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Golden Bird

Page 97

"Yes, I'm sure," agreed Ben. "but I wondered if he remembered this particular girl, perhaps you remember? She is quite a looker, as you said. She stayed here a week before she disappeared."

"And when was that?" asked Jack, wiping the beads of sweat that had suddenly appeared on his forehead. When the detective gave him the dates, he pretended to think about it for a moment before saying, "No, I don't remember, but then again I was not even working here then." He handed the photograph back and stood up. "I'm sorry I can't help you. I guess you will have to wait for His Excellency to return."

"And when will that be?"

Jack shook his head. "I'm sorry but I really don't know. But if you leave your name with the receptionist, she'll have him get in touch with you as soon as he returns. Now if that is all, I'm afraid I have an engagement."

"Yes, of course." Ben stood up and took Jack's extended hand. "Thank you, Mr. Hogan, for your time. I'm sure you must be very busy with the boss away."

"Yes, it has put a load on my shoulders."

"And you've only been here such a short time for so much responsibility. Did you have hotel management experience before you came to the Golden Sands?" Ben asked, slyly.

Jack laughed. "No. Can you believe it? I used to be a cop."

"No kidding. Well, thanks again. Good-bye Mr. Hogan."

When the door closed behind the detective, Jack rested his forehead on the cool wood, his eyes closed, for a moment. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. This wasn't happening. Not now. He was just getting his life back together again. He had finally stopped gambling. It was funny. You'd think that being around it all the time, it would be a temptation, but just the opposite had happened. Seeing it from a different perspective had cured Jack. He enjoyed working at the Golden Sands, and had learned as much about the running of it as possible. He knew he was being tested by Abdulah, and so far he had passed the test. He was even making progress with Stella. In fact he had a date with her tonight.

Come on, he told himself, get yourself together. Can't fall apart now. Where was that son-of-a-bitch Abdulah, anyway? He looked at his watch and decided he better go-it was a long drive to Newark. Tomorrow. He would worry about it tomorrow.

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