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Golden Bird

Page 84

Unknown to Laila, Abdulah was not in America, but in his own house, there in Faradahd. His house, though not as grand as the Royal Palace, afforded him privacy, and left him free to pursue the pleasures of the flesh that he so enjoyed, but had been denied him of late.

He was in his playroom. It was a large, dark room with deep red wall coverings. The ceiling was painted black with a large mirror placed strategically above a bed which was covered with a soft black fur spread. Red satin sheets peeked out above the fur.

Abdulah went to a wide closet to the right of the bed and opened the doors. On one side there was an array of manacles and whips-Abdulah liked whips. The other side revealed a large television screen placed so it could be seen by the occupants of the bed. He flicked a switch, and the empty bed appeared on the screen. A video camera had been installed behind the mirror on the ceiling so he could film his little orgies, then watch them later for more amusement.

Seeing that his toys were all in order, Abdulah left the room, closing the door softly behind him. Now he would go to the palace to face his brother, and though he had no plan at this point in time, he had faith that somehow, he would once again have in his clutches the prize stolen from him weeks ago.

Abdulah had not been very worried about facing his brother. Ever since they were boys, Abdulah had been able to con Mohammed into forgiving him after his many transgressions. Mohammed had greeted his younger brother warmly and invited him to dinner. Abdulah was not surprised by the gesture, but was surprised to find Laila present. She had never shown more than a passing interest in him before, and usually kept to the women's quarters when the brothers dined together.

Laila was silent through the meal, not wanting to intrude on the conversation of the men, but when the old king nodded off, she moved closer to her brother-in-law and spoke in a whisper.

"Tell me Abdulah, is it true that you are responsible for bringing that Yankee whore to this house?"

Abdulah stared at the woman for a moment, then had to stifle the urge to laugh. He glanced at his still sleeping brother before he answered.

"And just what is your interest in the ... woman, Laila? Could it be she threatens your plans for your little protege, ... Fatima? Yes, I see by your reaction that is the case."

Laila was furious that he knew her so well, they were really very much alike.

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