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God's Good Man

Page 378

The Bishop shook his head.

"The Virgin and Child are a symbol of all humanity,"--he said-- "Mother and Son,--Present and Future! Woman holds the human race in her arms--at her breast!--without her, Chaos would come again! And for me, all Womanhood is personified in that one face!"

He raised his eyes to the picture with an almost devout passion--and then abruptly turned away. The conversation was not renewed again between them, but when Walden parted from his friend, he had the satisfaction of knowing that he left him in a brighter, more hopeful and healthful condition, cheered, soothed and invigorated by the exchange of that mutual confidence and close sympathy which had linked their two lives together in boyhood, and which held them still subtly and tenderly responsive to each other's most intimate emotions as men.

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