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Golden Bird

Page 90

About that time, Rashid unexpectedly returned to the Palace. He wearily pushed open the door to his study and set his soft leather briefcase on the desk. He went to his well stocked liquor cabinet on the far side of the room and poured himself two fingers of cognac into a snifter, but before he had a chance to enjoy it, the door swung open, and in walked his father.

Feeling like a small child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Rashid tried to hide the contents of the cabinet by standing in front of it. His father gave him a wry smile and chuckled.

He said, in Arabic, "No need to hide it, my son. I am not so foolish as to think the West has not molded your views about alcohol, and these lips have been known to taste strong drink once or twice."

Rashid smiled back at the old man and raised his glass in a toast, then sipped the fiery liquid.

"So Father, what brings you all the way here to seek my company so late?"

"You have returned before we expected. Did the meeting not go well?"

Rashid shook his head in disgust. "Nothing could be agreed upon except a postponement of the meeting. I left as soon as possible, but I do not wish to discuss this now." He plopped into one of the soft chairs.

Mohammed nodded, and seeing the fatigue in his son's eyes, sighed. "The other reason I am here is to tell you that Abdulah is back."

Rashid jumped up, suddenly very alert. "He is here, in the Palace?"

Mohammed put his arms up to restrain his son who looked as though he was ready to charge. "No, no, he is at his own home, he has only been here once, for dinner the other night. Laila joined us."

Rashid relaxed slightly and asked, "How long has he been in the country?"

"For three days, I think."

"And he has made no move towards Sara?"

"No, he never mentioned the girl, and I did not wish to discuss the matter with him ... but perhaps it is time you and I did."

Rashid went to the window and looked across the courtyard to Sara's darkened rooms. "I think I will just look in on her." he said, not hearing his father.

"Very well, my son, we will discuss the girl latter." Mohammed said, shaking his head with concern. This obsession with the girl would bring his son pain, and he was helpless to prevent it.

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