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Golden Bird

Page 70

Abdulah paced his office, as restless as a cat. He went over to the bookcase and pushed a button hidden in the carved design of the wood. The whole case swung to one side revealing a wall full of TV monitors. With the remote control, he clicked on one of the sets. A naked man and woman appeared on the screen. He watched as the couple performed on the large, round bed. The video system he'd had installed in a few of the rooms had provided him with many hours of amusement in the past, but today it merely bored him.

He clicked off the set, then pushed the hidden button again, and the bookcase slipped back into place. Ever since his return to Atlantic City, he could think of nothing but his hatred for his nephew for thwarting his plans for the girl. He never even got to touch her, and now she was with Rashid. The thought angered him.

Taking a small, thin key from his pocket, he moved towards his ornately carved desk. He held the key in his hand, staring at it for a moment, then used it to unlock the bottom desk drawer. He flipped through several file folders until he found what he was looking for and pulled it out. He set the folder on the desk, opened it, and licked his lips as he focused on the photograph of a young blond woman, seated between himself and another man. Yes, he would have enjoyed toying with this one. He might even have kept her for himself, at least until she no longer pleased him. But because of his nephew, he was denied any pleasure or profit.

His fists clenched and his face darkened with the hatred he felt for those who had denied him his desires-first his brother by being the first born, then his nephew for taking the best prize he had found in a long time. He snapped the folder shut an returned it to the drawer, which he pushed until he heard the click of the lock. Then he stood up, being careful to return the key to his pocket, and charged out of his office.

It was a busy night at the casino, and Abdulah felt the need to have people around him. He made his way to the lounge, the silent Ahmed following closely behind. At the entrance, he glanced towards the back table where he had first seen her, then shifted his eyes to the bar. His breath caught as he saw the back of a blond head, but when she turned around, he could see that the girl at the bar lacked the classical beauty of the other. But for a moment he had been excited. Perhaps he could imagine ... He let the thought trail off as he approached the blond at the bar.

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