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Hard to Forget

Page 35

I nod.

“Kyle was left in a bad way when we found him, but he’s alive and stable. He was beaten badly, some knife wounds, but it would appear he put up a good fight. He’s being rushed to the hospital now. The room was a mess.”

“But he’ll be okay, you think?” I ask.

The officers nod.

“We’d like to talk to you about the situation, if you wouldn’t mind.”

I turn to Jax. “Jax should be able to inform you better than I can.”

The officers nod and enter the room. I turn to Timothy. “He’s not happy.”

Timothy nods. “I’m not either. I’ve already sent Rona packing. She knew the rules, but was too busy flirting and chatting to pay any attention. It’s my fault, I should have had a supervisor on tonight, but I was in the hotel and she was properly trained, so I figured I didn’t need one.”

“It’s not your fault, Timothy,” I say softly. “It could have happened even if there was a supervisor on.”

“Yeah,” he says, solemnly. “You’re probably right.”

I pat his arm and turn, walking towards Jax and the police officers. I stand quietly as they go over everything with him, and when they’re gone, I pull out my phone and call Nak.

“I just heard,” he says, his voice raspy when he answers.

“He’s stable, or so they said. Nak, I don’t know what to do from here.”

“The situation has become far more dangerous than I first thought. Kyle is lucky to be alive. The best option for us now is to have at least three guards on Jax at all times. These men will stop at nothing, and I can’t risk leaving you alone.”

“I understand.”

“I’m sending Duke and Devon over, and putting some of the newer recruits on their smaller cases. Can you please put Jaxson on?”

“Yeah,” I say, thrusting the phone to Jax.

He takes it, pressing it to his ear. “Yeah?”

He listens a while, a long while, then says, “Fine by me, Nak. I’ll make sure to put them all up.”

He nods a few times.

“The cost isn’t an issue.”

Then he hands the phone back to me.

“Jax has agreed that he wants all the security I’m offering,” Nak explains. “But it’s clear you’re all going to need to be together. From now on, he’ll allow all of you to stay in the same room as him or in an adjoining room where the access is easier. It’s not the ideal situation, but the police have assured me they’re close to making an arrest and tonight has pushed that even harder.”

“They followed us to New York, Nak,” I say slowly. “That means they’re watching us … a lot.”

“Security on the hotel has been tripled, and you’ll have backup arriving in a few hours. Jax has a meeting in the hotel, so there’s no need to venture out until it’s time to return home. You should be safe in there.”

So much for enjoying New York.

“Okay, Nak.”

“Sometimes these things happen, Delaney, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it until the police do their part. You just focus on protecting Jax and yourself, and leave the rest to them.”

“Yeah,” I say softly.

“Hang in there, girl.”

“Later, Nak.”


I hang up and turn to Jax, who is talking to Timothy. He meets my eyes and gives me a weak smile. I walk into the room, pulling down the blinds, then I do the same in the living area. As I watch the lights disappear, my heart aches. I’m fearful for my own life, but more than anything, I’m terrified for Jax. If these men are willing to go to extremes like this, what’s their next move going to be?

Timothy leaves and I don’t even notice, I just stare blankly at the blinds. Jax appears behind me once the door is locked, and his arms go around my waist. We stand there like that for a good long time, both of us no doubt wondering what the hell the next few weeks and months will bring.

“Are you doin’ okay, Laney?” he says, his breath hot against my ear.

“Yeah, I’m just … they got so close, Jax.”

“Yeah, they did. It won’t happen again. Timothy is putting the best security on the hotel while we’re here. Every entrance will be fully guarded, every person checked, every car or delivery brought in, searched. No one will get in, Laney.”

“I know, and that makes me feel better, but what about when we go home?”

“I’m going to organize the same security back in Denver. We’ll stay at the hotel, it’s safer than my apartment. Now that the violence has escalated, the police will step in and sort this out, you have to believe that.”

“I do … I do, but…”

“Laney.” He spins me around so I’m facing him. “This is your job, it’s what you’re trained to do. It’s a bad situation, but you can handle it.”

“You really believe that?”

He nods. “Yeah, I most certainly fucking do.”

I sink into him, pressing my face against his chest. He strokes a hand down my hair and I shiver. I breathe him in, knowing how much I am risking by doing this with him, but also knowing that there’s absolutely no way I can stop him. I need Jaxson Shields right now, more than I need air, and nothing will stop me from being with him.

“Come on,” he says. “You should soak in a bath or do something to relax a little bit. I’ll order up dinner. We’re safe up here, baby. Trust in that.”

I nod. “Just make sure you don’t answer the door when dinner arrives.”

He flashes me a smile. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

*   *   *

Duke and Devon arrive just after midnight. Jax and I get the call when we’re curled up on the couch, just spending time with each other before we have to give it up. Now that Duke and Devon are here, I basically have to pretend Jax is just another person, and he has to return the favor. Jax has mostly been on the phone making sure everyone in his big meeting tomorrow knows about the new security.

I get off Jax with a sigh, hating that I have to distance myself from him. All I want is to find a secluded, hideaway cabin and spend an entire week in his arms. But that can’t happen, so for now I just have to focus on making sure he’s safe at all times, and this weekend, I have to be paying extra attention.

Jax had the hotel staff make sure there was enough bedding in this massive room for everyone. There is sleeping space for us all now, obviously with Jax’s room being separate. I’ve advised Jax to leave the blinds down, just for safety’s sake, and he’s agreed. I called the hospital an hour ago to check in on Kyle. They said he’s doing well and is safe. That made me feel a little better.

Only a little.

I make sure there’s no evidence of our lovemaking, then I adjust my uniform, feeling utterly exhausted after tonight’s events. Duke and Devon knock on the door, and I let them in. Jax greets them with his professional face on and then quickly fills them in on what’ll be happening tomorrow, the room layout, exits and bathrooms, so they can ensure his safety.

I yawn, sitting on the couch. Kyle was meant to be taking over now, but it looks like I’ll pull an all-nighter. Duke turns to me and studies my face. “Nak has given orders for you to rest tonight. We’ll need you full of energy tomorrow and you’ve been on Jax’s case all day. It’s only fair.”

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