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Golden Bird

Page 62

Rage and fear showed on his face as he stormed into Sara's rooms.

"Why haven't you eaten?" he demanded angrily. "I will not allow you to starve yourself! Either you will eat on your own, or I will force you!"

Sara backed away in fear as he approached her. She summoned all of her courage and stood her ground.

"If I don't want to eat, you can't make me!" She shot back at him.

"Do not try me," he answered darkly.

Her courage faltered, and to her dismay, tears started to stream down her cheeks. Defeated, she sobbed, "I just haven't been hungry. I haven't been trying to starve myself. This hasn't exactly been a picnic for me, you know. Would you have an appetite if you had been kidnapped to a foreign country? Maybe if I knew what was set out in front of me, I might be able to work up an appetite, but most of the stuff looks so strange, and smells so ... strong. I'd give anything for a Big Mac, some fries, and a chocolate shake."

Rashid burst out laughing. "You Americans and your MacDonalds! You will not be happy until there is one in every corner of the globe!" He shook his head in amusement and softened his earlier tone. "I am sorry I can not provide a Big Mac, But I will see if I can find something more suitable to your bland New England tastes."

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