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Hard to Forget

Page 13

He doesn’t let us answer, he just disappears up the stairs. I watch him go and then turn to Kyle who has just finished his check of the apartment. He stops in front of me and scowls. He’s not happy with me either, and I get that, but I’m also trying to move on and do my best to make it better. “Nak goes too easy on you. If you were my employee, I’d have fired you.”

“Oh, because you’re so fucking perfect, Kyle,” I snap, before thinking.

He flinches. “Be careful how you speak to me, Delaney.”

“Why?” I hiss. “You speak to me however the hell you want.”

“Because I’m better than you,” he growls. “You will never be as good as I am, or any of the guys on this team. You proved that today. None of us screwed up like you did.”

That hurts.

And after everything that’s happened today, it just adds to the giant hole in my heart. I flinch and take a step back.

“I’m just as good as any of you, even if you refuse to—”

“No,” he snaps. “You’re not. You are going to keep making mistakes because this isn’t your world, Delaney. Get it through your fucking head and do it before someone ends up seriously injured or dead because you’re incompetent.”

Those words hit me right in the gut and I take a few steps back, so hurt I can barely see straight.

“I’ve heard enough,” I manage. “Tell me where I’m going for the night, so I can get the hell away from you.”

“Nak might give you whatever you want, because he sees only the beauty, but I won’t, Delaney. Your tits and ass will never, fucking ever, sway me. You don’t belong here. You never will.”

Those words hurt, they hurt so much tears burst from my eyes before I can stop them. I ball my fists and swipe them away, before demanding, “Just tell me what my job is for the night.”

“You’re off duty. Go and sleep. I am taking the night shift.”

Fuck him then.

If he wants to be tired, so be it.

I turn and walk towards the library, but stop when I reach the door. I glance over my shoulder and look up to see Jax standing at the balcony, watching me. His face isn’t angry, but instead impassive. He watched the entire exchange. I turn away and swallow, before pushing the door open and stepping inside. Screw Kyle and screw Jax Shields.

Let them think what they will.

Tomorrow, I vow it to myself and everyone who doubts me that I will be the best bodyguard they’ve ever seen.

They won’t defeat me.


I’m mumbling to myself as I unfold the sofa bed in the library. A woman, who introduced herself as Jax’s housekeeper, dropped off some sheets. She apparently came in to do a general clean, even though Jax’s house already looks pristine. I trust Kyle searched her. I begin making the bed, trying to ignore his words from earlier.

He was an asshole.

I’m tired of it. I doubt myself enough, and letting him and the rest of the team doubt me too is only making me more determined. I have to push past what happened today, push past Kyle’s nastiness and prove to them all and to myself that I am cut out for this job. So that’s what I’ll do. Tomorrow when I wake, I am going to kick some fucking ass.

When the sofa is made, I go over to my bag, which Kyle tossed in the room with a grunt, and pull out a pair of soft sweatpants and a tank. I lock the door and get changed, then I climb into the bed. It’s surprisingly comfortable, and I feel my eyes drooping with the exhaustion of my first day. I roll over and grab my phone, turning it on quickly before my eyes close and I’m out of it.

There are two messages, one from Jed and one from Mitch. I open the one from Jed first.

Jed—How was your first day, super woman?

I smile and respond.

Delaney—It was awful. I’ll tell you about it next time I see you.

Jed—That bad huh?

Delaney—Yup. I’m going to have a sleep while I can, I’ll call you tomorrow.

Jed—Night, milk thief.

I grin and open Mitch’s message.

Mitch—Hey beautiful, how was your day?

God I love these guys.

Delaney—I crash tackled the wrong woman to the floor and nearly lost my job. Yours?

Mitch—Fuck, that sounds shit. How’d the boss take it?

Delaney—He was surprisingly good. Anyway tomorrow is another day.

Mitch—You’ve got this. You’ve had it from the start. Don’t let anyone push you out of something you’ve worked so hard for.

My heart clenches and I smile at the phone.

Delaney—Thank you, Mitch. That means more than you know.

With a smile, I tuck the phone under the pillow and roll to my side, feeling a little better. Mitch is right, I know he is. I just have to believe it.

*   *   *

It’s midnight, or just past, by the time I stir. I’m bursting to use the bathroom, but I’ve been holding back, trying to avoid going out there until all the noise has settled down. Jax must have had company, because I heard some faint voices. Maybe he was just talking to Kyle. I push up, out of the warm blanket, and swing my legs over the side.

Sleepily, I pad to the door, running my fingers through my hair. My eyes are hardly open, and I want them to stay that way. Pee, come back, go to sleep. Simple. I open the door, quietly stepping out into the main living area. I can’t see Kyle, but it is pitch black. I take another step and stop dead when I hear a moan. Oh shit. That moan isn’t coming from up the stairs, but instead right here in the main area. Is Jax jerking off? Right here?


“Jax.” A woman breathes. “You know how long I’ve wanted this.”


“I know, Tor,” Jax murmurs. “But you know we shouldn’t be getting into this.”

“Please,” she moans and I hear the sounds of kissing.

“Messing with something good. You know that, right?”


“Jax, come on. We both know this has been coming for a long time. Please, don’t stop touching me.”

Okay, time to leave.

I take a step back and slam into something, maybe a coffee table. I hear a curse, then a lamp flicks on and two heads lift up from over the back of the couch. I gasp when I see it’s Jax and Tori, whose nose has a piece of white tape across the bridge. My eyes widen and I press a hand to my mouth, shit, oh shit.

“Ah, I’m sorry, I needed to, ah…”

Shit, I’m stumbling over my words.

“What the hell is she doing here?” Tori cries, standing and pulling her shirt down. She’s wearing clothes, thank god.

“She’s my bodyguard, Tori,” Jax says, and I’m shocked.

He has never openly admitted that to anyone. All day he’s just pretended I’m not here. My heart aches a little.

“She nearly killed me!” Tori snaps.

“And I’d like to apologize for that,” I say. “In trying to protect Mr. Shields, I used excessive force, and I’m truly sorry. It’s my first day and I made a mistake. But now I have a job to do and I plan on doing it well from now on. Which means I’m going to be here, a lot. But my purpose is to protect Mr. Shields, and I hope that’s something you’ll support.”

Her eyes narrow. “You’re the help, and help can be replaced. In your case that should be as soon as possible so you can slither back into whatever hole you crept out of.”

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