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Heat It Up

Page 19

His nostrils flared. “Why? Because I want a different sort of relationship this time around? I’ve already been with one career-minded woman who didn’t want to settle down. I can’t do it again.” He locked his gaze to hers. “Tell me, Jane, what kind of relationship do you want?”

Hesitation flickered on her face. Finally she sighed and said, “I want to settle down. One day.”

Becker couldn’t stop the burst of disappointment that went off in his chest. Perpetually honest, that was Jane. Though, even if she’d tried to lie and convince him their life goals were aligned, he would’ve been able to see through her. Jane was very easy to read. Probably because she wasn’t capable of lying.

“So why drag this out?” he asked softly, rising naked from the bed. He found his jeans and pulled them up to his hips, zipping them up. “I like you, Jane.” His features twisted. “I more than like you. Fuck, a few more days and I can see myself half in love with you.”

Her throat bobbed as she gulped. “I know what you mean.”

“That’s why we need to end it now.” His chest constricted the second the words came out. “We want different things out of life. Giving ourselves three more days to get even more attached is a bad idea.”

She didn’t answer for a moment, and when she did, there was a gleam of sadness in her eyes. “You’re right.” She paused. “I’ll just gather up my stuff and head back to my room.”

Becker eliminated the distance between them and gently took hold of her arm before she could move to the door. “Hey, you can’t just hurry off. Can we at least say a proper goodbye?”

Jane gave a faint smile. “You just f**ked me in the ass. Can’t that be our goodbye?”

His mouth twitched. Damn, he really would miss her bluntness. He swept his gaze over her, taking in the sight of her tousled red hair, messy and sweat-dampened from the sex they’d just had. The way her blue dress slid over each curve of that petite body. Her full lips, red and bee-stung from their kisses. She’d never looked more beautiful.

“C’mere,” he said gruffly, reaching for her.

Jane hesitated then allowed him to take her into his embrace. He held her tight, inhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo, smiling when her hair tickled the tip of his nose. Then he dipped his head, placing a tender kiss on her mouth. She kissed him back, her tongue darting out for one brief moment to meet his, then retreating.

“It’s been fun,” she said lightly as she stepped out of his arms.

“More than fun,” he corrected. He shifted awkwardly. “Will you send me a copy of the magazine when your article comes out?”

“Sure.” Jane bent down and collected her underwear from the floor. Tucking it into her purse, she glanced around at the other items of clothing strewn across the room and smiled ruefully. “Can you toss everything else into the duffel I brought over and have it sent to my room?”

“No problem.” His throat suddenly felt thick, tight. “I’ll see you around, Jane.”

“See you around, Becker,” she echoed.

She slung the strap of her purse over her shoulder and walked out of the room. As he heard the front door click shut, Becker realized they’d just spoken the same parting words they’d said that first day, when they went their separate ways after the elevator encounter.

Last time, the goodbye hadn’t stuck.

This time, he had to make sure it did.

Chapter Six

Jane woke up the next morning to the sound of her cell phone chirping out a tinny rendition of a Bon Jovi song. It was her sister’s ring tone, which was the only reason she forced herself into a sitting position and grabbed the cell phone from the bedside table. She hadn’t spoken to Liz since she’d driven down to San Diego from LA, and she wanted to make sure her older sister was doing okay. Being held hostage in South America wasn’t an easy experience to forget, though Liz kept acting like it was no biggie.

“Hey, Lizzie,” she said sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

“Hey, Janie,” her sister teased. “Did I wake you?”

“Yeah, but don’t worry, I had to get up anyway.” She shifted the phone to her other ear and climbed out of bed.

“How’s the writing going?”

“At the moment, it’s not. But I’m planning on sitting down and finishing the first draft today.”

“Did you end up getting the interview from Thomas Becker?”

Jane ignored the pain and regret that filled her belly. “No, he didn’t agree to it.”

“I thought that would happen.” Liz chuckled softly. “He seemed like a very private man.”

“He is.”

“But that body, it’s to die for, isn’t it?” her sister said with a dreamy sigh.

Another spark of pain. Yep, Becker’s body really was amazing. But not as amazing as the rest of him. She’d spent nearly a week with him, which had been plenty of time to get acquainted with his other attributes. Like the gentle way he brushed her hair off her forehead. His rare smiles and even rarer burst of laughter. His serious intelligence. The way he accepted her completely, appreciated her candid nature and total lack of inhibition.

Except…he hadn’t completely accepted her, now had he? She hadn’t been enough for him, when it mattered. Irritation nipped at her throat. His ex-wife had screwed him up pretty badly, and now he was going out of his way to find a woman who probably didn’t even exist. This wasn’t the 1950s anymore. Chances were, he’d have a tough time finding that perfect, childbearing housewife of his.

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