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He's the Man

Page 54

“I signed an employment contract with Alexander Security today. I’m officially on the payroll as an employee now. Since we still have a few days of therapy left, I won’t get my first assignment until after that.”

So many emotions were battling for space in her mind. On one hand, she was so happy for him that he’d found a job that would utilize all his skills. Then there was the part of her that was worried about what this meant. The end of therapy signaled the return to the real world. Once Matt was working again and they had less time for each other, would the connection they’d found here hold up?

“Congratulations. I know you’ll be great.” If nothing else, that much was a certainty. She’d never met anyone as determined as Matt. When he wanted something, he went after it, no holds barred.

“I hope so.” His brow furrowed as he leaned forward. “Anyway, I stopped at the deli on the way in and got you a sandwich.”

“You brought me lunch?” Penny pushed back from her desk and accepted the foil-wrapped sandwich he shoved at her.

“I’ve seen how you work. You’re on your feet for hours at a time, and you go full speed ahead until you drop. You can only help other people if you’re in one piece, so yeah, I brought you lunch. It’s a steak and cheese.”

“That is really sweet, but I don’t have time to eat right now. I have to check on Ms. Wright and then I have my next session with Mr. Eisenberg…”


Georgia appeared at his elbow, looking altogether too pleased. She didn’t even try to hide the fact that she’d been right outside the door, eavesdropping. “Yes, sir?”

“Would you mind checking on Ms. Wright?”

“Of course. I’ll do it now.” She looked at Penny and raised her eyebrows.

“But Mr. Eisenberg—”

Matt turned back around. “Is a dirty pervert. Who can wait. Now sit your ass down and eat your lunch.”

Penny gritted her teeth and stared him down. No one ever talked to her like that. Even when Charles started throwing his weight around, she’d always managed to stand up for herself. She wouldn’t be disrespected by anyone, even her boss.

But when Matt crossed his arms and tipped his chin in the direction of the sandwich, she couldn’t deny it was kind of nice to have someone so invested in her welfare that they’d bully her into taking care of herself. She doubted if Scott had ever noticed when she skipped meals. Not out of malice or anything, but he’d simply never paid that much attention to her.

She peeled back the foil and almost fainted from the delicious aroma. It smelled like heaven. She hadn’t realized just how hungry she was until that moment. She looked up to find Matt watching her closely. His eyes softened when he took in her mutinous expression.

“Take a bite. I’m not leaving until you eat that sandwich. You might as well get started, baby.”

Penny wasn’t used to anyone talking to her this way. It was shocking, in a way, but also gave her a warm feeling to have his entire attention devoted to something as simple as whether or not she was well fed. It felt incredibly possessive. Like something an alpha male would do in the wild for his mate. She had no idea what to do with that kind of emotion coming from Matt.

So she sat her ass down and ate her sandwich.


MATT COULDN’T BELIEVE the rest of the week had passed so quickly. He’d never wanted to rewind time before but found himself wishing he could now. Ever since he’d declared his feelings, he’d made a conscious effort not to pressure her. They ate together, made love together, and every night he held her against his heart. She fell asleep now to the gentle rap of his heart against her back.

He hadn’t said another word about where their relationship was going. There had been no mention of the coming last day of therapy or discussion about what would happen after. No gifts, smooth lines, or promises were needed. He was wooing her without words. His every action proved his intentions. To be there for her.

He could only hope it was enough.

“So, this is your last day. You’re going back home tomorrow?” Penny had finished the appointment by running him through some of the same exercises they’d done in the beginning. He could do them all with ease now.

Matt flexed his arm and stood. “Yeah.” He didn’t bother saying any more than that. They’d talked around the issue long enough. There was nothing else he could say that would convince her what they had was right if she wasn’t ready to hear it.

“I’ve made a list of things that you can do on your own. It might be helpful as you’re easing back into your usual work-out routine.” She handed him the list and he scanned the items on it quickly. It was some of the same things they’d done together and a few additional moves.

“Thank you, Penny. For this.” He held up the list. “For putting up with me. Yeah, just everything.”

She looked like she was on the verge of crying, which made him feel like smashing something. Clearly she’d already made her choice. She wouldn’t be crying if she was going to ask him to stay.

“It was my pleasure.” There was a husky quality to her voice that just about sliced his heart in half. Hurting her had never been his intention. All he wanted was for her to give him a chance, but he had a feeling their relationship was going to be a casualty of timing. If only he’d met her at a different time, when she wasn’t fresh from a breakup or he wasn’t injured and angry at the world. Maybe there had just been too many obstacles against them all along.

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