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Golden Bird

Page 112

Sara’s body quivered as the waves receded, and her heart resumed a normal pace. She started to speak, but Rashid put a finger to her lips then kissed her, gently. They snuggled close together and fell into the peaceful sleep of satisfied lovers.

When Sara awoke, she was alone but could hear male voices speaking in Arabic outside the tent. She got up and threw on a robe from the bag Fatima had packed, then she searched through the bag for her brush. Her long hair was in a tangle of knots, and she went to work on them when she found the brush. She heard Rashid give a clipped order in Arabic, then he came back into the tent. The expression on his face was grave until he saw that Sara was awake, and he brightened. He went to her and held her close.

“Good morning, my love. I trust you slept well.” he said as he nuzzled her ear.

“Mmm, yes indeed. I can’t remember when I had such a good night’s sleep,” she assured him. “Although I didn’t like waking up alone. Is there a problem?”

Rashid sighed and pushed away from her. “It is nothing serious, but I’m afraid I must return to the palace. I had hoped to spend the day here, with you, but unfortunately duty calls.”

“Oh,” said Sara, disappointed. “Oh well, I guess if we have to go back, we have to go back. I’ll start packing.”

“That will not be necessary, my love, there is no reason why this should spoil the day for you also. You will stay,” he informed her as he pulled on his boots and slipped on a shirt. He had not completely dressed when Hassad had come to the tent with his disturbing message.

“But, ... what will I do here without you?” asked Sara.

“Well, I thought you could practice riding that little gray mare of yours.”


“Yes, she is a gift. Do you like her? If you do not, you may choose from any of the others in my stable.”

“Oh no, she’s beautiful, and we seem to get along all right. But I don’t want to ride her alone. I want to go with you.” Sara insisted.

“But you will not have to, Hassad has brought Yasmine and Fatima to keep you company. The four of you will have a wonderful time, and I will join you as soon as it is possible.” He took her in his arms once again. “Please, little bird, will you not stay here, and wait for me?”

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