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Golden Bird

Page 137

“I think you are lying,” he replied calmly.

“No, I’m not. I hate you. I never want to see you again.”

Rashid went to her, pulled her up, and took her in his arms. He ignored her protests and kissed her, long and hard. Her resistance was short lived, for her body betrayed her as it melted against the lean form of the man it had longed for these past months. She returned his kiss, matching his passion and leaving her breathless.

When their lips finally parted, Rashid took her face in his hands and gazed lovingly into her eyes.

“Was that a kiss of a woman who hates?” he asked.

She jerked her head from his grasp and turned her back to him. “It meant nothing!” she insisted.

He gently swung her around. Tears seeped from beneath her long lashes, and his heart went out to her.

“I love you,” he said, and patting her belly, added, “ ... and our son.” Then he reached into his breast pocket for his handkerchief. “Here, let me.” he said as he gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Still no handkerchief of your own, I see,” he observed with a chuckle.

Sara couldn’t help but smile. She pointed to the pink box on her bedside table. “I have Kleenex.”

“Ah yes, your famous Kleenex.” Rashid laughed, then became serious. “Why do you fight me, little bird, when I know the truth? I know you love me, you can deny it no longer.”

Sara slumped down on the bed with a sigh of defeat. She looked up at him, her face twisted in pain. “Why have you come here? Why do you torture me so?”

“Oh, little bird,” he said as he knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his own. “I have not come here to bring you pain.”

“Then why have you come?” she asked defiantly.

Rashid’s eyes opened wide and he placed a hand on her belly. “Because of my child, of course.”

Sara was confused. “But..., but, how did you know?”

“David Wilson contacted me and told me you were carrying my child.”

Sara pushed him away and walked to the bureau. She gazed into the mirror, not seeing her reflection as her mind and emotions churned. “David did this for me,” she said with wonder.

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