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Golden Bird

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Though she hated to agree, she realized it was true. Ever since Bob had become a doctor and started making money, he had wanted Sara to quit her job and start a family. She had foolishly believed he had understood how important a career was to her.

"Then I guess there's nothing left to say."

Once Bob had left the apartment, Sara allowed silent tears to roll down her cheeks. She angrily wiped at her eyes. She would not let this break her. Only determination and raw energy got her through the next few weeks.

Sara agreed to a quick divorce-she had no desire to fight for a man who didn't want her. So while Bob and Dinah were off in Mexico getting the divorce and enjoying a pre-nuptial honeymoon, Sara trudged through Boston slush and came home to a cold, empty apartment. She forced herself to feel nothing, just so she could function. Of course all her friends and co-workers knew what was going on and forgave her strange behavior.

The day Sara received the final divorce decree, she called in sick. In fact, she did so for the next three days. She had finally let herself break down. For those three days, she didn't leave the apartment. She took the phone off the hook and wouldn't answer the door. She needed to wallow in self -pity for a while. She went through a bottle of Scotch, six pints of Ben & Jerry's ice cream, and God knows how many cigarettes.

At the end of the third day, her boss, Susan, came to her door and threatened to call the police if she wasn't let in. She threw Sara under a cold shower and made a strong pot of coffee. They sat up all night talking and crying. It was that night Sara decided to go home. She agreed to take a leave of absence, and after Susan had left, Sara finally called her mother.

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