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Heart of the Wolf

Page 24

Yeah, can’t see it, eh? The two of you watch your backs. Volan’s not one to play fairly if it means losing Bella and his pack leadership all at the same time. He’ll be out for your blood.

Devlyn was glad to know Argos was on his side. Does Volan know Bella’s address?

No. She’s always had a P.O. box address. I don’t know where her home is.

Is Volan there now? Devlyn hoped it was a ruse, a veiled threat that he was coming for them if Devlyn didn’t bring her home to Colorado.

No. According to others, he left sometime this afternoon.

Devlyn breathed in the subtle fragrance of Bella behind him. A red lupus garou has been killing here. We’re trying to discover who he is. We’ll be returning later than we planned. In the meantime, we’ll keep an eye out for Volan.

Devlyn... be careful.

“Is something wrong?” Bella asked, her sweet voice stirring him when she walked into the office. Her voice was threaded with worry, but seeing her wearing her red lace panties and bra forced the breath from his lungs. “Sinfully sexy” described his Bella. Just catching sight of her bra pushing up her already full-sized breasts... just a bit more and the top of her darkened nipples would be exposed.

He stood up from the desk chair quickly. “Yeah, something’s wrong. Argos returned to Colorado and is still there. The message we thought he sent must have been from Volan.”

Bella’s face paled.

Wrapping his arm around her, he nuzzled his cheek against her neck. “Argos assures me he doesn’t know where you live.”

She shook her head.

Argos typed in a final message: Bring her home, Devlyn.

You have my word, Argos. D

The next message made the hair on the nape of his neck stand on end.

Dear little Bella, I sent trusted members of my pack to bring you home, but it seems Devlyn has other ideas. I should have killed him years ago. No problem. Now is as good a time as any. Unless you agree to be my mate. Think on it, angel. A life for a life. Meet me at the club and agree to be my mate and I’ll let him live. Volan

Devlyn cursed under his breath, sure Volan’s message would shake Bella’s faith in his abilities. Shutting off the computer, he tightened his hold on her, hoping she wouldn’t discourage what he craved to do with her next. He kissed her cheek, but she seemed deep in thought, not responding to his attentions.

He couldn’t stomach the thought that she’d want to cool it with him now. Not when he’d convinced her he was the only one for her. “Bella honey, you haven’t changed your mind... “

Her darkened gaze shifted from his chest to his face. Tears pooled in her eyes, striking a chord in his heart. He kissed her lips, trying to stir her compulsion to mate. Once she was his, there was no going back. No acquiescing to the alpha leader.

He breathed in the peach smell of her hair, focusing on everything about her that urged him to take his relationship with her all the way. “I’ll kill him, Bella, before he can have you. I swear it.”

“We can’t do it, Devlyn.”

Unable to curb his anger, he growled, “Because?” “Because of Volan!”

Grinding his teeth, Devlyn cast her a knife-edged look. “You still think I haven’t got what it takes? That I can’t best him?”

“I’ve seen what he’s done to others who tried to take over the pack! I know how impossible he is to beat.”

Devlyn took her hand and kissed it, attempting to get his rage under control, trying to persuade her to give him a chance.

She pushed him away.

Instantly, the bloodlust surged through his veins. “If all it takes for you to agree to be my mate... “ He clamped his lips tight and stormed out of the office.

“Devlyn, wait! What are you going to do?”

He refused to give in to the panic in her voice. He’d come too far to back down now. “I’ll kill him, Bella. That’s what I’m going to do. I’ll end this once and for all.”

“No!” She grabbed his arm, but he yanked it free.

“Wait for me, Bella. I’ll take care of him and be back shortly.”

She didn’t say another word, and when he climbed into the SUV, he glanced at the reason for his actions — Bella, his chosen, her eyes misted with tears, her lips pursed in anger.

Volan was as good as dead.

Bella watched Devlyn back out of the garage, her knight who’d get himself killed. She’d never share his love, have his children, be able to return to the pack.

The garage door shut, becoming an impenetrable wall between them.

“Damn it, Devlyn.” He’d forced her hand.

She raced back to her bedroom, dressed, and yanked her gun out of the bedside table. She would end it once and for all.

After calling a taxi, she paced across the living room, waiting for the cab’s arrival, her blood on fire. Could she kill Volan if she had the chance?

The image of him ripping her dress, trying to force himself on her, came to mind. She slung the leather purse over her shoulder. She could do it.

A yellow cab honked outside, and she hurried to meet it. “Papagalli’s Dance Club,” she said to the driver, her words rushed.

