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Golden Bird

Page 36

Abdulah laughed. "Americans have such a naive view of the world, hey Ahmed?"

"Yes, Excellency." agreed the tall, gaunt man standing behind Jack.

Once his laughter subsided, Abdulah turned his full attention to Jack. "No, Mr. Hogan, I was not speaking of a single night's service. Imagine, Mr. Hogan, a lonely old man, rich from the oil wells on his measly plot of desert, think of what such a man might pay for the companionship of such a beautiful creature-a slave to perform any whim, to fulfill any desire. How much would he bid to be the owner of such a magnificent jewel?"

Jack's eyes widened in horror as the reality of what Abdulah was saying sunk into his consciousness. "You can't be talking about what I think you're talking about. I thought white slavery went out with the dark ages!"

"Well, of course the auctions are held in secret now, but there are still places where one can purchase any commodity ... it can be a very profitable business ... and the danger of being caught makes it all the more exciting. You are a gambler, Mr. Hogan, surely you can understand the thrill of taking risks, after all you have taken a great risk yourself, is that not true? And now you beg for more time to fulfill your obligation. Well, Mr. Hogan, I can be a generous man, I will extend your credit for one week ..."

Jack felt relief flood into his being, then just as quickly dissipate as Abdulah continued, "... but at the end of one week the sum you owe will be twenty thousand dollars."

Jack's mouth hung open in disbelief. "You're crazy! How am I gonna raise that kinda dough in a week?" He took a step towards the smug, fat man, wishing he could smash the fucking Arab bastard's face, but even before finishing the thought, Ahmed had him in a vice grip. The force of his arms being pinned behind his back, forced Jack to double over in pain.

"That's enough Ahmed."

The bodyguard released Jack.

"I'm sure our friend, Mr. Hogan here, meant no harm. Isn't that right Mr. Hogan?"

"Yeah, right." Jack shrugged his shoulders and rubbed his right arm.

"Perhaps there is something you could do to earn twenty thousand dollars in one week ..."

"And I suppose you have something in mind."

Abdulah picked up the photograph once again. "Yes, quite a spectacular woman ..." he shifted his gaze from the photo to Jack, and handed the desperate young man a slip of paper.

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