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Grey: Fifty Shades of Grey as Told by Christian (Fifty Shades 4)

Page 104

I get off the bed. “Don’t go away,” I warn, and leave the room. From my study I pick up the key to the playroom and head upstairs. In the playroom chest I retrieve the toys I want and contemplate lube as well, but on reflection, and judging from recent experience, I don’t think Ana will need any.

She’s sitting on the bed when I get back, her expression bright with curiosity.

“When’s your first interview tomorrow?” I ask.


Excellent. No early morning.

“Good. Get off the bed. Stand over here.” I point to a spot in front of me. Ana scrambles off the bed with no hesitation, eager as ever. She’s waiting.

“Trust me?”

She nods, and I hold out my hand, revealing two silver kegel balls. She frowns and looks from the balls to me. “These are new. I am going to put these inside you and then I’m going to spank you, not for punishment, but for your pleasure and mine.”

MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011

* * *

Her sharp intake of breath is music to my dick. “Then we’ll fuck,” I whisper. “And if you’re still awake, I’ll impart some information about my formative years. Agreed?”

She nods. Her breathing has accelerated, her pupils are larger, darker, with her need and her thirst for knowledge.

“Good girl. Open your mouth.”

She hesitates for a moment, bewildered. But she does as she’s told before I can reprimand her.


I insert both of the balls into her mouth. They’re a little big and heavy but will keep her smart mouth occupied for a moment or two.

“They need lubrication. Suck.”

She blinks and tries to suck, her stance changing subtly as she presses her thighs together and squirms.

Oh yes.

“Keep still, Anastasia,” I caution, but I’m enjoying the show.


“Stop,” I order, and tug them from her mouth. At the bed I throw the comforter aside and sit down. “Come here.”

She sidles up to me, wanton and sexy.

Oh, Ana, my little freak.

“Now turn around, bend down, and grab your ankles.” Her expression tells me it’s not what she was expecting to hear. “Don’t hesitate,” I chide her, and I pop the balls into my mouth. She turns around, and with no effort bends over, presenting her long legs and her fine ass to me¸ my T-shirt slipping up her back toward her head and her mane of hair.

Well, I could look at this glorious sight for a while and imagine what I’d like to do to it. But right now I want to spank and fuck her. I lay my hand over her backside, enjoying her warmth under my palm as I caress her through her panties.

Oh, this ass is mine, so mine. And it’s going to get warmer.

I slide her panties to one side, exposing her labia, and hold them in place with one hand. I resist the urge to run my tongue up and down the length of her sex; besides, my mouth is full. Instead, I trace the line down from her perineum to her clitoris and up again, before easing my finger inside her.

Deep in my throat I hum with approval and slowly circle my finger, stretching her. She moans and I harden. Instantly.

Miss Steele approves. She wants this.

With my finger I circle inside her once more, then withdraw and remove the balls from my mouth. Gently, I insert the first ball into her, then the second, leaving the tag outside, draped against her clitoris. I kiss her bare ass and slide her panties back into place.

“Stand up,” I command, and grasp her hips until I know she’s steady on her feet. “You okay?”

“Yes.” Her voice is rough.

“Turn around.”

She complies immediately.

“How does that feel?” I ask.


“Strange good or strange bad?”

“Strange good,” she answers.


She’ll need to get used to them. What better way than to stretch and reach for something?

“I want a glass of water. Go and fetch one for me, please. And when you come back, I shall put you across my knee. Think about that, Anastasia.”

She’s puzzled, but she turns and walks gingerly, with tentative steps, out of the room. While she’s gone I collect a condom from my drawer. I’m running low; I’ll need to stock up on these until her pill kicks in. Sitting back down on the bed, I wait with impatience.

When she reenters her walk is more confident, and she has my water.

“Thank you,” I say, taking a quick sip and placing the glass on my bedside table. When I look up she’s watching me with overt desire.

It’s a good look on her.

“Come. Stand beside me. Like last time.”

She does, and now her breathing is irregular…heavy. Boy, she’s really turned on. So different from the last time I spanked her.

Let’s rile her up some more, Grey.

“Ask me.” My voice is firm.

A mystified look crosses her face.

“Ask me.”

Come on, Ana.

Her brow furrows.

“Ask me, Anastasia. I won’t say it again.” My voice is sharper.

Finally, she realizes what I’m asking for and she blushes. “Spank me, please, Sir,” she says quietly.

Those words…I close my eyes and let them ring through my head. Grasping her hand, I tug her over my knees so her torso lands on the bed. While stroking her behind with one hand, I smooth her hair off her face with the other, and tuck it behind her ear. Then I grasp her hair at the nape of her neck to hold her in place.

“I want to see your face while I spank you.” I caress her behind and push against her vulva, knowing that the action will push the balls deeper inside her.

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