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Golden Bird

Page 116

Rashid noted David’s reaction and said coolly, “Please, Mr. Wilson, do calm yourself, no harm has come to her from my hand.” Then added sincerely, “I would give my life for hers,” and gesturing to his empty glass, asked, “May I get you a refill? I think we both can use it.”

And when their glasses were full once more, the two men stood facing one another, each sizing the other up as rivals. David had to admit he could see how the romantic side of Sara could fall for this Arabian Prince, but it wasn’t right. She belonged with him, in Vermont, not half-way around the world in a strange country. It probably all seemed very exciting to her, but once she was home she would forget all about this Arab.

“Of course you understand I am under no obligation to tell you anything at all. You have nothing to connect me to her disappearance, or Mr. Hogan, and since my uncle is dead, your trail ends with him.”

“You can’t keep her a prisoner forever.” said David.

“Yes, Mr. Wilson, I can.”

David looked into his rival’s eyes and knew it was true.

“Ah, I see you believe me.” Rashid said. “I could, but I will not. I love her too much, she would only wither away and die if I were to keep her locked up forever.” His eyes shifted to some imaginary spot past David’s head, and his voice, lowered to a whisper, sounded sorrowful, “I could not do that to my golden bird.”

David was not impressed by Rashid’s show of emotion, though he guessed Rashid was not one to display his feelings often.

“Look, I don’t care how you feel, I only care about Sara. Her family has been desperate for months now for news of her whereabouts, so just tell me where the hell she is so I can take her home.”

Rashid focused again on David and said, calmly, “I will do better than that, Mr. Wilson, I will take you to her.”

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