“Yes, ma’am. Hot date?” the driver asked, black dreadlocks jiggling when he talked, his voice sounding Jamaican. Steel band music thumped on his CD player while he tapped his thumbs on the steering wheel in perfect sync with the tune, his body rocking to the beat.

“Somebody’s dying to meet me,” she answered, jumping into the car.

“Lucky guy.”

“Thanks. I need to get there fast to put him out of his misery.”

The driver flashed a set of straight teeth, his dark skin making them appear ice-white.

On the way to the club, she pulled out her money but fought leaving her gun in her bag.

A few minutes later, he announced, “Here we are, ma’am. Fastest time I ever made.”

She gave him a generous tip. “For your trouble.”

“No trouble.”

But she was already out the door. The heavy beat of the dance club music filled the parking area, vibrating the ground. Except for the soft glow of street lights, the businesses on either side of the street were dark and closed for the night, making the area the perfect place for a lupus garou to stalk its prey. The temperature had dropped several degrees, but it was the worry about Devlyn fighting Volan that turned her blood to ice. Before she reached the club entrance, movement to the east caught her eye.

She whipped around.

Volan. His black eyes glittered with a mixture of anger and unfulfilled lust. His grim look indicated that he meant business.

So did she.

She fumbled to extract the gun from her purse. He ran across the parking lot to intercept her. Damn it! She knew she should’ve pulled the gun out already.

Her skin grew wet with perspiration. The breeze carried the smell of her fear to him. He’d like that. The notion that she was afraid of him always empowered him.

She yanked the gun free.

His eyes wide, he froze a few yards from her. “Put the gun down, Bella.”

Dressed in all black, he was the picture of death. The breeze tugged at his raven-colored hair hanging loose at his massive shoulders. Everything about him was larger than life. His thick neck, angular jaw, huge chest, and large hands. Unbeatable.

She’d even considered that her memory of him wasn’t accurate. That because she’d been smaller, he’d seemed larger. But no, he was even bigger now that he stood so close again.

She swallowed, but the moisture in her throat had evaporated. “Leave us alone, Volan, and I’ll let you live.”

Smiling the most malevolent look she’d ever seen, he ran straight at her.

She staggered backward toward the safety of the club and bumped into the back of a van. She couldn’t fire the gun like she thought she could. Heart hammering, she turned to run.

His heated body grew so close, it made the hairs on her arms stand on end. Stomping behind her, he stepped on one of her heels. Then he struck her in the back of the head.

The blow sent pain streaking through her skull. She fought the blackness that filled her vision. Fought giving into the bastard. Stumbling, she fell to her knees. He’d knock her unconscious and secret her away. He’d rape her like he’d intended so many times before.

Shoving her onto her back beside a bright yellow sports car, he reached for her arms. She held them up to him, the gun shaking in her hands.

His face hard with anger, he stepped back. “Put the damned gun down.”

She squeezed the trigger. Twice.


A hideous chortle erupted. “You’re coming home with me, Bella. Then you’ll do what I say.” Again, he reached for her.

Only this time, she’d unfastened the safety catch. Two shots to the chest, the bullets slammed into his heart.

He grunted and clutched his chest, pain replacing his arrogant look. Like a giant redwood felled, he stumbled backward and collapsed on his back between the cars.

Her hands trembled. She eased herself up. For as long as she could remember, she’d feared the beast. She couldn’t stop shaking, sure he would pummel her again. Her head still ached and she felt dizzy.

With her stomach crawling, she poked Volan’s boot with the toe of her shoe. He didn’t stir. He couldn’t hurt Devlyn and he couldn’t hurt her now, but she felt sick over what she’d done. Glancing around the lot in a panic, she saw Devlyn’s rental SUV. She tore over to it and yanked on the passenger door. Locked. Her heart and head pounded as loud as the rock and roll beat blaring from the club. Racing around to the driver’s side, she pulled at the door. It opened, and she nearly fell on her butt in surprise. Trying to get her nerves under control, she shoved her purse containing the gun into the backseat and then slammed the door.

Returning to Volan, she grabbed his arms and tugged. His massive body wouldn’t budge. She dropped his arms and paced briskly next to his head, rubbing the back of hers where his iron fist had slugged her. Oh, God, what was she going to do with him?

She seized his arms again and yanked, her back and arms straining. He was more the size of a grizzly than a wolf, and she couldn’t move him even a fraction of an inch. She paced again. What in the hell was she to do? Get Devlyn to help her and undoubtedly have to face his anger, or pretend it didn’t happen and get him to leave with her? ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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