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Hard to Forget

Page 28

“Take us home,” Jax orders, slamming his door.

“Why so angry?” I coo, poking my finger into Jax’s cheek.

“Delaney,” Kyle warns. “Stop.”

“Or what?” I say, turning to him. “You’ll tackle me to the floor with your big powerful body?”

Kyle looks to the car ceiling, then back to me. “You’re drunk.”

“There’s no law against that.” I wiggle my finger in his face. “I’m on my days off and I now have angry people wanting to kill me, too.”

“That’s exactly why you shouldn’t be out!” he spits.

“Do I tell you how to run your life?”

He sighs and Jax reaches over, grabbing my hand and making me face him. “He’s right, Delaney. You shouldn’t have been out tonight.”

“Who are you, my bodyguard?” I say, then burst out laughing. “See what I did there?”

Both men look to the ceiling now.

“Oh hey, we should have a party!” I clap happily.

“No, we should not,” Jax grunts. “You’re going to sleep as soon as we get back to my apartment.”

“Ooh, I get to have a sleepover. Can we have a pillow fight?”

“Fuck. Me.” Kyle grunts. “You shut her up, or I will.”

“That’s not very nice.” I pout at him. “I thought we were friends.”

“We’ve never been friends,” he points out rudely.

“Because you want to bang me and can’t?”

I keep a straight face but it’s hard because Kyle flinches. “I’d rather date a cow.”

“See, that right there is love,” I say, wrapping an arm around Kyle’s shoulder. “You can admit it, we’re all friends here.”

He flicks my arm off him, so I focus on Jax. “Hey there, handsome.”

Jax’s mouth twitches. “Hey, kitten.”

“How’s it going?”

He gives me a half grin, and he looks so damned sexy doing it. I just want to lick him.

“It’s going great, how are you?”

“Drunk. Can I lick you?”

His brows go up. “I beg your pardon?”

“Lick you. You’re so sexy.”

“Jesus, Delaney!” Kyle snaps. “Enough.”

“Don’t be jealous, Kyle. It’s not his fault he’s pretty.”

“You’re wounding me,” Jax says. “Time for quiet now.”

“No fair,” I mutter, leaning back and crossing my arms.

My head drops to the side and my face falls onto Jax’s shoulder. Then I close my eyes and effectively pass out.


“Turn her to the damned left!” Kyle barks.

I’m in Jax’s arms and my eyes have just fluttered open. He’s carrying me up to the apartment and having a rather difficult time of it, considering I’m like a heavy, dead fish in his arms.

“I’m fucking going left,” Jax snaps. “It’s like carrying a fucking pole, it ain’t easy to move her around.”

A pole?

How charming.

“Just turn to the damned side, or we won’t fit in this elevator.”

Jax turns and then we’re in an elevator. I look up at him and he finally sees I’m awake. “How you doin’ there, kitten?”

I reach up and touch his cheek. “So handsome.”

He shakes his head slightly and grins, then we’re moving. When we reach his apartment, Kyle does his thing and then lets us inside. Jax puts me down on the sofa and gets to work retrieving some water and painkillers. He hands them to me, then says, “Sleep it off, kitten.”

I don’t argue, I flop down and sigh, closing my eyes. I hear their voices fading in and out as I drift off. I don’t figure I sleep long, but I must because when I wake, Jax is sitting at a stool in the kitchen and Kyle is nowhere to be seen. I sit up, and everything is clearer. I try not to think about the fact that I made an absolute fool of myself. Jax looks over when I sit up, and smiles. “How’s your head?”

“It’s not too bad, I’m probably still semi-intoxicated. How long was I out?”

“About two hours.”

“Not long enough,” I moan.

“Go and shower, you smell like cigarette smoke and beer. You won’t sleep well if you don’t.”

He’s probably right.

Jax comes over and helps me up and we walk into the bathroom. He turns the shower on and then looks at me. “You good to get in?”

I’m not drunk, but I am slightly wobbly, but I nod. “Yeah.”

He meets my eyes and then nods and walks out. I turn and start undressing. I get my top off, my bra and boots, then I get stuck on my jeans. I pull them down and try to get my feet out, end up hopping around the bathroom, and then fall with a loud crash when my foot gets stuck. I squeal as I land on the hard, cold floor. The door swings open and Jax comes in, staring down at me.

“Jesus, Delaney, what the hell?”

“I—” I cry out, covering my breasts. “I’m trying to get my jeans off—my foot got stuck.”

He kneels down, wrapping an arm around my waist and sitting me up. My cheek presses against his hard chest and I suck in a breath, looking up at him. He stops tugging at my jeans and stares down at me, our eyes locking. I want to kiss him. I really, really want to kiss him. So I kiss him.

I move up first, slamming my lips onto his. He grunts and loses his balance, falling backwards and landing on his ass. I stay in his arms and our lips stay together. I crush my mouth hard against his, kissing him hungrily, loving how damned good he tastes. He makes a throaty sound and then his hand is tangled in my hair and he’s kissing me back.

Extra hard.

My lips swell and become wet as my mouth moves over his, devouring him, tasting everything amazing about Jaxson Shields. His hand wraps around my hair and tugs my head back, and his mouth moves to my throat, sucking deep. I whimper when his hand goes up to cup my breast. Oh God, yes. I arch up to him, loving how it feels when his fingers glide over my nipples, before giving my breasts a firm, pleasurable squeeze.

“Fuck, Laney,” he rasps, nipping my shoulder. “Tell me to stop.”

As if.

“Don’t stop, Jax. I … I want this.”

“You’re drunk.”

“No, not anymore. Fuck me, Jax. I just need you to fuck me.”

“Jesus, baby,” he murmurs against my flesh. “You know I can’t do that.”

I reach between us, taking hold of his erect cock under his jeans. “You can.”

“Fuck,” he hisses. “Stop grabbing me like that.”

“Please, Jax,” I say, sliding my hand into my panties and cupping my own sex. I close my eyes and moan. “I want you.”

“Fucking mother fucker,” he grunts. “Get your hand out of there, kitten.”

“Make me,” I whimper, stroking his cock with my palm, while my other hand moves over my pussy, stroking my own clit.

“Delaney,” he says, his voice a tight rasp.

“If you want me to stop, you have to make me.”

He mutters something, then slides his hand into my panties over mine. He grabs my hand as if to move it, but I turn my hand and let his fall over my pussy. He groans, I cry out and then he stops fighting me and slides his finger through my damp flesh. I let out a long, satisfied moan as he dips a finger, sliding it inside my body. Then he starts fucking me with it.

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