rim.

“Thanks,” she said gratefully. She picked up the glass, tipped it back, and drank nearly half of it.

Ryan’s dark eyebrows shot to his forehead. He watched as she licked the salt from her lips, his blue eyes flickering with amusement. “So why the urgent need for company?”

She took another long sip, enjoying the lemony flavor of the alcohol as it slid down her throat. “I didn’t want to be alone in my hotel room all night,” she confessed.

Ryan looked intrigued. He dragged a hand through his dark hair then leaned back in his chair. “The Lieutenant is busy tonight?” he asked in a careful tone.

“The Lieutenant dumped me,” she said in a glum voice. Avoiding his eyes, she polished off the rest of her drink and signaled the waitress for another one.

When she glanced back at Ryan, he looked shocked. “Lieutenant Becker dumped you?”

She nodded.

Ryan’s seductive blue eyes traveled down her face and rested briefly on her br**sts, which practically poured out of her thin tank top. She hadn’t bothered changing after Ryan’s phone call. Just hopped in the car in her ratty cut-off shorts and practically see-through top. At least she was wearing a bra, though she could feel the heat of Ryan’s gaze directly against her bare skin, teasing her ni**les.

He finally lifted his gaze, shaking his head to himself. “Was he on drugs?”

“Nope.” She shrugged. “He thinks I’m not his type.”

Another flash of surprise from Ryan, followed by a lazy smile. “Janie, I think you’re everyone’s type.”

She laughed. “Has anyone ever told you you’re unbelievably charming?”

“I hear it all the time.” He smiled impishly, and a pair of adorable dimples creased his cheeks. Reaching for his beer, he lifted it to his lips and took a long swig, then set down the bottle. He looked determined as he leaned forward on both elbows. “I have an idea. Want to know what it is?”

“Hell, yes.”

He opened his mouth, only to get interrupted by the waitress, who deposited another margarita in front of Jane. With a quick thanks, Jane picked up the fresh glass and sipped, waiting for Ryan to continue.

“So, here’s what I’m thinking,” he said in a sexy drawl. “For some reason, Lieutenant Becker was stupid enough to let you get away. I, on the other hand, would never commit such an atrocity.”

She tightened her lips to stop from laughing. “Okay. And?”

“And I think it’s a shame for you to spend your last few days in San Diego alone when you could be naked. With me,” he finished, shooting her an innocent smile that revealed his straight white teeth.

Jane stared at him. “Oh my God. You’re man-Jane.” She shook her head in bewilderment, wondering if this was how those chicks from The Parent Trap felt when they discovered they had a twin. “You’re me.”

Ryan wrinkled his forehead. “Is that a good thing, or a bad one?”

She pursed her lips as she mulled it over. “Well, it’s bad for you, because I don’t think I could sleep with a guy who reminds me this much of myself. It’s weird. But it’s also good for you, because I have no problem getting absolutely sloshed with a guy who reminds me this much of myself.” She picked up her second drink and drained it.

Ryan offered a wolfish grin. “I still think revenge sex is a better way to get over Becker.”

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